Angry Birds Seasons Ham’o’ween Level 1-12 Walkthrough

Our strategy for Ham’o’ween level 1-12 is to loft Big Brother into the top structure, throwing stones off the right side. Fire the Yellow bird into the center structure, trying to detonate at least one of the TNTs therein. Use the Boomerang birds as necessary to pop any stray pigs. The score in the video below is 89,450.

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Category: 08. Ham'o'ween, Angry Birds Seasons, Walkthroughs
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Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 110,980

High score strat: first shot is exactly the same as the video, hitting the thick vertical stone block of the top structure. The resulting damage can often be pretty crazy but the most important part is BB bouncing back to the left, also seen in the video. What isn’t seen in the video, however, is that occasionally BB will land on the two thick horizontal stone blocks and then bounce to the right. Sometimes when BB bird does this it will break through the long thin wooden blocks and explode the TNT below, this is the key to a high score. The first shot should, at the very least, kill the two pigs over the far right and, quite obviously, the pig in the top structure. If you have managed to get BB to bounce back and hit the TNT you will now have a clear shot through to the TNT that is encased in the hollow wooden square. This should finish off any remaining pigs and give you some decent damage to boot. With this strat I managed 103K.

On a side note I think a 1 bird strat is possible, just fairly unlikely. Having BB strike near the top left corner of the top structure allows BB to continue over and land in the middle of the lower structure, often killing the pig in between the two hollow wooden blocks. I managed around the 65K mark after a half decent shot and had the lower left pig left. Occasionally the lower left pig moves a bit when the lower structure is contorting under the weight of the upper structure, the stone boulder and BB (following the first shot).

—–Streamlined Version—–

Bird 1: Into the left of the top structure causing the structure to fall to the right, which should at least kill the two far right pigs. BB bird should bounce back to the left (off the wall of the top structure), fall down onto the stones below, bounce (sometimes breaking the thin wooden block), roll to the right (happens occasionally), and blow up the lower TNT.
Bird 2: With the lower left area now clear you have a free shot at the central TNT encased in the hollow wooden block. This should kill the last of the pigs and clear the level.
Birds 3 & 4: 20K points!

*It is possible to finish this level in 1 bird if you get very lucky, however, it is not a reliable way of getting a high score (except for one case below, which happens to be the highest score on the level). High damage 2 bird solutions can break 110K.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mcc8206 (@mcc8206)Score: 101,010

I was able to do it with 1 bird. After hitting the upper structure, the boulder bounced a bit as it fell, killing all but the leftmost pig. BIg Red then rolled very gently on the left, bouncing just enough on the wood below to kill the last pig. While it was satisfying to accomplish with just one shot, it doesn’t yield the highest score. And frankly, it took more luck than skill, I think. :P

Rank: Master Slinger with 5190 points
By yoruichi (@yoruichi)Score: 108,600

thanks a lot, +18k !
it happened exactly like your picture shows :)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17140 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 104,510

So far this has produced the best result for me at 104k. Still looking for that high score.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 86,380

In revisiting this episode to get Score Addict but I think I’ve decided this level won’t be helping me. Wow it’s a misery. My biggest problem right now is that Terrence is not destroying the stone triangle (at the bottom of that upper platform.) What happens is as he’s rolling back he hits the corner of that platform which bumps him LEFT – so he never hits those two stones and lends no help on bottom left. If there’s a sweet spot that does all the following, I’m certainly not finding it:
– Terrance hits upper sending boulder and stones to the right (but not going over himself) and that debris kills right side pigs. .
– Terrance has also destroyed stone triangle on the left (while having enough force to send the rest right.)
– Not perishing at the top he rolls left with no bounces and destroys two stones.
– STILL not dead, he continues his journey rolling to the right, setting off TNT there, allowing a clear path to center.
– And for some, lucky debris also sets off second TNT, finishing level.

Well this has to win the award for least likely chain of events.

Rank: Out of this World with 2590 points
By rocklands (@rocklands)Score: 112,710

nice strat natureswrath manage 112k with it

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 110,980

Hats off to you rocklands, that’s some pretty crazy damage right there! I tried to even replicate my own score and kept getting around the 100K mark. There must have barely been a block left on the level?

Rank: DaBomb with 465 points
By septian (@septian)Score: 117,410

thanks natureswrath i followed ur strat and somehow managed to kill everything with 1 bird and got 117k

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 110,980

Pushing the envelope there septian. Whilst I have managed a few 1 birders this would have been with very heavy damage. Good to see some healthy competition coming out of it :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 108,780

Hat’s off to anyone who has made the top 100 in this level
If there was ever a level to make me quit AngryBirds this is it!!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18110 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)Score: 113,160

another way to get three stars: BB nearly straight into the bottom structure. Most times it hits the left tnt. Then YB for hitting the second tnt. Then boomerang bird shooting high over the top structure and returning into the two thin woods on the right side of the top structure. This let this fall down on the right side and destroy the right side of the bottom structure. One bird left.

Rank: Sling God with 69570 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 111,010

Thank you @trishohara for the posting of your strategy. After a bit it worked well. The challenge shot for me was the boomerang bird into the two vertical wood planks. The bird has to hit the planks directly so it does not push the structure to the left side. The explosion with the second bird can produce varies results and can also destroy all the remaining bird below on a few occasions. A fun level to play using your strategy.

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 104,760

1-12, 104760 w/ 99m birds!
Impossible! Seems every wooden beam in fact is wood grained formica over cobalt. I have to blame my new iPhone4S looking at these fantastic scores, must be the iPad2 chip that screwing up. That sounds good, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!.. Yes, I am pissed off (!) after two wasted hours, right.. next level..

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 104,760

This was a cleanly accelerated yellow bird into a TNT box, forget it, nothing happened. I’m sick (vomit)!!..

“Shooters thanks for listening, I feel better”..

Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
By Habanero (@habanero)Score: 110,000

In exactly the same boat as you with this level marc … would be deliriously happy with a 110K even but the gazillion birds flung at it has yielded me no more than 101K… will keep returning to this one until fate smiles on me…

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 104,760

Habanero – There’s a good writeup today on this level at the other forum we share. There has be more points in this level, I’ve been stranded at my very boring score for days! Good luck!.. thx

Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
By Habanero (@habanero)Score: 110,000

Thanks marc. I think getting a really lucky bounce of the first big red is the key to scores above 105K but I have a really fun alternative way of 3-starring the level, very similar to trishohara’s.

1st red bird – Straight into nearest thin edge of angled wooden plank, on to roll over top concrete block and drop back onto TNT. This can clear virtually every block on the left hand side. (18K to 21K)

The path is then 100% clear for the 2nd yellow to get a direct strike to the TNT and, if lucky also through the hollow wooden square on the right of that. (39K to 53K)

The 3rd bird is the fun shot as it can use the “caster-rolling” properties of the boomerang bird.
When sending it high and back through the two thin planks of the floating structure, if it wedges just right the entire top structure can roll over it intact and onto the debris below. (If it doesn’t roll that structure still tends to partially fall right when the bird vanishes) .

This is probably just a more detailed version of trishohara’s method really but I found it more satisfying than “fling big red into thick concrete block and pray” and I did manage to up my score from a measly 101K to a measly 103K :)

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 104,760

This is how I played 1-12, 104k. Must try this other strat, I refuse i give up! After all, *Angry Birds* is only another silly, stupid kiddie game made for dummies! Really how hard can it be!!!!! Thx for writing, its good to get some feedback. Good luck!

1st shot.. br/b over the first erected beam and into the gap blowing up the right TNT and the debris from it setting off the left TNT. A double bang worth tons of points!
2nd shot.. y/b through the now cleared out passage to continue the “taking out” process.
3rd shot.. boomer/b long,high and returned into upper structure’s supports so that the entire mass falls to the right. Goodbye lower pigs, hello big collateral!

Unfortunately, this has worked only once for me. Tears…..

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 104,760

I forgot to say that this combination of strategy and logic is how I believe “ROVIO” intended 1-12 to be played. My score was a “scrambled egg” version of it, including swearing and luck..

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 104,760

Exactly.. Habanero, spot on!

That’s why I wrote: “Impossible! Seems every wooden beam in fact is wood grained formica over cobalt.”
The 3rd shot is useless! Anyway, we’ll get it in the end, I promise you!!




I’m already in a state ’cause my wife is nagging me, too much AB!!.. Luv it!!..

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 104,760

No the 3rd shot is perfect! Its that when entire mass falls to the right and drops nothing happens when it hits the ground, never enough collateral except for once and even that wasn’t good! Phew, I’m stressed but still having fun, must stop..

Rank: Sling God with 26440 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 109,050

I feel your pain @marc987! The box around that TNT could’ve been made out of cement for all I care. Even after hitting it directly with Chuck, it still wouldn’t blow up when the cement blocks landed on it. Grrrr!!

Rank: Flinger with 40 points
By gamerkyp (@gamerkyp)


Used the BB low to the first TNT method by aiming it towards the first set of double concrete blocks. This cleared a path for the YB to hit the second TNT. If done right, it should leave only one pig on the bottom. Aim the first boomerang bird at the double vertical wood members at the top structure. Again, if done right, the bird will land under the horizontal concrete plate, it then rolls to the right taking everything with it to land on top of the remaining pig below. This also destroys a lot of the stuff that wasn’t taken out by the second TNT.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 105,340

This is exactly how I got my best score. Tip: when aiming second YB be sure to aim low to cut into tnt so you get more debris points. The middle structure will get cut up more and crumble leftward more instead of getting “stuck” on the floating structure.

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 113,320

I agree, this is what worked for me. If you can take out the hollow wooden square right of the 2nd TNT with your 2nd shot it really helps to collapse debris left so aim low as @lesleyg says. Very annoying when things get hung up.
You still need a bit of luck to get the right amount of debris destruction, as that is where a lot of points are.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 104,610

Well thanks for the strat and tips it got me this far but man this is a really tough level!! @karen68 is this the strat you used to get your amazing score or another one? At this point I think I’m taking my measley score and getting out, unless you worked out something better Karen, otherwise I’m just smacking into stuff with no hope of moving up!! :/

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 113,320

@kimmiecv yes I used this strat going low for the TNT instead of aiming for the top. Got too frustrated trying to get the lucky bounce down from the top. I replayed this one for a bit on our revisit & I think the best I managed was 109k… once. My other scores didn’t come close. Habanero’s description above is nice & detailed but like so many others it’s all about the debris. Sorry I can’t offer anything more, but I’ll send over the L-factor for this one & the rest!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 104,610

Ok thanks for the info @karen68, HoW is 10xs (more really!) more frustrating than ToT and how sick is That!! As it is I think I got lucky when I got this score!! :/ Thanks for the ‘L’ factor I’m in desperate need of it!! :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 108,780

@karen68 where did you aim, directly at the end of the wooden plank(stick) or under at the lantern? I just can’t arm to get the few extra points I need on this one..Nice score btw:)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 106,320

Okay I am usually able to get somewhere close to the top scores. I cannot for the life of me get anywhere close to the top scores of 11900. Heck I can’t even get close to 2 birds always have to use three. I would love to see or watch a video or screen cap that shows a score of greater than 115000. I plead ineptitude on this level even with natureswrath’s diagram and what seems to be excellent explanation. I keep hitting the triangular outcropping on the way down with bounces BB back to the left and away. That seems to be the only way to get a top score, I cn get great destruction using BB down low pretty consistantly but forces me to use 3 birds for sure. Taking out the top and left hand birds seems the only way to exceed 100000 consistantly yet it is a highly inconsitant result going up top.
I hate to say it because it seems like sour grapes but I too would love to hear how 123000 is possible cause it seems so far out of reach. I know moonsabre posted 118380 so some method seems to be possible but for the life of me I can’t work it out on my own. this may be one of those levels that has my gost.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 106,320

sheesh! sorry for the spelling errors. I wish we could edit our own posts. Is there a way to do that that I’m not aware of?

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)

@swellID No. You cannot edit your comments.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7305 points
By surfcow (@surfcow)Score: 100,500

No worries, @swelld … every Alumni Badge-wearing member of this site is issued a secret decoder ring in the shape of Mighty Eagle. You hold your ring-adorned finger up to the screen and it translates Angry Bird-scratch (courtesy of the infamous Touchscreen Typo-writer we all use) into semi-intelligible phrases. I have to admit, though, I was LOL at what old ME thought you meant by triangular outcropping, and the fix for highly inconsitant triggered something I can’t repeat on a public forum such as this. But other than that, The Big Bird did OK. Oh, and I wholeheartedly agree with you; this level “has my ghost,” too. Halloween does have a tendency to do that. Aloha.

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 113,320

Ha ha @surfcow, your comments always make me smile.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 106,320

Too funny surf cow! This one has been frustrating for me.! It seems that this is one of those levels that depends on several things needing to happen ” just so” instead of skill shot.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 105,340

LOL @surfcow…You always make me laugh ;-)
btw…I was able to get the “highly inconsitant” method with out hitting the “triangular outcropping” (tee hee) but my score was Lower then my three bird method!!! Red happen to hit and get stuck a little and rolled down instead of bouncing off the “triangular Outcropping”. ;-)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 106,320

106320 now.
So far all I’ve managed to figure out is that going up top has to be the key. I’ve managed to one bird the level with a paltry ~86k score. I have I have even been able to one bird the entire lower level pigs! But then I can’t figure out how to use the YB to maximize points. I guess I am gonna give up on this one and bow to those who have been able to best it. A hearty well done and kudos to those that have. very hard level. Hard to believe sometimes what can humble you lol.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17140 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 104,510

I found that you can get the proper bounce back to miss the triangular outcropping pretty consistently if you hit the end of the horizontal stone plank and the lower portion of the thick vertical stone plank at the same time.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 102,110

Pellystar has confirmed the score. Per email: “I *think* it is genuine, because I do remember being shocked and delighted at a fluke shot (1% skill 99% luck) and outrageously good score on one of the Hamoween levels.”

The “think” portion was later resolved by screenshot sent directly from his device.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 106,320

I don’t doubt it. I have a few top scores from some lucky shots that I can’t replicate.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10040 points
By foley200 (@foley200)Score: 119,690

Have a look at @natureswrath s strat at the top of the page. That’s how I hit 119k. I hit it on a revisit to this level a few months ago. I remember being really frustrated with this level when I first played it. 107k was my best for ages. 119 was complete luck of course. Keep lobbing Terence and hope something happens.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 106,320

I did and has completely gone crosseyed trying to figure out which pixel to launch on lol. I can actually see Terrence move back and forth with each pulse of my heart. I have even tried the sniper technique of holding my breath and biofeedback to slow my heart rate all to no avail lol. This one has got me.

Rank: Sling God with 46670 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 107,080

@foley200, I second this. Also I revisited this level, goes really well. Until this one. I’ll follow your strat “keep lobbing terence”. On the other hand, some wining helps all the time.

Rank: Sling God with 46670 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 107,080

Used strat of @gamerkyp, got 105k now. I will try again the other strats, but this level is killing me!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 19230 points
By scooter (@scooter)Score: 101,080

Ok…finally broke 100K using the video over and over again. Tried all of the strategies listed. I feel lucky with this! Will keep trying to improve for the next few hours left. Luck and how much damage you can cause is how I explain this level!
New challenge at 10 EST. Look forward to it.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 107,070

I tried every suggestion posted, but just couldn’t get a good score. Here’s how I got 107k-admittedly not the best score, but maybe someone can be helped:).
First bird goes through lower level, hitting second Tnt and powering through to get all but last pig on the right. You may even get the last pig:)

Second bird goes up in a high arc and comes down into the first Tnt. If you already detonated the first Tnt with Big Red, try to clear more debris on the bottom.

Third bird-the green boomerang bird, which I really do not like- over top structure and back into the vertical wood pieces to crumple tower.

I hope tomorrow’s challenge is Green bird free, hint, hint:).

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17140 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 104,510

I got a low 100k score in a similar manner using two birds. Terrance blew up the second TNT and cleared all low level pigs, then I sent yellow to hit the horizontal wood block on the front of the upper structure causing the whole thing to tumble toward the sling, detonating the front TNT as it fell. Two bonus birds got me to just over 100k.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 107,070

@burbman, I tried so many times to get the yellow bird to push the top tower to the right, but couldn’t make it work. That’s why I used yb to hit Tnt or get debris points. My way wasn’t very elegant, but it got the job done:).

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 105,340

It’s confirmed that Green boomerang bird gives me great anxiety!!! Why is it…when I get a really good first shot for over 22k points, and a really good second shot 52K to 60K++ points and then mess up the boomerang bird shot..but I can get an average first shot and crappy second shot and have a PEERFECT boomerang bird shot!!! It’s becoming kind of comical because it’s 100% true..When I know it doesn’t matter that much but just play out the level it’s a perfect shot…when It’s an important score changer kind of a shot..I choke!!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 107,070

@lesleyg, you’re not alone! When I see the green bird in the line up, I get anxious too:). That bird can make or break you!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 107,070

This level has caused me nightmares, the same shot over and over again, big red to the floating structure. But it hardly ever bounced to the right when at the bottom. And when it did, I messed up the second bird for sure. After a gaziljon tries I finally got 107070.

Here is my video.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11530 points
By redzym (@redzym)Score: 103,070

This level has been a disaster. I can’t get a good score in excess of 103K for the life of me. Rovio must have re-worked the level and put the TNT into reinforced steel crates (disguised as wood) because the darn things are near impossible to detonate and when they do it’s a little ‘poof’ with no real damage. I’ve had the 1 birdie several times for small 90′- 96k scores because the TNT stays intact. As far as red hammering through the bottom, igniting the 2nd Tnt and wiping out the pigs – well that’s not going to happen any time soon. He lacks the power to explode the TNT and stops dead in his tracks on contact with it. Every time the 2nd TNT does explode, not much damage results and the two right hand pigs survive. Rant over….nightmare continues.

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By klamsauce (@klamsauce)Score: 105,880

90% of this campaign is basically shooting the identical shot over and over and hoping for different/random results. This is the first one of the campaigns I really don’t like. Level 1-5 is more or less a perfect example.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 98,670

Wow, I don’t recall this level being as ridiculously difficult as it is now. I can’t manage 3-stars let alone improve.

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