Angry Birds Seasons Back to School Level 1-11 Walkthrough

One strategy for Angry Birds Seasons Back to School level 1-11 is to fling the yellow bird at a high arch and come down onto TNT. Its detonation should take out the right hand side, so now just fling the pink bird straight ahead. Right before the pink bird hits blow her magic bubbles, which will lift a bunch of the structure into the air, finishing off the remaining pigs. The score in the video is 94,110.

Category: 13. Back to School, Angry Birds Seasons, Walkthroughs
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Comments (32)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9325 points
By f91jsw (@f91jsw)Score: 107,990

Here’s a better strat for high scores:

First bird low trajectory, aim for the first horizontal beam. Make sure it smashes through and takes out the tall vertical beam under the helmeted pig as well.

Now there should be an opening between two beams above and to the left of the TNT, with a pig sitting in the space between these beams. Aim the second bird into this opening. No need to manually trigger bubbles. The falling wood should detonate the TNT.

Rank: Slinger with 1000 points
By Nicholas (@kcin76)Score: 107,620

Excellent strat f91jsw! First try and managed 107,440. Thanks!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)Score: 100,640

This strat seems a bit easier than the video method. In fact, it netted me an additional 5k. Sometimes it seems to me that the pink bird releases more bubbles on it’s own, vs. when it’s triggered manually. I’ll have to test this theory out at some later point.

Rank: Champion with 3835 points
By Jen (@jennifer-cooke-rabig)Score: 99,700

Awesome … thanks so much for this!

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 105,900

Thanks for the great strat @f91jsw!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 106,620

This one I couldn’t figure out why the scores where so high and came to read your strat. Thanks for that, I got 106620! Thanks @f91jsw

Here is my video. For now the last of the BTS video’s I have, the last 9 levels are in the making, will update soon!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 109,490

Woo hoo!! Ty @E-Star I finally got it not the best buy above average finally ;) I’m working my way backwards from here:) looking Forward to future videos
.you are a godsend :) your talent amazes me!:)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 109,490

Also ty to @f91jsw great strat;).happy E-Star could put it to video :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 106,620

awww thanks @Kathy, I try my best, hope I will have the last ones ready in the weekend… 1-13 isn’t cooperating, so I might have to skip that one for now (been at this level for 3 days now :s)!

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 109,210

Your video has saved my dignity @e-star, thank you very much! Happy Hunting!

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 108,070

This is a better way to score high but of course was more difficult. There seems to be a lot of needle-threading going on in these levels & this is another fine example, it’s a very small gap & the pink bird needs to get right down onto the TNT to lift it up, I found lifting the TNT scored better than having debris fall on it.

Rank: Sling God with 28470 points
By CaptREC (@captrec)Score: 107,620

I had better luck threading the needle when I lofted rather than shooting Stella. I think it’s the same physics of why you put arc on a basketball free throw. It’s easier than a flat shot.

Rank: Champion with 3300 points
By ohforfive (@ohforfive)Score: 106,780

Three attempts and a great score. Thanks for the strategy f91jsw.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16895 points
By bikkit (@bikkit)Score: 108,480

I concur! First time on this strat added 10K to my score

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8565 points
By lvmh (@lvmh)Score: 102,440

Thanks! Was stuck at 99k for ages…

Rank: Avian Overlord with 19760 points
By Sasho95 (@sasho95)Score: 104,900

Thanks @f91jsw :) Very good strategy – first shot is easy and repeatable, because the second need very very very skill (but it isnt so difficult, than other in BTS).

Rank: Sling God with 69570 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 107,890

Great strategy @f91jsw thanks for posting. I was able to lift the tnt about six times and pink would carry to the right wood debris but the scores were lower. With yellow bird scores ranged fro 26k-30k. Obtained the present score with debris dropping on the tnt. Aiming tip for threading the needle is to use the space between the slings bands to get pink into the hole.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 109,490

Seeing as @E-Star has posted videos from level 1through 11
I am going to way backwards ;) Thanks @E-Star :) for all:)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 109,490

Would love to hear from someone that achieved over 110k ?

@bigreddawgs @joeyba ? Any help i know it’s probably been a long time.. I’m trying to improve on these older episodes, this is one of my worst episodes ever!! Any thing you can remember i would really appreciate ?
Cc @bernersenn ? Great scores all of you ?

Rank: Sling God with 36205 points
By Joey (@joeyba)Score: 112,440

@kathy sorry been a while cant tell and dont even have time to go check.. sorry

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 109,490

No problem @joeyba I do appreciate your taking the time to reply,
I figured it’s been a long time,I was just hoping against hope lol
Hope things are well ??

Rank: Sling God with 46670 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 111,270

@kathy you should blame @e-star for the most of my scores. If I didn’t follow her videos I mention this.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 109,490

@bernersenn I know, @e-star makes it look so easy,,Stella is not my favorite, right there with Matilda. I can’t seem time get her to pick up the tnt! I did improve a liitle after this post, i will leave this one alone for a while ?

Rank: Sling God with 28470 points
By CaptREC (@captrec)Score: 107,620

@kathy, look at my post from 2013 above regarding a highlob for the second shot. I just reread it myself and added 2k points. Of course, my score isn’t yet what you and @bernersenn have, but won’t be long!

Rank: Sling God with 46670 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 111,270

@captrec it is all about the old fashioned R&R. Good luck

Rank: Sling God with 28470 points
By CaptREC (@captrec)Score: 107,620

@bernersenn – and that too!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 109,490

Thanks @captrec I’ll give that a try,’threading the needle’ isn’t working out well, i got lucky with 109k but there’s so many points to be had!! You’ll get it just like @bereneresenn says R&R..?

Rank: Sling God with 33190 points
By asher (@asher)Score: 113,870

113130 with 2 birds.

Exactly as described by @f91jsw.

Here is Chuck trajectory, just under the horizontal wood plank.
A good score at this point is more than 30k.

Then Stella in the needle hole, hope she will lift the TNT as noticed by @karen68.

This is the final result, and the highscore screenshot.

Rank: Sling God with 45665 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 110,400

many thx to @f91jsw for strat and @asher for pictures
here my video like this with 105k:

Rank: Sling God with 33190 points
By asher (@asher)Score: 113,870

113870 with 2 birds.

Same strategy as before with slightly more luck, just enough for a puppy.

Here is the final result.

And this is the highscore screenshot.

All the screenshots are also available in high res here in one set.


Rank: Sling God with 37110 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 113,890
Rank: Sling God with 37110 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 113,890

Sorry meant to say thanks to @f91jsw for the excellent strat. Lots of R ‘n R needed as always. Hope there are a few more puppies for this. I think there will be 🤞

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