Welcome to our first walkthrough for the third episode of Rio, called Beach Volley! Our strategy for level 5-1 is to fire the Red bird through the sand blocks supporting the left tower. Launch the Yellow bird through the floating sand blocks to crash the top structure to the ground. With the other Yellow bird, take out the left leg of the last structure. The score in the video below is 110,240.
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Managed 119k with the same method with a few changes :
– on first bird make sure you get the small sand triangle on the right base of the pyramid
– on second bird what’s important is to make sure you don’t get the chain hanging. this gives you a througher destruction on 3rd bird.
I did 2 bird this level multiple times but the destruction wasn’t enough to get a higher score. Unsure if 4 bird is the way, I guess the guys that hit 10k higher went with another 3 bird solution.
2 birds is the way. Get the chain to pull over the right tower. Managed to get 121100, 121150 and 121170 this way…
I finally did it with 2 birds, in some cases you just rock the right tower with the chain that breaks and with the recoil it actually falls down on it’s right side. Reached 124k.
In order to pull the chain, what works best for me was to aim slightly higher than a pure “sand” trajectory, hit a bit of wood and leave the small triangle (the one I said you had to destroy in my previous comment :p) alone, the left tower will then pivot on it.
I have come so close this happening, but it’s a no go so far. I have been able to improve a bit.
@sunshine I used to like this method also, but Grayson’s method is better scorewise and luckwise for a 2 birder
@crivit thanks for taking the time to lend me a helping hand. I took your advice, and gave Grayson’s method a try, and after a few try’s to get the hang of the second shot, I got it!!! I went from 117k (which was an improve from my original score ) to 122,970. Thank you very much!!! :)
np cheers my friend :)
Try as I might, I can’t seem to make the second tower fall by the chain pulling method. Bugger it, I’ll keep going!
And as soon as I post this, what happens? Got it. 120890. I’m happy with that…..for now!
how can i get the beach volley level of angry birds rio… when will it be available for android?
Was released today for Android Market. Check your updates.
131580 1 bird
Kinda of a fluke. Hit the center island first and it fell at an angle taking out the other two towers.
This is the way to go. The trick is to break the bottom horizontal wooden bar of the middle structure and the two first sand blocks. With a little luck one of the stone fall at the bottom of the left structure causing it to fall on the right one. Manage to do it 4-5 times but didn’t get much luck with points yet.
What a sick shot that is !
As manu said, aim at the bottom horizontal bar, just on top of the sand. When you get to destroy it (it loves to slide out :p) you also get the two left most sand blocks with the bird, then the tower slides to the left and you have to hope that some stone will fall at the small sand triangle. 130590 for now.
136870 1 bird.
manu malin description is perfect: The red bird must destroy on the middle structure only 2 sand blocks and leave the right one with the monkey in place. Middle structure fall down on the base of the left structure. Left structure then fall dawn right side and some blocks hits the base of the right structure. Right structure at least fall dawn on the left hitting monkey and last sand block of the middle structure. Need a lot of luck to obtain all this.
I have been trying this method for days now and can’t get that left tower to drop. The top drops bur the debris just won’t damage the bottom of the left tower. I have found on this level that if a tower rocks it just doesn’t drop, it stabilizes unfortunately. Other methods as described below have worked but they don’t yield the scores in excess of 25,000 for me. Have to keep trying cause it’t obviously worked for so many others I can’t figure WHY NOT ME! Uuuuugh?..
I meant 125,000 see how crazy it’s making me!
I tried this method maybe 15 min. Hit board and 2 sand blocks is easy. It’s sometimes windy at beach but not enough for me today for 1B. I help left tower after lucky shoot with YB aim at concrete top parts. L tower fall to the R and cut it’s base. R tower slowly fall to the L. Before I was at 2B 114K, now 125K / 2B.
Rock on. After unsuccessfully trying out @grayson method, broke 130K after several attempts.
Not easily repeatable, though. Since I broke 130K after only a few tries, I figured let me try to improve the score…since then I broke that horizontal plank at least 2 dozen times and the left tower fell only 3 more times and never hit the right tower. If the left tower does fall without hitting the right tower, however, you can still get a good score by hitting the base of the right tower with the second bird: twice I had 116K and once 119K.
many thx to @cconley777
here my one-birder and video:
Obtained the one bird solution once as @cconley777 and @eweber describe for the present score. Obtained another one bird solution twice when red bird took out all the sand of the middle structure and went and broke the bottom triangles of the right structure and it fell left taking out the left structure. Scores were a little lower, more debris in the middle area.
Two birds, 122960. Broke chain with first bird (red) with high-arc shot that nicked the left side of floating island in center, landing on chain. Final bird followed same path — which is nearly vertical — before accelerating down and striking wooden base of structure on right, causing it to topple left. It takes out remaining sand under island and then debris from above and left meet to eliminate left structure by breaking it’s sandy/wooden base.. Sounds harder than it actually is, plus it doesn’t depend on that fickle chain. Cheers and happy flinging.
Thanks for the descriptive posts. I think they will help A LOT of people.
127,740 2 birds
This is a pretty easily repeatable method:
1st bird- shot it low, above the volleyballs, below the grass. You don’t want the first structure to fall. If it leans to the right a little, it’s best. Basically, you want to take out as much sand as possible, without getting more than one of the sand blocks that touch wood.
2nd bird- Shoot it at about a 45 degree angle, aiming to fly just over the top of the concrete triangel of the first structure. Basically, you want to take out the sand of the center tower so it will fall on the chain. BUT, YOU DO NOT WANT THE BIRD TO HIT THE CHAIN FIRST! If you can get the center structure to fall on the chain before the bird, it pulls the other two towers in with the tension of the chain, not breaking it right away, and everything collapses on top of each other.
This method I’m sure can get 130,000 +, as it destroys almost everything.
132k using this method
Your way is by far the best way, thank you
I’ve tried all of the suggested methods, and this is the only one that got me over 120k (though I’m stuck around 125k, sigh). That second shot is a lot harder than it sounds. Hitting the sand blocks is tough enough, but even when you do, the chain usually breaks instead of pulling down the towers.
I did figure out how to get more points with the first bird. If you just shoot it at the sand as suggested, you get around 1300. If instead you shoot it at the top of the three beach balls, there is a wide range of results possible. If you hit too low, you’ll get less than 1000. If you hit the ball at the wrong angle, the bird will bounce up and take out the tower, which you obviously don’t want to do. If you just nick the ball, you’ll get around 1500 to 1600. If you hit it a little more solidly and take out one or two sand blocks, you’ll get 1700 to 1800. If you’re lucky, you’ll take out four or five sand blocks and score around 2000. And if you’re really lucky, one of the beach balls will also explode, and then you can get 2300. I’ve achieved that about three times in 500 tries, but then the second shot failed. It may not seem like a lot, but if you’re going for a high score, an extra 1000 points is huge.
Truly confirmed, thanks
Perfect. Jumped 6k points. Thanks.
Holy Cow! Your method rocks @Grayson! I totally screwed up my first shot, the left structure partially collapsed, and I still managed 123K. Can’t wait to see what I get with some practice!
This is the only method that yielded 125,000 for me. However, there was virtually nothing left but the points just didn’t happen. I was so excited when nearly everything was wiped out because I thought, “this is it, my first top score” but when the points calculated, it was bitter disappointment, not even 130,000. Go figure!
Wow, got the new high score using @Grayson method. 2 birds and 2 bonus birds. I don’t think anyone is still playing this except me . Tried for 2 days to get the one bird method but it didn’t work for me. I took a screenshot but I don’t know how to post it.
please a picture for the highscore
I don’t think the score is very realistic
I got mine like grayson describes…all though I just saw manu’s…may have to give that a try…
120120..trying manu strat…don’t see that being possible (;lil red breaking that horizontal board.)..but I tried anyway, I hit it, the whole middle structure fell and kinda took a little out of both left and right structures, used 2nd bird to clean up. Gl all:)
Manu’s method is awesome, and gave me 136k in the free version! Unfortunately I can’t seem to repeat the shot in the full version! I guess I’ll just keep at it and hope! :)
i found an even easier method that gives around 124k-127k every time, with up over 130k possible.. this is a two bird strat based on skill rather than the harder lucky one birdie..
just bring the whole middle structure down with the red, doesnt matter how you do it, just as long as the left and right structure stands.. shoot yellow bird high up and down on the lowest triangle woodpiece and triangle(!) sand piece on the right structure, so that the whole right structure falls down on the left, bringing it all down, that gives a lot of destruction on the ground, and almost everything is destroyed! (a lot of sand left, but doesnt give much points..)
That’s pretty much what I ended up doing while attempting manu’s strat.
Middle structure was down with red, then yellow aiming for top left tower that fell to the right taking everything with it including right tower..
I’ve been trying cconley777’s shot again for a cpl of weeks since the 2-bird method of Grayson didnt work for me anymore and guess what happened highscoreee lol.
For PC and other HD users: I kept going for a visibly straight shot in a 45 degree angle but still as low as possible, so its a very finetuned shot! With that angle it almost always breaks the horizontal wood and the two sandblocks. The remaining sandblock should also be damaged somehow. With luck you’ll get the left tower falling with a stone spear on top which will hit the sand with the monkey and with more luck the top will fall nicely into the bottom of the right tower making it fall to the left. No wood left just 4 damaged stones and sand: 138k beer time for me now :-)
the shot is aim it as high as possible on a visibly 45 degree angle so move your aim as low as possible so the elastic still looks straight!
(sorry for the dyslection guess the beer makes me more sharp ;))
I’m in a world of pain here guys. No amount of flinging, irrespective of strategy, or whining is bringing a decent score in the 130’s so it’s time to give it up and move along. As much as it pains me to concede defeat, this one’s done it. May return when the frustration eases a bit but for now, it’s all over red rover. Good luck to everyone following into this pit of eternal pain and desperation.
sorry @redzym my previous score was 130010 with 2 birds and I played this level thousands of times so its hard to break 130k I got really lucky on my onebirder although I knew I was hitting the right spot.
Hey @crivit, thanks for the words of encouragement. I will nip back to give this level another shot whenever I finish a level and achieve the average OR whenever I want to subject myself to cruel and unusual punishment. Only 1 shot in a gazillion drops the left tower but it always fails to drop the right. If it took you a thousand shots, I can’t expect to get it easily either. Good luck with the rest of AB, hope you hold the high score on this one for a very long time.