Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level 6 Week 75 which began the week of October 21st, 2013. Our strategy for this level is to fling Orange Bird through the lower glass block, and let it inflate to destroy all the pigs. The score in the video is 112,180.
* Note: This week’s tournament lasted only 2 days to make room for the Special Halloween Tournament , that started on October 23rd, 2013.
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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This is my strategy for 132K points with power ups. Wingman SS and KS:
Two birder, 116,700. First one aimed at the first small pig and expanded when it got in the middle of structure. And boomerang to clear debris (and clearing remaining pigs if any) for more points.
SS/KS Wingman, aim for left wood support. Should blow all the way through. 134.2K!!
I believe this may be a repeat level as well??
136,470 using your strategy @terribletom..thanks:)
Orange bird horizontal straight. Went after the metal vertical bar and everything got destroyed. 130370 no PU
On iPad, 2-birds:
1) OB (no PU) on medium-high arc to center of structure. Manually inflate. Experiment to find sweet spot. You want at least 93k points after first bird with remaining debris to be stone, not wood, facing the next bird. Know what I mean? Then;
2) loaded WM to impact with stone first, not wood. Should blast through and take out most remaining debris. It may even bounce back and pick up more points.
This level is another one where birds seem to behave differently on mobile vs. PC. A 1-bird is possible on a PC but may leave a lot of debris. On the other hand, a 1-bird is possible on an iPad (or other mobile) but may leave even more debris behind than PC requiring a second bird. Humm…
Thanks @makinbackin he’s my husband in case u are wondering
¡Qué nunca, mi cariña! ¿De quién aprendió tu estrategia? :)
Looks like I came up with something a lil different.
Loaded WM, aim at first piggy, should blast right through and leave little debris.
Second, reverse fling GB to clean up… scored me 144k
Wow! Nice strat, @nitro ! I’ll give it a try. It is nice to know someone else who knows what the heck a reverse GB is. Let’s see how many questions may post asking what a reverse GB is :)
@nitro what platform? PC or mobile? I can come close on iPad with reverse GB, but not more than 138k so far. Thanks!
@dseufert On PC.
I think the key was there’s wasn’t much debris left after WM, and pretty much all the concrete was gone… GB cleaned up everything easily.
And yes, I had tried a few times with lots of debris left, and GB couldn’t clear it all.
one bird, no PU and 136320 … yeaah :-) this level is cool