Angry Birds Mighty Eagle Total Destruction Walkthrough Level 4-2

Thanks to MG (click his name to thank him as well) for discovering and sharing this method and confirming that the level is not impossible to to get Total Destruction on. Also, thanks for Scarbzscope for the video walkthrough, which is extremely helpful.

Below is an excerpt of MG’s write-up taken from his forum post:

“Firstly 2 blue birds, as others have mentioned just use them to take out first pillar on left side. Now The important one is the yellow one. I couldn’t figure out how to get it in the right spot w/o it disappearing before eagle landed to be able to use it to take out the right side effectively.

After taking out the pillar on the left with the blue birds, shoot the yellow bird as close to straight up as you can, and immediately tap again to launch it waaay up in the air. Then, quickly activate and launch the eagle tuna can so it lands on the floor of the level in between the left “stair case” and the main island in the middle. (Basically same trajectory as the blue birds, but since you took out the pillar it will fall to the ground there, or hit the rock on the left side and fall to the spot)

Shortly after you shoot the tuna can at the sweet spot above mentioned, the yellow bird will finally land, IDEALLY in the same spot as the tuna can (you want them to be basically touching each other at that spot). Then, cross your fingers and hope the yellow bird gets launched properly by the mighty eagle and effectively take out the right side staircase. And congrats on your last feather!

This isn’t a fool proof 100% destruction every time, and it is hard to get the yellow bird to fall in the right spot, but as I said I’ve had better success with this method than any other.”

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Category: Angry Birds, Mighty Eagle, Walkthroughs

Comments (56)

By Tom

I already had this, different method. But he is saying last feather..
Did he get 6-4??!

By KingsFan4Life

I need that level too. That is the last one until they release the rest of hang em high.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
By Habanero (@habanero)

I think he just means the last non-glitched feather …

By KingsFan4Life

I can’t get past 80% on feather achievement on 6-4. Anyone have any luck?

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)
By Snickers

I can’t get past 81% on feather achievement on 6-4 either I have ALL OTHER DONE BEEN TRYING FOR 2 WEEKS

By D man

Feels like been tryin for ever …been on here for at least 5 hours today ,… And iv been on it every day for weeks ,,, 6-4 can’t be done , I have 82% ,, but my m8 the knob got 83%…. I even pulled bit of my hair out coz I was doin my HD in that much .. Lol

By Kmath

I got 6-4 finally by shooting the first bird at the bottom left wood block. This creates at little V. Din’t explode the TNT. Shoot the sardine can into the V. I got 100% after a couple of tries.

I still can’t get 4-2 though.

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By realnr1 (@realnr1)

Thanx! I couldn’t stand the 99% on 4-2 that was on my screen since more than 4 weeks.

When will you have a solution for 6-4? Or is there a way to get the boomerang bird back in his cage (see glitch forum)?

By heather

I agree thank you so much never thought it was possible!

By Joseph

Incredible! I’ve finished with this method, it’s just so AWESOME! 6-4 to go!

By Marco

Many many many thanks for this trick! It cost me 10 times to do the trick. Before this I tried to beat this level, nut no success!! Finally. Still one level to go and then I have all the feathers.

By LegalCookie

Anyone have insight on 7-13 for Mighty Eagle? I’m stuck at 99%.

By KingsFan4Life

I used the white birds to explode the block of concrete and ice on left and the yellow birds to destroy the top of the ship. Try to expose as much of the ship on left until you have a sliver of wood where the fruit is. Then launch can down next to fruit. That’s how I did it and it took me a while to get it right. Try to get white birds to drop egg and hit concrete blocks in same shot. Good luck.

By Dr Greensalad

So glad to hear others have had problems with 6-4, I’ve become obsessed with it and cannot get over 81%. It’s my last Eagle point and it’s driving me CRAZY!!

Someone please post a solution to it :)

By lamppost59

Whoa! Was also stuck at 99% on level 4-2. Tried this method and by golly gosh it worked! I suppose birds struck by the Mighty Eagle add some extra firepower?

By vanessa

Does anyone know how to beat 6-4 I cannot get past 81% and its driving me crazy

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

It’s impossible due to a bug. When in doubt, check our forum.

By jared

Yep, I got 100% in all available levels except 6-4. Highest I have been able to get is 81%. I played that damn level over 300 times I bet.

By mtyler

100% on 6-4.
not bugged.
sardine at base oflarge stone base after first lot of tnt exploded.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

It’s not bugged after the last update, but it was before.

By richie

Sometimes when you tap your screen on the feather percentage screen it will give you 100%!

By Wakkione

Got all mighty eagle except 6-4

By droidly

this technique doesn’t seem to work on the i pad..when i select the mighty eagle icon…the yellow bird accelerates in the tragectory its on and i cannot get the two to converge. ant suggestions? this is the only feather i’m missing…

By nokiawiz

what is the purpose of the mighty bird if I am able to get thru all levels with 3 stars? Is it another achievement goal for Angry birds? thanks

By Mel Bond

I just managed to get 100% on level 6-4 :)

You use the first yellow bird to hit the wooden triangle shape directly in front. You need to then quickly fire the tuna for the mighty eagle into the space created by the block that was smashed. The eagle will then come along and create carnage! I’ve tried this method twice now to check I didn’t just fluke it but I really did it twice! Looks like the good guys at Rovio fixed the bug! Yey! :)

By Mel Bond

By Vicky Mc

Level 6-4 me too, thank you i was about to throw my phone ! now just need to sort out level 4-2!

By firstandlast

I just got 100% on 6-4. I am stunned but I did it. Twice!
Try shooting the first yellow bird through the single triangle of wood on the left – the one just above the 3 concrete triangles – without tapping. You just want that bird to break that wood triangle. Then get the sardine can and shoot it so it lands in the spot where that triangle used to be. That should do it.

Just tried it that way again and it worked.

Maybe you all figured this out already but if not, hope this helps. :-)

By firstandlast

Wow. I’m sorry. 40 lashes with a wet noodle for me. You guys HAVE figured this out already. Shame on me for not scanning more thoroughly before I posted that.

Have fun, everyone.

By Phil

6-4 can be done with just the tuna can and nothing else. Fire it just right at the wooden triangle on the left and it will stick there; mighty eagle takes care of the rest, though it might need a few goes to get the total destruction.

Thanks for the tip for 4-2. Will give that a go!

By Sivart

What am I missing for total destruction 5-8? I’ve got every other level but that one keeps beating me.

By Ed

Have all the feathers except 5-13. Any ideas?

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By LA_KINGS_FAN (@la_kings_fan)

Has anyone got the 13-3, 13-10 & 13-14? I need these 3.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7215 points
By pjdambra (@pjdambra)

Thanks… It took some time but it finally payed off.. 4-2 checked off..

By zeez

the guy who figured out this way is brilliant
love u man

By David Garrison

Don’t know how to post a video but another method that worked for me on 4-2:
Use the blue birds to knock down 1st pillar, yellow bird knocks out 2nd pillar, drop eagle tuna can in center of 1st black block, and 100% TOTAL D

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)

Worked like a charm after about 10-20 tries – THanks!

By Mark

I have now got 100% on all levels including the facebook levels. I was hoping it might unlock something. But no. Absolutely cock all

Rank: Flinger with 5 points
By Jimmy D (@jimmy-d)

Just got all the feathers :)

I think one of the recent updates made 4-2 a bit easier. I tried the method in the video, but without shooting the yellow bird straight up. Basically the same method I tried many times before. Probably the same thing that everyone tries. This time, I made a couple of imperfect shots, and the ME left several pieces of debris behind. Still, 100%. I have done better before, leaving only 1 splinter, and only achieved 99%.

Bottom line: You can get 100% without the very clever gimmick in the walkthrough. I don’t think you could do that before.

Rank: Flinger with 20 points
By White_Bird (@white_bird)

I know I must be a “tard” but I can’t get 100% on 1-10. Anyway anyone can help with this?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Perhaps this screenshot will help you out. I used none of the Blue Birds, and this location leaves only 3 ice blocks (still sufficient for 100%).

Rank: Flinger with 20 points
By White_Bird (@white_bird)

Now I know I am a tard…it was 1-15 I need help with, not 1-10.

1-15……solution……I need help!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

1-15 is a little more challenging. My method would be this:

Use the Blue Birds to attack the middle, all-ice structure. Then toss the sardines into the foxhole where the piggy was hiding. Leaving 2 blocks behinds is still sufficient (not sure about 3 or more tho). Best of luck!

Rank: Flinger with 20 points
By White_Bird (@white_bird)

Thanks for the help. I am still trying to make it work

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