Angry Birds Friends Tournament Level 1 Week 66 – August 19th 2013

Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Summer Tournament Level 1 Week 66 which began the week of August 19th, 2013. Our non power-up strategy for this level is to fling Yellow into the tnt boxes. Then use Boomerang to clear the top right pig, followed by Yellow to destroy any remaining pig. The score in the video below is 116,610.

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

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Comments (28)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6270 points
By joaoryo (@joaoryo)

My strategy for 137K points with power-ups. Yellow bird SS then wingmsn KS:

Rank: Sling God with 57060 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)

Nice Strategy!! Followed exactly…..except I had more luck. 143k!! Thank You!!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6270 points
By joaoryo (@joaoryo)

you re welcome! Glad to help :)

By justaskdan

Awesome! Much appreciated!!!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8450 points
By Traneric (@traneric)Score: 127,550

Nö power up, 2 birder.. Yellow Bird straight to the TNT to make then explode. Green Bird straight to Top pig, will push the boulder to the right side and clear both Top pig. 125k

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9535 points
By sandjoy (@sandjoy)Score: 130,840

Great strategy, @Traneric! Thanks.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12275 points
By dysted (@dysted)Score: 128,260

Nice one – thx :)

By Nturavrgchic

I’ve been using this same strategy. But I’ve been getting higher scores by reverse flinging the second bird. Position the sling somewhere around 4 o’clock and activate it almost immediately so that the bird takes a slightly upward path, if that makes any sense. I’d post a pic if I knew how to. Lol. Anyway, the best I’ve gotten so far is 128,510, but there are more points to get. I haven’t combined it with a BQ or anything either, so that might increase the score some. I’ve scored around 126-127k consistently with this method. ;)

By Nturavrgchic

After reading the posts below I decided to try it on the mobile version to see if it yielded more points… 132,880. Lol ;)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5140 points
By JunkenMetel (@junkenmetel)Score: 125,040

Thanks for the original strategy @Traneric and the elegant variation @Nturavrgchic. With the detail you both provided, and @Revol‘s helpful video, I managed to get just over 125K w/o PUs, which is plenty good enough for me on this level.

Thanks for taking the time to write up and share your tips! Much appreciated!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 126,190

I was able to do the same thing, but brought the boomerang bird bck from the top right. It hit both boulders, killing the top pigs, and the bird fell down and killed the mid-bottom right pig.

Rank: Champion with 3400 points
By D.Marek78 (@daniel-marek)Score: 132,820

Thanks traneric-.•!!! Super strategy 127.240!!!

Rank: Hardened with 735 points
By gaundy22 (@gaundy22)Score: 127,580

I ended up jus doin the same thing as traneric and i got 127 000

Rank: Master Slinger with 7320 points
By bambenio (@bambenio)Score: 150,330

try this one
one birder
wingman ss
toss at first pig up top just so u push the rock to the right
then wingman slides down the left and cleans up blows up tnt
and the rocks take out the right side
good luck

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Stupot (@)Score: 144,900

Great strat @bambenio , thanks for sharing :-) made me sweat getting that one!! ;-)

Rank: Out of this World with 2910 points
By FreaK (@dclxvi)Score: 148,760

I just wanted to share this strategy .. found out it has much more potential than @joaoryo‘s technique…
And here you are.. posting exactly same strategy, how could i miss your comment while searching for the best technique, huh? :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7320 points
By bambenio (@bambenio)Score: 150,330

yes I usually look hard before I post
lots of good ones it just seems like who gets there first

Rank: Master Slinger with 7320 points
By bambenio (@bambenio)Score: 150,330

got real lucky destroyed both rocks

Rank: Fling King with 4415 points
By Congo (@congo)Score: 147,880

@bambenio, I did something similar, but did not destroy the two rocks. Found a point where The Wingman would normally get stuck when falling down, but a BQ would allow it to continue and the rocks will take care of most of it. Lots of different scores possible because it is very sensitive to timing. I haven’t uploaded “proofs” in here for a long time, but I guess this one is worth it:

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8300 points
By Dmitri (@dmitri)Score: 148,160

I used a similar strat, but played with BQ at the end, as described by Congo. Here’s the vid:

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8300 points
By Dmitri (@dmitri)Score: 148,160

Score on the vid: 148,160

Rank: DaBomb with 420 points
By Revol (@revol)Score: 126,190

Hi guys! Going for 6 videos this week.

No PU’s, 2 birds: 125.870

Rank: Deputized with 120 points
By Diesel (@diesel)

Thx @revol … i did 122k!

Rank: DaBomb with 420 points
By Revol (@revol)Score: 126,190

You’re welcome @Diesel

Rank: Master Slinger with 5140 points
By JunkenMetel (@junkenmetel)Score: 125,040

Thank you @Revol — I found your video very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to post it!

Rank: DaBomb with 420 points
By Revol (@revol)Score: 126,190

You’re welcome @junkenmetel , glad to help ;)

Rank: Out of this World with 2745 points
By takaloku (@takaloku)Score: 142,910

2 Birds, NO PU’s
First Like Video…
Second Bird reverse shot…hitting first top pig, and slice with stones to clear the right side wooden!
134,860! :)

Rank: Slinger with 1115 points
By Qatm (@qatm)

I thought of exactly the same method, got 135k :)

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