Angry Birds Seasons Easter Eggs Golden Egg Walkthrough

There are a total of eleven Golden Eggs in Angry Birds Seasons Easter Eggs. This is our complete guide on how to find each Golden Egg in Angry Birds Seasons Easter Eggs! Below the text descriptions you’ll find video walkthroughs as well. They will show you how to obtain the Golden Egg and how to pass the actual Golden Egg level. Enjoy!

PC & Mac Users: Your Golden Egg screen looks different from mobile (iOS, Android, etc.). Additionally, there are only ten Golden Eggs since PC & Mac do not have the Twitter levels. We do not know if these levels will added to Mac & PC, but it seems doubtful. Therefore, Mac & PC cannot obtain Golden Egg 19 (Level 1-16).
Update: In the v2.5.0 (Back to School) update, the Golden Egg screen for PC & Mac was updated to match the mobile screen. Therefore, the image on the right is only for PC/Mac users running a version lower than v2.5.0.

#9 – “Big Egg”: Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Easter Eggs!

#10 – Level 1-2: The Golden Egg is in the patch of grass closest to the slingshot (→ see image).

#11 – Level 1-6: Zoom out. The Golden Eggs is on top of the hill on the far right side of the screen. Fling a yellow bird at just the right angle then hit a speed burst to hit the Golden Egg (→ see image).

#12 – Level 1-7: Use the white bird to drop an egg bomb right in front of the concrete blocks behind the slingshot. You can get this Golden Egg in one shot, but sometimes if it may just break the concrete blocks and reveal the Golden Egg. In this case, just use the second white bird to get the egg. (→ see image)

#13 – Level 1-8: Reveal the Golden Egg by hitting the TNT under the slingshot. You can do this by bouncing a red bird off the checkered wall directly under the first concrete block. Now bust that Golden Egg! (→ see image)

#14 – Level 1-9: Fling a bird backwards towards the bottom left part of the level (off the screen). After you hear an explosion, you’ll see the Golden Egg appear on the far right hand side of the level. Be sure to zoom out. (→ see image)

#15 – Level 1-12: Using the green bird destroy the donut on the right side of the screen. The Golden Egg will then drop down and start swinging back and forth. With some luck and good aim use one of the remaining birds to hit the Golden Egg. I actually found it easier to hit it on it’s way back (swinging from left to right). To each his own though. (→ see image)

#16 – Level 1-15: This one requires three steps and is probably the most difficult to obtain. First, you have to break the patch of grass behind the slingshot. After you do a round block of wood will appear on the ground in front of the slingshot. Bust that piece wood and the Golden Egg will drop down and start swinging around. Now you have two chances to hit the Golden Egg. Good luck! (→ see image)

#17 – Level 1-4: The Golden Egg is in the grass patch closest the slingshot at the foot of the hill. (→ see image)

#18 – Level 1-10: Break the patch of grass beneath the slingshot (the one on the side of the hill). The egg will swing down from the top of the screen. (→ see image)

#19 – Level 1-16: Flashback! Break the four-leaf clover that sits to the left of the slingshot and it will trigger the block underneath the Golden Egg. (→ see image)


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Comments (241)

By Jake

I have a iPhone, and Golden Egg 17 and 18 are switched, considered with this discription.

By Chuck-bartowski

Yes ;)

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

So are you saying level 1-4 unlocks Golden Egg #17, not #18?

By Tom

In my case (iPad version) 1-2 unlocked golden egg #9 -.-;

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yes, the iPad is definitely different that the iPhone & iTouch.

By Julia

Okay, since you know the eggs are in a different order, can you tell me which level gets egg #19 to open in the iPad version? I have looked at the level that is shown on here for egg 19. Obviously it is not this level.

By C.q

There is a golden egg on level 1:10 I think I did something and it came down hanging on a swing but I dint have any birds to get it with. Ive Played the level over and over but can’t get it. Now I think I imagined it! ESP if the numbers seem to add up!

By C.q

I think it has something to do with launching those 3 eggs up into te air. Sometimes they come back intact and break on the ground, but sometimes they return as broken pieces. I think when the come broken they hit whatever is holding the swing up. But. I’m not good at controlling the direction of egg the launch!

By Vapid

Wrong. To get the egg to drop down, you have to break the grass directly beneath (perpendicular) the slingshot with the first (boomerang) bird. Then it drops down. Don’t break it right away, wait a moment, because the egg comes all the way down, drops, and breaks a bunch of stuff for extra points if you’re patient.

By Squeaky

Get the grass on the side with the boomerang bird. Wait for the egg to fall and hit the string with the white bird. You can drop the egg if you need to to shoot the bird to the string.

By Mark B

On iPhone, these matchup, but iPad as Jake says, they are switched

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By EasyEagle17 (@)

They put in the names of two popular apps in the golden eggs. (You Tube, and Skype)

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By EasyEagle17 (@)

And I like how the golden eggs use “Easter Magic” stuff like that. This will get it on App Store’s Number one.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By EasyEagle17 (@)

And all of the apps that are in the top 4 are based on birds!

By K J 1

ok so I’ve gotten all the golden eggs but the Big Egg isn’t lit up. What’s wrong?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You have to get 3 stars on all the levels first.

By rad

thanks i have now all the eggs

By Steven

So if the numbering starts at 10, does that mean we missed any Golden Eggs in the previous seasons?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

We don’t think so, as I believe the big egg counts as number 9.

By antiracista

In the Android version something happens when you hit (in a certain way difficult to explain the ground exactly under the flag pole. Under the slingshot some points appear (as if you had hit something) and sometimes like a top of a wooden box emerges from the ground. I wonder what this is.

By Stephen Harris

How do you get to level 16? Mine only goes up to level 15.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

swipe your page to the left. There are three more levels for tweeting about Angry Birds, Though all you actually have to do is tap on the twitter button.

By Nevine

Where are eggs 1-9, if you look back over the seasons, they don’t all add up, could someone post something to help me please.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

The 3 star items (pumpkin, xmas gift, heart box, pot o’gold) also count as eggs. So you have those 4 plus the 2 extras in seasons, 1 egg in get lucky, 1 in hogs and kisses, and you have 8 secret items. Then the big egg in easter counts as number 9. There ya have it!

Rank: Hardened with 680 points
By mozzie (@trefoil)

the eggs start at number 10, do you think they might have hidden new eggs in older seasons like go green, hogsnkisses and so on? otherwise it wouldn’t make any sense would it?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Don’t think so. They actually start at #9 in Easter Eggs! I originally had #10, but forgot that the “Big Egg” level is considered #9.


The eggs are numbered on android so that the golden egg #1 is in Season’s Greedings, and #3 is in Trick or Treat, and not in ‘order of publication’. The rest follow the correct order. (I don’t have the 3 stars in either of those, yet).


Also there’s an interesting notation with the numbers, since the large one in easter is 9 (the lowest), but the other episodes (in android at least), the large one is 2, 4, 6 or 8 (I’d have to double check, but pretty sure about this).

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Same on iOS. The reason why Season’s Greedings is numbered before Trick or Treat is because ToT was initially “AB Halloween”. When they “added” SG, they changed the app to ABS. So, theoretically, you can say ABS started with SG and added ToT “back-dated”.

And yes, making the Big Egg #9 is inconsistent. But what can you do. We know for a fact there was only “two eggs” in GGGL.

By HeatherMcG

Level 1-16, I spent an insane amount of time trying to hit the egg with a bird. I finally found the hint here and went back to it. The egg is gone and is not on my egg page either. Help!! Is this a glitch or am I such a moron they took it away??!??

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I’ve heard a few reports of bugs in this release and you’re not the first to report this issue. Mind me asking what device are you on?

By Lani Fleming

I am having the same problem, I didn’t get the golden egg on the first try in levels 1-12 and 1-15 and now when I go back they are gone so I have all of the eggs except 15 & 16. I am using a Droid2

By Lani Fleming

I was able to get eggs 15 & 16 but I had to exit and reenter about 4 or 5 times in order to do it. BUT YEAH I DO IT!

By Sharon

I had the same problem.. so sadly I reloaded the app and I had to start all over but I did get the eggs to all work. There must be a bug somewhere…

By Squeaky

Now I have all the golden eggs. This really helped. Sometimes I just looked for something strange in the level, for example, why would they put a TNT box under the slingshot in level 1-8? I cut the string holding it, the box exploded, and I found the golden egg.

By marco

how can i get levels 16-17-18 without tapping the twitter button? if i do it my ipod goes in safe mode because it’s old (ipod touch 2nd generation).

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Your iPod touch shouldn’t be going into safe mode just for trying to access the internet. When is the last time you updated the device itself? Also try a force restart (hold down the home and sleep button until you see the apple logo)

By marco

it goes in safe mode because i haven’t got enough RAM to use the multitasking. it’s updated at 4.2.1!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

But from what I read multitasking on 2nd Gen iPod Touches isn’t supported. Are you jailbroken? Cause it shouldn’t use mulittasking it should just close angry birds and open safari and then you should be able to go back into Angry Birds and the levels should be available.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I have a first generation iPod Touch and it doesn’t go into safe mode and crash.

By marco

thanks for the help!!! now it works!! i’m gonna find all the golden eggs! :)

By Liz

The Seasons free version update mentioned there is a golden egg for the three new levels, but I haven’t found any sign of it. Anyone else having any better luck?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Same here I haven’t seen anything yet

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)

in 1-16 u need 2 shoot the white bird backwards and hit the clover

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)

sorry i though u were talking about the full version

By cams

Still no news on this?
I’m starting to think it’s a mistake from Rovio.

By Sharif

I believe yes, it is a Mistake from Rovio. If you check out the latest Description for the ‘Angry Birds Seasons Free’ they mention that there are 15 Levels in total (that means including the update), Game Center Support, and etc. —But NOT a single thing about a golden egg included.

By Tanner

why do the eggs go 9 through 19…..Where is 1 through 8 just curious

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

1 – 8 are in the previous episodes of Angry Birds Seasons (Trick or Treat, Seasons Greedings, etc.)

By Jim

Forgive me if I’m wrong, but if you count the big egg (#9) isn’t that a total of 11?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

You’re correct. Rovio counts “The Big —” (be it Egg, Present, Pumpkin, …) as a golden egg. We usually say a golden egg is one that is actually found in Seasons. (If you pause in The Big Egg, it doesn’t show a gold egg; it shows the decorated egg. Same with the other seasons.)

By Jim

Kool. Thought I was seeing things. :)

By pinknanners

How do u get the golden egg in the Twitter version there is a egg in the first one?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Did you check out the video walkthrough? The first part of the video shows you how to find the Golden Egg.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)

or u can just fling the white bird backwards and hit the clover

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

That’s exactly what the video I linked to shows.

By Adicted

On the ipad they number the egg you say its 10 as 9… So it has all the eggs you show here but the numbers just goes to 18.. Being that, how is the theory of the previous 8 eggs that counts with the big stuff (like the big present, chocolate box…). Do you think they count the big egg as 19 or theres a chance of more eggs in previous episodes?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Currently Rovio has admited that they made a mistake on the egg numbering. It is different between the iphone and ipad versions.

By Katie

I have 3 stars on all all 18 levels, but the ‘big egg’ has not lit up. I also have all of the eggs for this level. Am I missing something or is there a glitch?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

It typically doesn’t light up until you pass the actual level. Does tapping on the “Big Egg” not do anything (it should take you to this level)?

By Katie

Excellent! I don’t remember having to do that before. I thought it just lit up when you got all of your stars. Thanks!

By Nancy

OK, just figured it out..

By Nancy

I hit the golden egg on level 10 but it does not show up on the golden egg page…what’s up with that? I have all the golden eggs but #17 (level 10) won’t show up!! Frustrated!!

By Nancy

I have them all now!!! Stars and everything!!

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)

uh hi i am new how do u change the profile pic

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Welcome! Visit this page in our forum for instructions.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)


Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)

this website is awesome i now have all the golden eggs in easter eggs except the big one which i am working on

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)

u have got 2 admit that easter eggs is a huge improvement to angry bird seasons

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)

i am just wondering in angry birds lite and free they come with levels that don’t come in the full version is this the same 4 angry birds seasons free

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

It always depends. Sometime they do sometimes they do not. The last two updates (paddys & Easter) didn’t have new levels.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)

but xmas and halloween have different ones right

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Yup, thats what I mean, some levels in free additions are new while others are taken from the paid/full version.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)

in your oppinion do u recomend angry birds seasons free even if u already have angry birds seasons full version

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Why not? It’s free!!!
I have all 7 AB games, if for no other reasons than being addicted and wanting a full personal leaderboard on this site.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)

Kool I will get it then

By sull

number #19 is also doable wo breaking the clover; with a yellow bird over the top. just sayin.. :)

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)

yeah but thats quite hard

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