Below you will find our Highscore Power-up and non Power-up walkthrough videos for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level #6 Week 101.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 127,900
Our non power-up strategy for this level is to send the Red bird high onto the tip of the top right tower. Red should bounce into the second tower, and roll down to clear the bottom pig. Then fling another bird towards the right tower so that it collapses to the right.
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 156,180
Our power-up highscore strategy for this level uses the following Power-ups:
- Golden Slingshot + King Sling
- The Wingman
- SuperSeeds
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.
No Power Ups – 3 star
More points to get
To first high construction.
To second high construction. wait a moment. He will fall down if you hit him good.
Next bird to piggie that’s left. It can be possible that he allready is down.
My strategy for 154K points with power-ups. WingmanKS and SS:
114650 is 2 star
115290 is 3 star
Gold Sling-No P/U’s 1st bird to closest upper tower, just below pig. Will push tower left, and bird drops on lower structure killing pig. 2nd bird to left tower, should topple right. Follow up with birds to get the last pig(s) on far left!! 120k
It might be a ‘lucky’ strat but here it is, non PU (so normal sling):
Fist bird to hit on the top side of the ‘legs’ of the first upper structure tipping it over. This should also break down both the lower structures.
Second bird to hit the second high structure at about the same position as the first, tipping it over and taking out the last structure as well.
Score 140k
level 6 : no power 146,550 k
power up 158,210 k
@ghazal1 Nice score! Similar to video walkthrough. However, when you block out (with blue bars) your inventory of PUs in your videos, many of us suspect you’re using Leethax or other cheat/hack software. It makes it difficult for many of us to trust your scores on other levels without video. Know what I mean? There are ways to collect thousands of freebie bird coins and PUs. Befriend me here on The Nest and I’ll show you how, if you want.
–MB :)
Level 6 score 16740 ,(js) wingman super sling ,aim for the pig at the far right,wingman should roll and clear the debris down the slope,second shot high arc to the first wooden tower,debris should hit the right tower,and bird or debris fall on top of the bottom pig,leaving just a bird quake to destroy the right tower 16740!
Thank you dear Makin Bakin (@ to show the note, but (leethax) is not used in Aledio and here is ample evidence Tanaskq thread and video from start to finish, which leaves no doubt about the result
There is definitely a platform difference on this level judging from the PC videos posted here. Has anyone on iOS managed to topple the upper tower with a single bird? The trajectory shown in the videos is different from what I see on my iPhone. There is no way to hit the upper tower as high up on the vertical beams as in the videos.
If you, like me, are unable to topple the upper tower with a single bird, here is an alternative no-PU strategy that should at least get you three stars:
First bird take down the first tower. Second bird through the gap between the floating platforms, hit the vertical beam on the right structure so that the left part of it falls left. Now you should have a decent amount of damage to the bottom structure. If the structure on the bottom is still somewhat standing, restart.
Third and fourth birds to the the upper tower. The main part of it should collapse right down on the remaining structure to the right and collapse it together with the remaining pig.
Two bonus pigs. If you have a good amount of destruction after four birds, but the right structure is still standing, it is worth throwing a fifth bird at it and you may still be able to make three stars.
I’ve had scores up to 128k with this strategy, but typically around 115-116k.
My 160k+ strat here:
i got a lucky shot with one bird in to the middle top tower and it split and fell both left and right took out every pig with one shot no power ups my score was 148k
i think if i had had a wing man to take out all of the wood piled up at the bottom i would have had a higher score but i have not been able to recreate the shot to try this
same as top no p.u video but with gold slingshot netted me 131k still room for more points i think..this is a difficult level
@congo Great Score!!! Cannot come even close to that!! Nice going!
Thanks @terribletom It was a level for mobile (fully loaded JS), which required LOTs of luck for the fallout. I tried like 300 times…