Angry Birds Friends Tournament Level 4 Week 138 Walkthrough | Jan 5th 2015

Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends Tournament Level #4 Week 138. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.

3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 250,740

Below is our non power-up strategy.

Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 254,390

Our power-up highscore strategy for this level uses the following Power-ups:

  • Golden Sling
  • The Wingman
  • Power Potion

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.

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Comments (20)

Rank: Sling God with 57780 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 263,520

Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Yellow bird into hollow wood block on left side. Black bird to stone column, manually detonating, so it gets glass column. White bird to far right side, dropping egg in glass pit, slamming into wood column. 259k

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9055 points
By magsy79 (@magsy79)Score: 270,150

@admins, can you bump the scores. I got 256k, and I can’t enter it.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

@magsy79 Done!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9055 points
By magsy79 (@magsy79)Score: 270,150


Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By jodelson (@)Score: 255,810

255,810 NO PU, PC ->

By Karole

265560 with pu

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By JodelsonPowerUp (@)Score: 283,110

277,780 PU PC ->

Jingle Sling -> Full WingMan in the middle of the wood structure…. Black Bird in fruits on left … White bird to finish

Rank: Well Traveled with 1900 points
By dbarker (@davelbarker)Score: 281,480

First shot as @Jodelson on PC. Second shot, blackbird to last bit using the last wood column as a backboard. The blackbird falls in and explodes after sending the column to the left.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5545 points
By tntbomb (@ghazal1)

no power 162.250 k

Send a bird to the bottom of the first tower , Send a bird to the bottom of the second tower , Send a bird down to the last tower

power up 280.860 k

using the unique tree slingshot and king sling and power potion and wingman , Send a bird to the center of the tower , Send a bird to the podium
Send a bird to last tower

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)

No PU version is doable with three birds, @ghazal1. Second bird at the stone tower, somewhere around lower pig, and manually exploded it at the moment when bird touched tower. Explosion sent piece of stone at the ice tower and both towers collapsed. Got 267K score.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5700 points
By anasx (@anasx)Score: 283,250

280,800 :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 282,040

Thanks, @ghazal1, your mouse cursor for aiming helped me get an extra 5K.

Rank: DaBomb with 480 points
By appleaj (@appleaj)Score: 260,370

Jingle Sling, no Power Ups, two Birds launched. Shot Chuck at the first structures base, knocking it down completely, then launched Bomb through the thin, central blocks of the second structure. He came out the other side, hit the third structure and exploded, sending several glass blocks flying towards the fourth structure, which was consequently knocked over. Not the best score, but good for those without Power Ups. Also, if you have an excess of Wingmen, Power Potions and King Slings, it is possible to wipe out the whole fortress in a single shot, but it takes several tries to master it.

Rank: Deputized with 205 points
By rybaryba (@rybiaosc)Score: 268,270

I used the same strategy and got 268k. You don’t need any special slings or powerups :)

By Laura

How in the world does someone have hundreds of power ups? In the video, that person had almost 500 power potions and over a million super slings? Is there a secret to getting power ups without paying through the nose?

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By TienShenLong (@)Score: 275,090

The one entrusted for explain that is @dseufert so, MAKIN BAKIN: got job here! lol

Rank: Sling God with 57780 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 263,520

@tienshenlong, Just imagine, if they saw some of the P/U’s, that some others have accumulated!!!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 272,770

Laura, many of us “veterans” have thousands (not hundreds) of power-ups and well over a million bird coins. Just as it takes a lot of time to become a “veteran,” it takes a lot of time (and a lot of friends) to become a “millionaire.” First step… make a lot of FB friends who play ABF regularly. You’ll need about 400-500 ABF friends on FB to collect and exchange bird-coin gifts daily. After that, there is a second step. The key is to exchange gifts daily with a few hundred friends. We can show you how, if you’re interested. Lemme know ;) Fully legit and sanctioned by Rovio and creators of Angry Birds Friends.

By Michael Wilson

Makin Bakin comment. I would greatly appreciate any and all information you were referring to. I play a lot and it is my favorite game. Thank you

Rank: Champion with 3605 points
By al_bunda (@bundak)Score: 265,980

No PU, two birds 257k
No PU, three birds 265k

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