Angry Birds Friends NHL All Star Tournament Level 6 Week 141 Walkthrough | Jan 26th 2015

Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends NHL All Star Tournament Level #6 Week 141. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.

3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 230,910

Below is our non power-up strategy.

Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 239,290

Our power-up highscore strategy for this level uses the following Power-ups:

  • Golden Sling
  • The Wingman
  • Power Potion

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.

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Comments (37)

Rank: Sling God with 57060 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 232,340

Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Black bird into middle of stone structure. if everything falls right & explodes, should be able to get the trophy’s on both lower sides. 2nd black bird to middle structure, White bird to far right to get last pig. 223k

By Justin
Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)

Your first shot is so far The Best. Hit almost same place only TNT explosion pushed pucks so that two golden cups from left and one from right were destroyed and puck remained at right side so that I could push it with second bomb bird. And first Matilda to destroy remaining golden cups. 259K score without PU’s.

By Mark

I got 258,100 on the above way … no power ups. Thank you.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By jodelson (@)Score: 252,700

252,700 NoPu NoSpecialSling PC ->

By Justin


By Barb S


By RyszardZ

very clean shooting!
I need to get a different PC. I tried everything but the goalies are tough as rock and they will not go down. The board hits the right goalie just like in the video but mine just sits there looking at it on his arm! i cannot get both to ever go down. These games are so platform dependent that it isn’t fair.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 249,470

It’s not your particular PC, it’s all of them. You need to get BlueStacks (which you have to pay for now, thanks BS!) or some other OS like iOS or Samsung.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12275 points
By dysted (@dysted)Score: 255,310

That third shot is really awesome! Thank you for sharing :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5400 points
By Greilich (@greilich)Score: 264,530

You da man! Thanks for taking the time to help the rest of us!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points

yeah,,, I did it.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5400 points
By Greilich (@greilich)Score: 264,530

That’s a really good non-power-up video, but it occurred to me that if you had grabbed a WM, loaded him, and shot him at the screen after your last shot you’d have gotten well over 260k…just a thought! :-)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5400 points
By Greilich (@greilich)Score: 264,530

Yep – 264,530! Thanks again!

By Carm

Amazing, I tried this level atleast 100 times before watching yours. Almost pulled all my hair out at one stage haha. Thanks

Rank: Well Traveled with 1770 points
By jdb-aus (@jdb-aus)Score: 266,810

Thanks for your video ! I reversed the first 2 shots and after losing count of the number of tries of this level was able to get all 4 trophies for a score over 254,000. Loaded up wingman to get a 5th shot and knocked that TV screen over to crush that blue camera and take out other debris. Ended up with 266,810

Rank: Master Slinger with 5305 points
By penguinpaw (@penguinpaw)Score: 237,760

wow nice chucking!!

Rank: Slinger with 1080 points
By Chief Smoke (@gary-poston-5)

Hard board!!…got 235,180…seein’ scores in 250-270k….but the top daaawg in my league blasted out a gritty 291,070!!??!! for a total score of 1,661,290! 2nd place is 1,519,010..140k behind! I’m 200k+ behind…this guy is takin’ all the fun out of this week n’ it’s only Monday! Anyone else seein’ crazy scores like this in your league! Any hint would be greatly appreciated…I won my league last week n’ I can’t even compete with dude’s score!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 254,300

@gary-poston-5 , about every other week I’ve been seeing impossible scores. is it cheaters, who get weeded out? or are they ringers, posting scores to try to sucker us into using more powerups to beat their scores? between the fake scores, the levels ending while debris is still falling, and a general frustration that what used to be fun is now resembling work, My new strategy is to play when the levels come out, do my best regardless of any other scores, and use judgement to avoid wasting powerups when some levels are obviously rigged to waste PUs.
as for the scores on this level, it took me about two hours to get all the trophies, which bumped my score up quite a bit. I would aim horizontally, and if the first blast didnt take out the goalie on the left, reset. second bird to try to take out more debris in the middle and the goalie on the right, and hopefully a bottom right trophy, then try to blast pucks or debris to take out the remaining trophies, finishing up with flw to target remaining debris if necessary. the problem is, this is another level where luck is more significant than skill.

Rank: Hardened with 730 points
By dawnie31 (@dawnie31)

Wow, I noticed with a lot of frustration that the levels end before the birds are through their shot or debris still falling. I feel they are adding up what it would be to prolong the ending and just cut you off to not waste time. I prefer to play myself and let the debris fall where they may. Quit thinking for me.

By RyszardZ

Its good to know that I’m not the only one having the level end before all the action was finished! So many times a bird is still in the air after a bounce and the level just ends. I can see points still being hit in the background. I had a sure record high score once but could not get the WM bird shot off because of quick ending. There is some questionable game programming going on. Almost makes you need to cheat to balance the scales.

By Gibsoneye

PC; No Powerups; 263,360 view it here >>>>

Playlist of Week 141 >>>

Rank: Slinger with 1080 points
By Chief Smoke (@gary-poston-5)

how did the puck not bounce back on the bottom trophies..i can only get one on each side??

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9325 points
By f91jsw (@f91jsw)Score: 231,970

It’s a one in a million shot to get all trophies and the jumbotron with a single bird. As you say, usually you get only one trophy, rarely two on one side, and in practice never both on both sides.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5700 points
By anasx (@anasx)Score: 260,830

nice one

Rank: Slinger with 1080 points
By Chief Smoke (@gary-poston-5)

I got a 265,700..lucky shot!

Rank: Fling King with 4005 points
By AKM (@kris122)Score: 267,340

267,340 same strategy + lucky shot!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9325 points
By f91jsw (@f91jsw)Score: 231,970

All non-PU high scoring strategies seem to rely on some very improbable outcome. I’ve found that this strategy is somewhat repeatable, but still requires a fair bit of luck:

Drop the jumbotron with the first bird. Detonate manually just a millisecond before impact, this will maximize the chances that it falls absolutely straight down, which increases your chances. It should crush the structure more or less symmetrically, and send the two long stone beams on either side at the goalies.

Now, here is where luck is required: the right stone beam must pop the right goalie and then hit the ice and disintegrate. If this does not happen restart. Be prepared for a lot of restarts.

Aim he second bird at the left goalie and detonate when it is at the base of the structure. This will set of the TNT and shoot off the pucks. Assuming there is no debris on the ice, you will get at least one trophy on each side.

Use the third bird for the trophies to the right.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1770 points
By jdb-aus (@jdb-aus)Score: 266,810

Used this strategy at least 100 times, and finally got that 3rd shot to take out the 2 upper trophies and 2 lower trophies on the right. Use 4th shot to take out the other trophy on the lower left. Drop that egg to push the puck back to the left side.

If that blue camera fell down to the right of that jumbotron, quickly load up the wingman and take a 5th shot to knock the jumbotron onto the camera and hopefully take out any other debris.

Took me a LOT of tries, but I finally cleared out all trophies and scored over 266K.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1770 points
By jdb-aus (@jdb-aus)Score: 266,810

One other thing. Without any power-ups and using the standard sling, my score was a little over 254K. But again, took a lot of tries.

By Nturavrgchic

Are you two using Android or PC? I read on one of the posts above that they’re using an android OS (Bluestacks) on their PC. So if a lot of people are doing that now I’ll no longer be able to tell which version is being used by watching the videos (when available) like I used to. Kinda stinks. Lol. I realize you guys didn’t post a video but I guess I’ll always have to ask from now on if I really want to know. Anyway, would you mind sharing if you were able to get these results on a straight PC OS? Thanks in advance! :)

By Nturavrgchic

I just re-read my comment, and I didn’t mean that as (w)itchy as it might have come across. Lol. I just hate to bother anyone by asking. I also do share strategies whenever I find one that no one else has noted in here yet. But you professional slingers usually beat me to the punch. ;)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1770 points
By jdb-aus (@jdb-aus)Score: 266,810

Using PC with no special slings, I was able to get 248K using 5 shots. Could never get that 3rd shot right to knock out both of the lower trophies on the right bottom.

Had never heard about Bluestacks until 3 weeks on these boards. I was using it when I finally got the shot right. Android does have a distinct advantage over PC for the amount of damage it does.

By Nturavrgchic

Thank you. I have tried and tried on both PC and Android and just could not get any of the strategies I’d seen on here to work. The best I had gotten was about 244k. I’m not the best but I do currently have the number one spot on my gold league this week, but I just couldn’t make it work. Not trying to brag, just making the point that I’m not a crap player. Lol. However, I could possibly be a middle aged female with way too much time on my hands. Haha. Anyway, I finally gave up and used a different PU strategy after getting some ideas from the PU video at the top of the page. I’ll share it in a new post just in case someone else is also having a hard time getting a high score on this level. Got me around 255k. Doesn’t beat your 266k, though. Lol. Nice flinging! Thanks again! :)

By Gary

JS no power ups 239,990

Aim first bird just above left goalie. Baubles take him out and detonation gets tnt with puck taking out 1 to the left.
2nd bird above tv bringing it down smashing most of stone.
3rd bird should let you use puck to get 1 of right trophies plus 2 trophies higher up. Best I have come up with so far to continually get a few trophies each time.
Last bird pushed puck in to get 2nd left trophy

By Dale

The 3 star walkthrough is not repeatable. With 100+ attempts it is impossible to get the left goalie to destroy while allowing the puck to shoot left AND destroy BOTH trophies. At best it destroys one and bounces off back towards the right but does not continue left to get the second trophy.

By Nturavrgchic

255,380 with PUs. Okay, so after losing my feathers (haha) trying to replicate several of the great strategies others have posted on this page (thank you!), I finally had to come up with a slightly new one based on the main PU video-just with a twist. This one is very easy to repeat, so if anyone is still struggling like I was, you still have a couple hours to try this one. On mobile (I use Android), using the jingle sling, reverse the first two shots on the main PU video above so that the first shot takes out the goalie on the right. Then your second shot, same as video, will take out at least one trophy on each side. Third shot takes out final trophy on left and skims the scoreboard to reach the two trophies on the upper right. Fourth shot takes out final trophy on right. Then use FLW and go in kind of low to take out as much of the stone structure as possible. There is room for additional points. Hope this helps. Good luck! :)

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