Angry Birds Golden Egg #31 Walkthrough

Golden Egg #31 can be found in Angry Birds Short Fuse level 26-15. The Golden Egg is not visible when you first start the level, but hidden under the slingshot platform. To reach it, waste the first two birds before spinning a Boomerang bird back through the cave.

* Two part video: Part 1 shows you the location of the Golden Egg & part 2 contains the walkthrough on how to unlock the star.

Super High Score Strategy

Millions of points are possible in this level! By causing “Blue Potions” to release toward the trio of pigs above, you can start earning massive points. Normal destruction in this level will yield about 120,000 points. But if all 5 blue potions land on the three little piggies, trade 15,000 for up to 3,645,000 points. The score in the video below is a whopping 1,451,890!

Screenshot required for all scores in excess of 1 millions points. No exceptions. Any offending scores will be removed.

Version 2022:
Video Walkthrough Coming Soon

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Comments (129)

Rank: Sling God with 36385 points
By Hoy49 (@hoy49)Score: 1,551,190

Lots of fun. Just followed the hints and kept trying. Finally got 1,551,190.Uploaded screen shot to album and here is the link.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8805 points
By JamBri (@jambri)Score: 1,787,290
Rank: Gold Flinger with 8805 points
By JamBri (@jambri)Score: 1,787,290
Rank: Out of this World with 2505 points
By Tanmare (@tanmare)Score: 1,967,390

In Angry Birds v4.0.0 (Birdday Party update) two of the blue potions have been removed so it is not possible to get those super high scores anymore. Too bad, because this was the most fun level to play for a long time.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 2,471,690

Thanks @Tanmare. Quite true.

ABo GE-31 Change

I have asked Rovio whether this was intentional and will update when a reply is heard.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5575 points
By bullets0000 (@bullet)Score: 113,730

Now that two blue portions are gone, there goes
15,000 * (3^5 – 3^3)
= 15,000 * (243 – 27)
= 15,000 * 216 = 3,240,000 points!!

But still, 400k+ is still quite an achievement for me. :P

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By bastieroxxor (@bastieroxxor)Score: 375,810

Thanks for having asked because now it is unfair for a lot of people!
It makes no sense..

Rank: Pig Leader with 11300 points
By leggy (@leggy)Score: 2,088,370

I just tried this level again and also noticed that two of the blue potions have gone, so I guess I won’t be joining the 2mil club after-all. :(

Rank: Pig Leader with 11300 points
By leggy (@leggy)Score: 2,088,370

Whoohoo, lucky me, just checked my device file manager and I still have version 3.4.0 of the ABO app backed up there, meaning I could play this level on another device and still hopefully get in to the 2mil club…happy days! :)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18110 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)Score: 2,914,850

thank you @leggy for the advice with looking for the older version in the trash bin. :-)

Rank: Slinger with 1085 points
By ERicJ (@ericj)Score: 1,915,410

Totally agree, with those four potions this level had lots of replay entertainment value. With two potions the intrigue is gone.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

Well, this just sucks. I am finally getting around to the last few eggs, with the intention of competing, but this is totally ridiculous. 2 million point advantage??? 200-300k is one thing, like with the all the Santa Hat glitches, but this… this is just wrong.


Rank: Pig Leader with 11530 points
By redzym (@redzym)Score: 1,575,970

1.5 mil link to proof attached

Rank: Deputized with 135 points
By greich (@greich7)

Well, it took a few minutes, but I finally was able to do what I knew was possible.

Rank: Deputized with 135 points
By greich (@greich7)

3,766,360 Points. You have to get all 5 potions to hit all 3 pigs. Sometimes only 4 potions will hit 2 pigs, and all 5 only 1 pig. But all 3 pigs need to get hit by all 5 potions to maximize point potential over 3 million.
Math: (3pigs x 5 potions (3*3*3*3*3*3) x 5000 = 3,645,000) point potential!

Here’s the proof:

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18110 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)Score: 2,914,850

That’s the screenshot to my score:
This is how it looks when the score goes over 2 Million. But unfortunately in the end I had one piggy left…

Rank: Hardened with 650 points
By Thijs2 (@thijs2)Score: 516,490

Question for @AMslimfordy:
Before aiming for a good score in GE 31 I noticed your comment “Screenshot required (in red) for all scores in excess of 1 millions points.” In your other comments the words in red are a link to further explanation, however not in this case.
I checked all other comments, FAQ’s, Forums and Guides but couldn’t find how to make a screenshot. I am playing on Android smartphone (Samsung Galaxy S3 mini) and I see no screenshot-button, neither in the game screen nor can I use my menu button in the game.
The only way I can think of is to get some digital camera or some other smartphone and make a picture of the game screen on my smartphone and upload it to the website under Pictures in my Profile and then put the link in here.
Now this first part of making an external picture as a screenshot does not seem the proper way, so can you tell me how I can do this with my Android smartphone itself?
Thanks in advance and Happy Holidays to you all at ABN!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 2,471,690

There are far too many Android devices for us to maintain a list. Google is likely a better resource.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5195 points
By JackS (@spdlives)

@thijs2 … search the google play catalog. there are some screencapture apps that are free. but be sure to check the descriptions and avoid any that require you to “root” your device…as rooting voids your warranty.

Rank: Hardened with 650 points
By Thijs2 (@thijs2)Score: 516,490

@spdlives… Thanks JackS, now i finally understand what @amslimfordy meant, that I have to get an app for making screenshots! So I found many on Google Play and I dowloaded one that requires no root.
Still no screenshot needed yet for the 1 Mln. score, that’s pretty hard with only 3 potions. But I will surely keep trying :)
Slim, maybe you can create an explanatory link on the red words “Screenshot required”, similar as in your several other guiding texts? Just a suggestion…

Rank: Hardened with 650 points
By Thijs2 (@thijs2)Score: 516,490

Hi @AMslimfordy… At last I made a Highscore above 400K with only 3 potions, that was a thrill! After countless tries all 3 potions and also the 1 balloon potion hit all 3 pigs below and many ballooning pigs cleared nearly the whole screen except for 1 little pig in the far left, which was easily hit by my 2nd bird.
Also I managed to put my screenshot in here, although not even near the 1 Mln+ from the 5 potion users:

Rank: Well Traveled with 1775 points
By Flying Dutchman2 (@flying-dutchman2)Score: 370,120

Unfortunately I’ve upgraded to v4.0.0 before playing this level and I’m stuck with scores around 200k with 2 potions on the shelf only. Is there a way to undo the upgrade? Any chance of Rovio to reinstate the 4 potions on the shelf so we can all have some fun?

Rank: Fling King with 4645 points
By argyle (@argyle)Score: 1,902,980
Rank: Pig Leader with 11300 points
By leggy (@leggy)Score: 2,088,370

@Birdleader @AMSlimfordy @Sal9
In similar style to the ‘Anchors Away’ badge issued for achieving greater than 170,000 points in Angry Birds Space Pig Dipper Bonus Level S-15, how about a badge for achieving 1mil on this level please?
You could maybe call it something like ‘Professor of Potions’ badge?
Thanks in advance

Rank: Sling God with 45150 points
By annach (@annach)Score: 565,310

@leggy – the badge would make sense if Rovio did not change this level. However, after the last update it is not possible to get over 500,000. So, for those of us who did not play this level to the fullest before the update it is not possible to achieve 1 mil anymore. Perhaps, our admins could persuade Rovio to reverse the change and put back the two potions they removed. Why did they have to change it? It was so much fun to watch the screen filled with all those pigs. It was hard to kill them all, but it was fun. And now it has become just another difficult level without the fun part.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11300 points
By leggy (@leggy)Score: 2,088,370

Point taken, although from the scores/screenshots still being entered/submitted, this would suggest that not everyone has updated the app yet. Have to agree, the change has made the level less fun, but as mentioned up above, fortunately, I keep backups of my apps, so as soon as I’ve saved up enough for a secondary device, I will be trying for the 2mil club. ;)
All told, my suggestion was just a way to reward those who have worked hard to achieve 1mil+ mark on this level, and should the badge be implimented, well I’d happily send you a copy of the previous app so that you can play the level to your heart content. :)

Rank: Hardened with 650 points
By Thijs2 (@thijs2)Score: 516,490

@AMslimfordy, @leggy, @annach… I agree, like some others mentioned it seems a bit unfair that users who play the updated game (as normally is intended) have a great disadvantage in the leaderboard, let alone that users who play the outdated game from their trash bin should be rewarded with a badge. With only 3 potions as being the official version now, it’s impossible to come even close to the score of 1 Mln for which a screenshot is required. In my opinion the difference with 5 potion scores is way too big and shows a crooked leaderboad.
I would indeed suggest to ask Rovio to put the 5 potions back in the game, or else maybe have the 5 potions users delete their scores. I also have worked very hard for my 400K+ score and like to be rewarded in my ranking. Am I realistic or not, please share your views, thanks!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11300 points
By leggy (@leggy)Score: 2,088,370

@thijs2 – sorry didn’t see this (no notification!) Or I would have replied sooner.

The same could be said of the Santa hat glitch, for which many members (excluding myself) were able to achieve high scores before rovio changed things – are those leaderboards ”crooked” too? I think not! These so-called ‘glitch’ levels are/were available to everyone, and regardless of whether a member chooses to update their app, or to play an older version of the app on a secondary device (as some members here on ABN have reported doing) in order to take advantage of a glitch, well that is their choice, right?

In any case, I had already responded with regards to my badge suggestion by saying ”point taken” – meaning that yes, I see now how this could be unfair to those that are no longer able to achieve high scores, and since rovio have since stated that this potion removal is permanent, well I’m sorry to say that this is something you just have to accept in the AB world, as I have done with the Santa hat glitch.

Enough said!

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 572,890

My two cents without anger or judgement – just an opinion…

– I don’t like the fact that unrepeatable scores (those obtained with glitches that get fixed and randomly reworked levels that get thrown in to builds with regular updates) are allowed onto these leaderboards on ABN. Why should a player be punished for not finishing every level in a release in one day before a glitch is fixed. Perhaps some like to stretch things out when new levels come out. We don’t all have 5 devices on which to play or wish to scour trash bins to uninstall/reinstall. As for “choosing to update,” really? Is it a choice? So it’s keep trying for 2M points on ONE level or get the 60 or so new levels that have been released SINCE then? The glitches and extremes possible that players find make it fun. But… when these are taken away after they have pretty much skewed the average score beyond all possibility it ceases to be either fair or fun. Give a badge to those lucky enough to have played it when it was available but the leaderboards should NOT use scores that will never again be obtainable. I didn’t get 1M plus here but I did get over 500k when all five blue potions were there. I would gladly replay for a currently accurate high and re-report if this change were ever implemented. So much love to all but fair is fair is fair.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7035 points
By John44 (@john44)Score: 332,590

I agree. History: I played for 2 years before I went back to the beginning – just a little each morning before work and a few hours on days off. Finished all levels and the ‘fuze’ thing came up-ads for $.99 drove me nuts. Rovio said they might change it in an update, but did not tell me how to turn it off. Found comments about the wheel in lower left corner to turn off Volumn, i, and POWER UPS. Problem solved. Joined ABN and entered all scores. Found the unbelievable 3Million+ and rushed to the 31st egg to get my new score . . . What?, I can’t… Those Rovio people are great. I wonder if they can update the game to even the playing field and let the rest of us work the multi-million goal. If I had been lucky to get the big scores, I really would not like to give them up.

Rank: Sling God with 33790 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 1,778,040

Screen shot of 1,778,040
Took this a few weeks back but wanted to get over 2 mil. looks like that wont be possible anymore.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10390 points
By Coffeeking (@coffeeking)Score: 275,640

Wow, I was shocked to finally get 3 stars and come here to put my score in. Not a chance to get anywhere close to the millions with 3 blue potions. I strive to get above average in all the games and levels. I guess not on this one. Oh well…still a challenging level.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10390 points
By Coffeeking (@coffeeking)Score: 275,640

Excuse me, one star.

By arjun288

Will there be an update to bring the two blue potions back?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 2,471,690

We don’t have that kind of information.

Rank: Fling King with 4705 points
By Lord Elrond (@lord-elrond)Score: 295,700

Rovio Support Team, Feb 04 07:29:
and thanks for contacting us.
We sincerely apologize for the slow reply. We have been very busy recently and unable to reply to all emails as quickly as we would like.
It seems that the bigger amount of blue potions made the level unstable so it had to be redesigned.
Best regards,
Rovio Support Team

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 842,390

I was hoping to see the potions adjusted to the old number, but no such luck with the update.

By Jones

Ummm, the golden egg is not appearing after my boomerang bird clears the cave. Is this a glitch?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 2,471,690

The Golden Egg should pop up when the Boomerang bird reaches the LEFT side of the cave. If you’ve replicated the walkthrough video and the Egg does not appear, then you’ve likely already obtained it.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17065 points
By GypsyBird (@gypsybird)Score: 174,040

Oh my! This birdie flew right over my pitiful head. I didn’t realize until today (24 Mar 2014) that I was missing a golden egg. Once I got it I was again bamboozled by seeing just how high the score could go! Wow! Of course I’ve only achieved 169k so far. Now this will be my new obsession for a while (or longer). LOL.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17065 points
By GypsyBird (@gypsybird)Score: 174,040

And now I’m crying in my beer after reading the posts above and realizing it was a 5 potion glitch and Rovio cut that down to 3 potions in a fix. Boo Hoo. But it is what it is and many of us missed the bingo of an AB glitch again. Have to pay more attention from now on.

By pavel

Sorry. This level I have named Angry Birds Short Fuse level 25-15. NO Angry Birds Short Fuse level 26-15.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 2,471,690

The chapters of Short Fuse were renamed in v4.1.0.

By pavel

I have v4.0.0. if I run update (Program files/Rovio Entertainment Ltd/Angry Birds/updater.exe)it writes “There are no updates.” But last update it install good.

By pavel

I think is it, because i have PC.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 2,471,690

PC hasn’t received that update yet, true.

By pavel

Is Rovio going to make update for PC? It is more than 1month, when was updare for tablets and mobile.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 2,471,690

I’m sure they will, but we don’t have a timeframe on its release. Sorry.

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 287,080

I thought I was doing well getting 200k!!! Was able to release everything that was tethered. Not even close to the scores posted here!!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7940 points
By mars805 (@mars805)Score: 201,650

very disappointed and somewhat disheartened to see Rovio has removed the high scoring elements from this level. not at all the same as a glitch, code, being fixed. the original number of blue bottles were a drawn element specifically and intentionally put in for gaming pleasure. i,m questioning Rovio,s mindset regarding the removal.
what were they thinking: “too many people are having too much fun getting too many points”?
perhaps it was an even colder, more gray & depressing winter than normal in finland.
While “it,s just a game” is certainly true, the removal of a points reward for playing a game seems mean spirited. those of us coming to this level well after its initial release (which includes all new buyers of the app) will NEVER be able to attain the total high scores that were 1st available. this just seems wrong. and a bit hopless.
the release of The ABN birthday level acknowledges the importance of this community.
Thank you Rovio and congrats ABN.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 2,471,690

The level cause some coding instability @mars805. Quite a few crashes as Box2D failed.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7940 points
By mars805 (@mars805)Score: 201,650

thanks for taking a moment to clarify the info @amslimfordy. certainly makes sense. still, i cant help feeling that i’ll always be behind, locked out of the top numbers. must be my thang! thanks for all you do here! hope it still brings you enjoyment. great site.

Rank: Sling God with 24925 points
By Sglouk (@sglouk)Score: 2,885,250


There are some possibilities to find old versions of the game (see justpast40 message below), so don’t despair, you may have the possibility to have one some day. As far as I can say, the game is quite unstable with the five potion version. One of the reason is that you may have an orange potion hitting the pigs in addition of the blue ones. If so, as soon as you have more than 100 inflated pigs, the game can (i) freeze (ii) put some pigs with undestroyable structure (iii) sends pigs so far away that they are off screen so that, in all cases, you cannot even finish the level (I missed several 1.5M+ scores because of that). Bringing down the level to three potions was fully justified, and the strange thing is that the glitch was not seen before the release, because it was pretty clear that producing 729 inflated pigs thanks to the five potions was possible.

But I agree, the score should be capped. Not because it is difficult (although not impossible) to play with an old, nolonger available version, but because the episode overall leaderboard is so much dependent on the score on this level, which is the reson that made ABSp S-15, as well as ABSW 5-20 and 5-29 capped.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7940 points
By mars805 (@mars805)Score: 201,650

played again, upped my score, but nothin close to 1.5 million. thanks @sglouk !

Rank: Sling God with 24925 points
By Sglouk (@sglouk)Score: 2,885,250


With the 3 potion version, you can create 81 pigs instead of 729, which reduces your score by 3.24M wrt the best score with five potions. This means that you can still get scores above 500k, even with the late version. This is actually what I had gotten before finding an older version.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5870 points
By emider (@emider)

Dear mates, dear @amslimfordy. I refuse to enter my score for golden egg #31 under these circumstances. We are not talking about an illegitimate power-up enhancing whatever score. We are talking about MILLIONS of points. I will insert my score in whenever Rovio adds the potions again. Thanks for understanding.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

I am with you @emider. I will be deleting all my egg scores.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5870 points
By emider (@emider)


Thx for being with me.

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 1,340,190

I’d almost forgotten about this level, but when ending up here yesterday said to myself, oh yeah, I remember something about those potions being removed & wondered with which version that occurred. I then saw @leggy comment referencing the version with the potions & while I thought I’d already looked for it on my Android phone’s file backup versions, lo & behold I had 3.4.0 of ABO & it still works, despite the fact my Android OS version is now higher. It took me all the birds for 1,340,190. I’ve missed over 2m a few times, but I’ve never been close to 3m. Here’s the proof @Admins:

WARNING WARNING do not be confused as this pic shows 3 not 5 blue potion. I could not get the pic taken on my Andorid phone to upload from my phone’s Gallery, so I synced the score with my iPad which is where this pic was taken.

Rank: Sling God with 24925 points
By Sglouk (@sglouk)Score: 2,885,250

I am also revisiting this level after having found an old 3.4.0 version. No luck yet, although I got several opportunities to get 1.8M, but with too many scattered pigs that I could not get rid of with the remaining birds.


There is probably a big gap between the 3.5M score and what is below, as the first one necessitates that each of the three pigs is hit by the five potions (hence giving birth to 729 pigs -> 3.645M points) and the other is at best 2 pigs hits by five potions and one with 4 potions, that is 2×243+1×81=567 pigs = 2.835M points, which is probably insufficient to give you 3M in the end after adding debris. My best failed attempt so far was probably something like 1 pig with 5 potions, 1 with 4 potions, and one with 3 potion (1.755M points + debris). I still have to find the proper timing with the swinging potion.

Rank: Sling God with 24925 points
By Sglouk (@sglouk)Score: 2,885,250
Rank: Sling God with 24925 points
By Sglouk (@sglouk)Score: 2,885,250

Getting the 5 blue potions fall on each of the three pigs is the (difficult) goal of this level if you still have an old version of it. However, there is something else that is worth doing at least once: having one pig (or more) hit by all 5 five potions AND an orange potion. Then, since the process usually makes the orange potion hit the pig(s) after the blue ones, one obtains at least 243 pigs, all of which are then inflated because of the orange potion.

The result makes the app temporarily freeze for several seconds (possibly more than one minute), as it is very difficult for the game to find a place for each of the inflated pigs. In case the game does not crash in the process, one can behold it frame by frame, since each frame is built several seconds away from each others.

I could make a series of screeshots of this, which remains for me the weirdest sighting I have ever seen in any of the Angry Birds games:

Of course, this sequence ended in a one-birder since all the inflated pigs completely crushed any debris that was at reach.

Rank: Champion with 3605 points
By al_bunda (@bundak)Score: 1,700,370
Rank: Hardened with 650 points
By Thijs2 (@thijs2)Score: 516,490

My latest Highscore in the newer boosted down version with only 3 potions:
After all the discussions here about this unfair change in this level by Rovio, I still feel bad not to be able to play it with a possible million score, while others increase their leaderboard total significantly with such scores.
Cheers anyway to all you flingers!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By abc (@)

Lots of fun. Just followed the hints and kept trying. Finally got 2,471,690.Uploaded screen shot to album and here is the link.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5300 points
By Purplepaws (@purplepaws)Score: 241,560

@admins – Will there ever be a score cap for this level? Granted, there was no glitch, but millions of points is a rather frustrating advantage. People who were late to this particular golden egg will never make average because it is literally impossible at the current number.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

@purplepaws There is nothing we can do at this point. The level was redesigned by Rovio, and did not involve any glitch or anomaly. Those scores are legitimate.

I missed the party too.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5300 points
By Purplepaws (@purplepaws)Score: 241,560

@sal9 – Alright, just checking. Thanks for the response.

Rank: Boss Hog with 12515 points
By Rowdypup (@rowdypup)

You guys had all the fun without me….

(I always make stuff fun, especially in Angry Birds Go!)

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