Angry Birds Rio Smugglers Plane Star Bonus Walkthrough Level 17

This is our walkthrough video for Angry Birds Rio Smugglers Plane Star Bonus Level #17. The level is unlocked by earning 50 stars in Smugglers Plane. Send the Blue bird into the middle of the level, then speed a Yellow bird through all three chains above the level. Timing here is key, so make sure the boulder is on the left extreme of its swing when its chain gets cut. The score in the video below is 89,340.

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Rank: Master Slinger with 5870 points
By emider (@emider)Score: 92,940

The vid is a good and repeatable strat – THX

Rank: Sling God with 46080 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 94,200

Pretty much like the walkthrough with a couple of minor differences.
1st – aim towards the top of the cage with 3 birds on the first structure, split just before so each of the blues takes out one of the 3 cages sitting on top of the structures. This gets them out of the way.
2nd – I aimed up at a steeper angle & accelerated yellow so he goes through the sand holding each chain up, dropping all three. Waiting for the boulder to swing left is a good idea.

Rank: Sling God with 25835 points
By raven22 (@raven22)Score: 96,390

Fire the blue low over the barrel, and split to take out the two glass blocks in the leftmost pillar. With luck, most of the left structure will collapse. Second bird like the vid, high thru the sand blocks or chains. The swinging boulder and TNT take out the stuff below when they fall. The second shot needs to be timed so that the falling things land to do the most damage. I fired it just after the left TNT started its swing to the right.

Rank: Sling God with 46975 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 95,370

@raven22, your strat works fine for me. First bird is normal flinging, second bird takes a lot of timing and luck. Thanks

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 96,700

Worked for me too @raven22! Thank you!

Rank: Sling God with 25800 points
By MG516 (@mg516)Score: 93,020

Good strategy. I had a little more luck firing after the left TNT started swinging to the left.

Rank: Sling God with 45970 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 96,030

many thx to @raven22 for strat and share
i tried and 89k-video:

Rank: Sling God with 70045 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 92,580

Thanks @raven22 for the strategy and @comex666 for the video. Both helped in obtaining an above average score. Found that when the left tnt box starts to swing back the the left and the yellow bird hits all three sand blocks the right tnt box more consistently fall to the right of the right structure. Tried to obtain a score in the 95k range but did not have the luck with the debris destruction sequence. Fun level to play!

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 98,710

I played this level pretty much as raven22 described but with a few minor differences.
First, I also sent the blues in low just over the barrel but I split very late, just before impact to only the bottom piece of glass instaed of trying to hit both of them. You can clear out most of the left structure and all of the cages on the left… but that blue on in the middle right doesn’t always go. It’s better if it does but even if it doesn’t, the falling tnt or boulder from the second shot will get it and I’ve had good final scores either way.
Second bird is a bit tricky and hard to nail it perfectly. It’s the same basic approach as others but I’ve added some tips that helped me get Top Score (for now) that may help you get some extra ‘debris’ points ;-)

I play fully zoomed out. You want to send YB up just right of the “x” in the background and let him get about level with the top where it starts to get dark then activate his speed so that he goes more straight across. You need to try and get the tnt chain at the very top, the sand holding the stone ball and end up as high up as possible on the last tnt chain. The more important thing that worked for me was slice the right most chain when it’s tnt is to the RIGHT of the structure down below. This way the tnt drops to the right of the bottom right structure and blows it up near it’s base rather than landing on top of that bird filled cage. It won’t do enough damage if it lands on top.
Since the first bird took out most of the left structure, the left tnt and stone ball will give you extra damage points dropping on whatever was left over. Here’s a screenshot of the trajectory I used:

Rank: Sling God with 37210 points
By HallieGinSB (@hallieginsb)Score: 98,810

Replaying Rio YEARS later and following @lesleyg ‘s strat, particularly re low and late on the first shot, I managed a very slightly higher score.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5680 points
By fenikus (@fenikus)Score: 93,290

This may or may not be favorable or useful to each of above strategies but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to share my accidental finding: So I flinged the first bird, got distracted for 10-15 minutes and…when I came back to my iPad, TNTs and boulder were not swinging anymore! So the deal is that after 2-3 minutes they considerably slow down their swinging, after 5-6 come to a near halt, and after what seems to be exactly 10 minutes they stop swinging in order from right to left.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 89,880

Finally > avg. I had a couple of 87s (> avg but not enough, I wanted a few more) using the combined first shot of @lesleyg, low over the barrel and smashing the bottom glass brick, then over the top like @karen68. I wasn’t getting that blasted blue bird in the middle very often unless I busted the cage with the first bird.

realizing this was my dilemma, I decided a different technique may be in order, and for once found one that I haven’t seen mentioned!

First bird nearly vertical, launching just before the left TNT hits it’s left apogee. this ensures it is at it’s rightmost edge of the swing as the ice-breaker pass by on the way down, aiming for the right side of the top horizontal block and separating at the last second, following through to break the horizontal ice block below. stones start dropping and break everything up pretty much obliterating the left structure and taking care of the pesky blue cage. 37K for the first.

second bird still over the top, but concentrating on getting the right TNT to drop to the right of the structure and blast it all to oblivion. only 89,8 for now, but the first shot is far more repeatable for me (1 in 3 or 4 demolitions vice 1 in 10) so I will keep flinging with renewed hope to get some more points.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 98,710

@knichy – I’m glad I was able to help a little ;-) Good luck with your continued flinging…I’m sure you’ll get the outcome you want in no time ;-) Happy flinging!!!

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 89,880

Your comments throughout have helped me immensely. when I first found this site, I was looking for a few tips just to hit 3 stars on a few levels of AB Classic, once I started reading through all the walkthroughs and general camaraderie, I turned into a score junkie and now within “spittin’ distance” of the top 100 for Rio. I just find it very rare when I come up with my own strat that yields > avg that isn’t somewhere in the thread.

I don’t think it’s going to get me to 98, though.

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