Angry Birds Friends 2015 Valentine’s Day Tournament Level 6 Week 143 Walkthrough

Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2015 Valentine’s Tournament Level #6 Week 143. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.

3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 234,770

Below is our non power-up strategy.

Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 283,510

Our power-up highscore strategy for this level uses the following Power-ups on iPad:

  • Golden Sling
  • The Wingman
  • Scope

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.

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Comments (151)

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Kif (@kath)

261360. No special sling. No pu. I haven’t played this level enough to raise my score, but I did find that if you fling the blues right after the hearts make first bounce and split midway, they will get through and if hit at all it will be from behind, thus speeding them up. I aim for the top glass. This works for me nine times out of ten. The rest I aim low and try to send them when the hearts are all going up. This start may already be posted but I haven’t read comments since Tuesday. I hope this is helpful. C:

Rank: Hardened with 655 points
By didi31510 (@didi31510)Score: 289,390

Cannot find anything under tommy-de. Improved my score after reading it’s better on Ipad. on my phone, it does not want to open it (no connection ????)

Rank: Pig Leader with 12195 points
By Tommy-DE (@tommy-de)Score: 290,800

@didi31510 what you want to find? My Strategy? On page one…its simple, read…its not done with one shot… ;-)
But i think, where are the points to make when all is clear? For a score 290k +? confused :D

Rank: Hardened with 655 points
By didi31510 (@didi31510)Score: 289,390

Well, I finally found you on page 1 (I must have been high on too much pink and bouncing hearts), but let me tell you I’m mad because I just got 205K on Ipad after 1st blue bird, then sent the WM, cleaned everything and I got 281K. So 100% something wrong with the score recording. MAD I have no idea how to get videos, but then I doubt that I would record each lousy shot. .

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By nacho18 (@nacho18)Score: 291,010

Hello @didi31510 . FINALLY I GOT IT …!!!! I did 291,010…!!!!! Yeeeehaaahhh ! It was really excitable to see that trust me.!!! “” BIG RECONENDATION TO YOU ”

I Did Convined this: @tommy-de and my own last strat !!!!

For second birdie use:
Wigman +Golden tree sligtshoot + Sigth or scoope !!!!

You need to be a ” Snipper ”
WOORKS : Very well ..!!! You nedd about trow 30 to 50 Shoots .. The last birdie . Have to be located free of obstacles ; once is inside , and closer to the Remaining Pigs and Roses . Better if you got before last Shoot about 160,000 to 170,00
The happens using Scoope on this last birdie is : or Jump , because if the stones or because of the Big Harts Fences …!!! So be very Secure you will Got a faster and accurate last Burdie !!!

Good luck @didi31510 . Please try it . For sure you’ll got it you have only 2 days Left to achieve it!!!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By nacho18 (@nacho18)Score: 291,010

Oops . @didi31510 I forgot to tell you : I have Proof of Believe !!! I downloaded 3 more New ones Screnshoots on my album ; Please checked out all 3 .!!! Okay!!!

Rank: Hardened with 655 points
By didi31510 (@didi31510)Score: 289,390

I believe you. last night I got 205 K with 1 , then WM cleared everything so i should have been at 290K, but I got 281K which made me mad. Today i’m playing on Ipad and PC BlueStacks. Same level. But I still have hopes here. My problem is level 2 (can’t increase it) and level 1 ( same). thanks. Took me time to find tommy -de on page 1.

Rank: Hardened with 655 points
By didi31510 (@didi31510)Score: 289,390

got 288950 k. hurray. still trying.

Rank: Hardened with 655 points
By didi31510 (@didi31510)Score: 289,390

Well something is 100% wrong with this level. I had 205 K after the blue bird, sent the Wm with KS , had 3 birds left, and the score I got was 281K. I was following comments were it said that if you get 170 K with blue bird, then send WM… Well, 1 hr wasted for nothing.

Rank: DaBomb with 350 points
By asmith (@alicesmith1234)

Nothing is right about this whole week’s levels. For me, I don’t like all the randomness about this bouncing stuff. The reason why I like AB is because of the physics element to it. I like to be able to repeat results if my actions are the same. With all this bouncing it boils down to just plain luck. I’ll be glad when this week’s tournament is finished even though I’m in 2nd place overall. It doesn’t appear to me that any cheaters have invaded the game as of yet. Once they invade, I shoot straight to the bottom. On this particular level, I’m in first place, but it wasn’t due to any special skill in playing… it was a complete accident. After I blew off the BB, one of the hearts got jammed into the middle and wiggled out onto the other side and demolished everything. Unfortunately, I was already holding onto yellow bird and wasn’t able to put it back carefully enough so I lost that bird. My score is 280,630 and it would have been higher if I wasn’t holding onto the yellow bird. Never be able to repeat it in a million years. It makes it no fun for me if I can’t beat my own score or even come close to repeating.

Rank: Hardened with 655 points
By didi31510 (@didi31510)Score: 289,390

I particularly hate level 2 and 1. can’t repeat the score, forget about trying to get better.

Rank: Hardened with 655 points
By didi31510 (@didi31510)Score: 289,390

I wasted a whole night on 6, today hours too. But I improved it 289 K. Still I would have loved to see more. Good about it , is that you do not waste PU if there is too much in front of the roses. Just reset. Last night I got plenty of over 170 K after BB, but then the stones were either blocking the slot or too near the roses. Today I decided better to take scope and KS for the WM than waste PP + KS. It just needs a lot of reset. On Ipad. On PC nothing falls unless you have Blue Stacks (disadvantage, you can’t position yourself before the hearts fall). You have to shoot 1-2 seconds after.
And you are right, too much random (see level2, or 1, or any other); 2 wks ago it was nice.

Rank: Slinger with 1090 points
By birdiebetty (@birdiebetty)

Anyone having trouble breaking the six rose support blocks behind the barriers? In the power up video it seems to be done very easily, but I can’t seem to break them without a direct hit from the orange bird or the bomb bird. This makes the level extra hard, especially when I keep getting my birds knocked out of the sky. I can’t seem to get any higher than 237k. Any suggestions?

P.S. I had one heart get stuck in between the barriers, so it is possible. It stayed there through the rest of my birds.

Rovio – This level stinks. Having to start over constantly is frustrating, not fun. Even with the golden sling and a power up my birds cannot fly faster than the stupid hearts. I may be wrong, but it’s like the hearts speed up a bit when I activate a power up. What a waste of power ups. May the piggies eat this creator’s next “random hearts” project.

Rank: Hardened with 655 points
By didi31510 (@didi31510)Score: 289,390

Misogynist LOL

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 284,920

Hi @birdiebetty, you should go read page 1. I suspect that you’re playing on PC. You can fling all day and you’ll never get the boxes to come down. If you’ve got a phone try it on that. All you need is to get just one baby BBB into the top slot, and everything comes down!Tip: If you get ready and fire IMMEDIATELY after the first heart on the RIGHT hits the ground, firing BBB on a 45-60 degree angle and splitting before it reaches the top, one of the BBBs will almost always do the job. Be sure and WAIT because sometimes it takes time for everything to crash. Then a FLW to the right to clear up everything.

By Jack

Balloon sling , Wingman , Power potion , Sights….

Aim straight up to the highest pink flower….just off center of it to the right………Wingman will bounce off the ceiling and if untouched …..will bounce off the floor and land in the top slot………2nd bird straight to the right…..clean up the roses and piggies….

Good luck.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By nacho18 (@nacho18)Score: 291,010

Hi : Jack: your Description .!!! Missing these !!!

– Score . You don’t Mention any Number.!!!
– Good if you release a Picture or Screenshot of your Score !!!!
Sorry with that we can follow you

One last Description /: did you used the Sight on last birdie or first birdie !!!!

Is these are okay for you !!!!

By Jack

192+ Easy…..Just ignore the bouncing hearts…..

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 284,920

Wow what a level – 3 pages of comments.

Rank: Hardened with 655 points
By didi31510 (@didi31510)Score: 289,390

Any ideas on level 2 ? Ipad/ PC BlueStacks ? Mobile (way too tiny for my eyes)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5700 points
By anasx (@anasx)

it difficult on PC

Rank: Champion with 3085 points
By Chappy (@kacobra)Score: 292,440

Iphone (mobile) works best. In the very beginning hearts move slow…after they drop fire with JS to the top platform, splitting them late. This takes out everything on left side of blocks.
The use fully loaded wingman to clean up on the bottom. Have to time this shot, but with luck it will hit boulders bounce up and off of back wall to finish off everything. Consistent 283-290k with this strat

By awebb

I’m not bad at this game but this level is really depressing. 209K is the highest I’ve got so far and still haven’t seen a strategy I can replicate. I’m only in 2nd place for the first time in weeks and nowhere near advancing in the league. Hanging my head.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By nacho18 (@nacho18)Score: 291,010

Hey : agebb; don’t give up. I help you , loock above ; at 10.54 I released an other comment For @didi31510. It explain my strategy is really reliable : ; you need time and PU’s to spent and about half an hour or 30 to 59 Birdies to shoot . @didi31510 is already 288,950 and I am 291,010 . If we got it !!! You too . Please try!!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By nacho18 (@nacho18)Score: 291,010

awebb : above . I did a mistake on your yet name Sorry !!! Hope I can help you . Any question Call me Back . Okay .

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By nacho18 (@nacho18)Score: 291,010

Come on awebb try my Strategy.!!!

Rank: Hardened with 655 points
By didi31510 (@didi31510)Score: 289,390

got to 289. I’ll stop. I need 10000 extra somewhere else : level 1, 2,5 to stay 2nd place. If not I saw a stranger coming from nowhere super fast. I probably will wake up to see that somebody else advanced. Going to 1 to see if there is some new strategy.

Rank: DaBomb with 350 points
By asmith (@alicesmith1234)

Ah, Chin up… Hopefully, next week won’t be such a depressing and frustrating set of levels. Don’t sweat too much the advancing in leagues. I’ve been in Diamond twice and been demoted back to Gold. This week, I haven’t been upset as normal because I haven’t seen any cheaters invade the list. Most times, I just give up when I’ve seen them invade and don’t even bother playing after that point. On those weeks, I find myself going from the top 4 or 5 to the bottom and demoted at the end of the week. Figured at one point I was liable to get demoted clear back to the bottom league at the rate I was going. On this particular level, it’s just sheer random luck… no skill necessary… something like shooting in the dark and hoping to make a hit.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7745 points
By Just Joan (@just-joan)Score: 227,640

My head is spinning. The very first time I could not three star a level. If I ever see another level like this. I will just pass it by or quit! Congrats to those who have made it though and got three stars.!

Rank: DaBomb with 350 points
By asmith (@alicesmith1234)

If you’re able, try experimenting with different devices. I prefer the pc, however, I’ve noticed with some tough ones, it’s good if you’ve got a tablet or phone that you can try with. The results can really vary depending on device used. There was one that really stuck in my mind a few weeks back around Christmas time. It required WM be shot fully loaded to the very far right of the screen. I could not even come close on the PC of making the shot. It always died towards the middle. Worked like a charm on the tablet.

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