Below you will find our Highscore Power-up and non Power-up walkthrough videos for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Holiday Tournament Level #2 Week 135. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 97,370
Below is our non power-up strategy.
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 123,290
Our power-up highscore strategy for this level uses the following Power-ups:
- Golden Sling
- The Wingman
- Power Potion
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.
115 to 120k so far, powerup
1. glass+king sling. aim for the left center of the balloon, split almost immediately after launch. The goal is to destroy the balloon without detonating the TNT underneat, and have at least one or two birds carry through to the right-hand side to take out the pig over there.
2. wing man, add power potion, gold sling plus the already used King sling, aim slightly above the pig on the bottom left, should clear up pretty much everything remaining
Hi @jkhab69, excellent strat! I used JS.
@steinbird , i think i may revisit the level with the JS. After seeing total scores of 160k to 200k more than i can get, I (and many others) have given up on attempting to get top position , but Im willing to play around a bit. I’ll let you know it turns out with the jingle sling.
Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Blue bird to the balloon. 2nd blue bird to closest trees. Yellow bird to far right trees. 100k
103,640 No PU, No Special Sling PC ->
Abt same strat, score 107k
128k so far
1. Golden sling + fully loaded WM, keep it low, aiming for the first pig, hopefully all at low level will be taken out.
2. blue bird aim high, it should let the TNT fall & take out the pig in the far right tree.
127k on PC – JS and the sling powerup, aimed high so you can send one of the triplets over the glass baloon, should make TNT fall on the ground and one of the blue birds should fell at least 1 tree, the one with a pig in it. Afterwards use potion + wingman low to clear out the rest.
131,710 PU PC ->
jingle sling … Full WingMan aim firs tree below the first pig…. blue bird in high Arc.
108,410 on PC . . No PU – 1st BB to closest tree (aim very slightly down and explode right away); same for 2nd BB but aim straight ahead and explode just a little after take off; yellow bird at about the 1:30 position to take down glass balloon(if lucky this will take out everything on ground and far right pig in treetop); if needed, Matilda releasing egg over center debris and sending her into far right trees.
Same strategy but with luck 110,980
MacBook Pro/Safari with PUs, 2-birds for 134k:
1) JS+KS+Blues on medium-steep arc to drop TNT and pop pig and snow on far right cliff;
2) GS+PP+WM to pop pig between trees on the lower left. WM should also drop pigs in trees, then continue rolling through all most remaining debris on the floor. Sorry no pic or video–yet. Currently I’m #8 on my FB list of friends. None of the top seven are Nesters, but I have a hunch my top score won’t last long here on Nest ;)
I feel guilty because I come in late in the week and read all the strategies. I feel like I’m taking advantage of other people’s efforts. I need everyone’s help to get big score but no picture. Is that ok?
This is picture of my scores so far, @makin Bakin Is this good? Sorry if I’m a pest
no power ups 111 400 maybe a different strat for more…
no power 103.820 k
1 _ Send a bird the blues to the tree
2 _ Send a bird the blues to the tree
3 _ Send bird chuck to balloon
4 _ Send a bird matilda to the end
power up 132.570 k
1 _ using the unique tree slingshot and power potion and king sling and wingman
2 _ Send a bird wingman to the tree
3 _ Send a bird the blues to balloon
@sal9 Verified max score this level is 141870 by BobaFett. Scores in excess of 142k are suspect and such players have not submitted video or screenshot proof of score on FB yet (in the 143-144k range).
NO PU … one bird 106210