Angry Birds Friends Tournament Level 1 Week 134 Walkthrough | December 8th 2014

Below you will find our Highscore Power-up and non Power-up walkthrough videos for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level #1 Week 134.

3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 229,200

Our non power-up strategy for this level is to fling the yellow bird to the far right. Then send Matilda upwards, towards the top blocks.

Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 242,670

Our power-up highscore strategy for this level uses the following Power-ups:

  • Golden Sling
  • The Wingman
  • Power Potion

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.

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Comments (83)

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By TienShenLong (@)Score: 273,720

Want to enter my scores but is not possible at this time and I already sleeping… so:

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 234,740

Jingle Sling-No P/U’s. Yellow bird up to the top dropping the wood/stone structure. White bird to upper far right. 226k

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By jodelson (@)Score: 242,320

242,320 NO PU, No Special Sling PC –

firt bird (yellow) to top right structure.

second bird (white) to the top dropping the wood/stone structure.

third bird (2nd white) to finish.

By Myk

238190 so far using this strategy. Found that using a bird to clean up the far right debris gives me more points than the 10k earned for an unused one. Thanks!

Rank: Pig Leader with 12275 points
By dysted (@dysted)Score: 244,490

Nice roll on the stone in the end :)

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

It’s frustrating – top 16 of my league are definitely cheating. Their score on this level is around 285k. Maybe they know some special strat we don’t know?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 260,180

Hi @thevs, I’ve got the same problem this week again. It stinks; definitely cost me a promotion one week. All you can do is keep on flinging, chip away at the stone, get the most points you can and wait for next week. I think I’m getting weary of the Leagues, though. I think they would be better served if they only included our friends, then you could just un-friend cheaters.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1770 points
By jdb-aus (@jdb-aus)Score: 268,480

The group of 40 I got put in this week has at least 12 obvious cheaters. Their scores are so high it is laughable. I am usually in the top 3 in league play since they began, but this week I can barely crack the top 15. I’ll just wait for next weeks and hope I don’t get stuck with a load of cheaters again.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

The last week I was 1-st in a league, since there was such levels that cannot get much from cheating. Rovio should make levels like those. For it not to be possible to do just N birdquakes to pass the levels. Now I am in silver league, and I cant barely pass the 16th place. Doughhh!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

Here is a proof of my point about putting into “hard” league after winning in previous league:

Rank: Hardened with 665 points
By Hostile Parrot (@ednasilem-luna)Score: 255,780

Me too, Thevs. This is my second week in silver, same impossible scores as last week.

Rank: Fling King with 4240 points
By kingisland99762 (@kingisland99762)Score: 244,820

I was first in my league last week to now I can’t even crack top 20.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

I just played in my son’s account. And here is no cheaters at all. I easily got 1-st place in his league. So I have a suspicion that if I took the first place in a previous round, then I get a lot of cheaters in order not to take 1-st place anymore.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5305 points
By penguinpaw (@penguinpaw)Score: 242,710

same here i was in a good set of competition last week 1-15 were within 25000 of each other total this week i cant get any scores close to the top 20 scores on the levels whats the deal yo!!!!!

By Janet

How do we know these “cheaters” are even real people. Just like under our friend we have “Red” and “Chuck”. Do we know the people we are playing against are really people or are they computer programs?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

They are certainly real cheaters.

Rank: Hardened with 730 points
By dawnie31 (@dawnie31)

How can you “cheat” at this game?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

Using 4 fully loaded Wingmans, birdquaking all the time :)

By badboys2

to give the cheaters a lesson follow steps
1)visit following website below
2)give u r complain
3)the will reply on u r mail ask fbid and screenshot
4)give them and relax

By skip

I have tryed almost everything but can not get more than 256, It ticks me off to see cheating. Especially when I’m not included

By Sharkmom

I didn’t even know you could cheat at this game. I guess some people always find a way. Grrrrr……

Rank: Slinger with 1005 points
By JornVD (@jornvd)

yeah i think Rovio should just know the max score possible and any score above it should automatically be removed and certainly now with the leagues …. it’s just not fair at all

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

We know for a fact that @dseufert does not cheat. Therefore 263k must be possible.

Rank: Shooter with 975 points
By andrius (@andrius)

Yeah.. and 284k also is possible ?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 242,670

It’s not possible by legitimate means @andrius

Rank: Shooter with 975 points
By andrius (@andrius)
Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

Unfortunately, I have the same picture here… :-(

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 273,420

@everybody @admins
Currently, 283840 is the top score on this level played by the most honest and competitive players around the whole globe. Wow! They (we) use power ups–a lot of them :) We “earn” power ups for free legally by Rovio standards by exchanging daily gifts among Nest and FB friends. The more friends you have, then the more bird coins and power ups you’ll receive–for free.

Cheaters, hackers, and those who use questionable plug-ins are obvious to us. We know who the cheaters are and ignore them :) Whether honest or cheat, you’re not gonna get a new car or even a toaster oven, so who really cares?

Main thing: share your strats, pics, and videos. Most of us “veterans” don’t really care if you got top score, but we would love to congratulate you and try to copy your strat to achieve a similar high score. Everyone wins! Yay!

Keep on slapping those bacon behinds! –MB :)

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

Ok. 283k is a legit score. But it doesn’t mean that it cannot be achieved by just cheating, which is most probably the case in our leagues.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5400 points
By Greilich (@greilich)Score: 258,740

@dseufert can you please share with us how it is possible to get 283k without cheating? There is a big gap between 270k and 285k that I can’t understand if 283k is possible w/o cheating. TIA!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5400 points
By Greilich (@greilich)Score: 258,740

What about 278,430…our current leader here? How is that possible without cheating?

Rank: Master Slinger with 5700 points
By anasx (@anasx)Score: 271,160

it is possible if accurate, i have got 271k with my strategy
some debris still remain.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 273,420

@greilich @thevs @sal9 @amslimfordy
Here is a screenshot of my friends’ rankings for level 1:

I don’t know the top three very well, but those ranked 4-7 are trusted friends, and I think Vever (#7) is also a Nester under a different alias who hasn’t posted on Nest yet.

After reading all posts here, I can understand the frustration many may be experiencing. I habent bothered too much with leagues and could care less, but upon closer look, at least two in my league (silver) are known cheaters using the forbidden plug-in. And in my league, I noticed most, if not all, aren’t on my list of friends. How does the league thing work anyway? What’s the advantage except for possibility of earning “lots” of bonus bird coins? With over 500 trusted friends, I collect at least 60k bird coins and several thousand power ups every two weeks. So picking up a few hundred or even a couple thousand bird coins per week in league play doesn’t mean much to me :) Am I missing something else in league play?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 260,180

As per vid, using JS (PC), but don’t stop. That is, kill some more stones with the last egg, also finishing off boards in top-middle-right, almost the same shot as the last one in the vid. Then NUKE ALL THE REMAINING STONES WITH A LOADED WM!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1770 points
By jdb-aus (@jdb-aus)Score: 268,480

That strategy gets me around 254K using PC. Switched to Android tablet and bumped score up to 261K. Too bad that is only good for 15th place with the group I am in this week. Top 12 are all over 272K up to 285K.

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 234,740

@steinbird You are correct, in continuing with Wingman. Probably 260-261k possible on PC. Higher scores will be mobile!!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 260,180

Thanks, @terribletom and @jdb-aus, I will try on my iPad; I haven’t used it for ABF in a while. I just prefer the precision and reproducibility of my mouse on my PC.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 260,180

Well, was able to get to 260 using @tmarosi‘s method. But I still can’t see how 284 is possible.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

What I realized from my league’s top scores – the scores go till 270k and then there is a GAP straight to 284K, and then 8 players have almost similar scores around 284-285k.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1770 points
By jdb-aus (@jdb-aus)Score: 268,480

Got PC score up to 266,260 using same strategy. I use Jingle Sling for first 4 shots. If that first shot can bring down everything up top, including the pigs on the wood next to the strawberries, then destroy as many blocks as you can nearest the slingshot with the next 2 shots. Use a really steep downward shot and drop egg as soon as you release the slingshot. That will take out blocks and throw bird over to the right to do additional damage. Use last shot to bring down pigs to the far right if 2nd and 3rd shot missed them. Then quickly load up Wingman, switch to Stone Crusher and wipe out as many remaining blocks as possible.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

@marabus How much birdquakes did you use? ;)

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 242,670

I see legit scores at 272K @thevs
but @tmarosi should explain his score

By Dave

and how u do it?
i destroy complete everything and have around 256000

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 234,740

This is a mobile/tablet friendly level. Scores will be higher compared to PC

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

Ok. But what about 278k?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 242,670

Unlikely, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. (24 hours)

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 234,740

@sal9, Top legit score I see on the FB page is 274k. Could be actually higher, if there is a score, and I am not a friend with!!! Once The Leaderboard is posted, be able to run with that!! From what I have seen, the score will only increase, as these guys are excellent, players/strategists!! As for @dseufert….That score is valid, and I will vouch, that he Does Not Cheat!!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 273,420

283k+ is legit top score at the moment :)

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

Any hint for strat?

Rank: Shooter with 750 points
By Marabus (@tmarosi)Score: 285,110

Hi all

sorry for late reply…just came home from work

its power up strategy ofc

i used 1st bird to take down upper middle which also got lower middle + upper right 5 pigs + 2 strawberrys

then 2nd and 3rd bird on rock at bottom left

4th bird with PP to take down right pigs

and last shot with wingman on debris of rocks

i was switching slings depending what i was destroying between rock and jingle sling

also from start i was using king sling

i took me about 2 hours of playing that level only to get that score

sorry, no SS on end score (couse i didnt expect i need it since some of my plaers in leage has 284k+….im 10th in my silver league with my 278k score)

i can post screenshot of my league which will show you my score if needed

Rank: Shooter with 750 points
By Marabus (@tmarosi)Score: 285,110

lol…i decided to try to get as closest score i can just to post some SS and on my first try I almost beat my score…lol

here is SS:

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 234,740

@tmarosi For any level Top Score here, you have to post a Screen Shot showing the score and damage done, even better if you can post a video. Thanks

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

I’m sorry, but I think Screenshot of the score doesn’t prove anything about non-cheating.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7320 points
By bambenio (@bambenio)Score: 256,020

wingman in the first pit or to far right

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 260,160

okay I hate to say it but after to becoming addicted to this game I’m becoming just as rapidly disillusioned. I would bet, based on everything I’ve seen over the last several months with the repeated bugs that give one platform an advantage over other platforms, and never the same platform, the programmers cannot just be that incompetent. when I can be number one in my league two weeks in a row and then, once I become vested in the game, I can’t get within 100,000 points of the top scores (not 10,000 but 100,000 points), and i see repeated anomalies in performance, for example a fully loaded wing man can’t even go through the stones at the bottom level, he just hits them and stops and spins in place not once but repeatedly, something is not right. when scores pop up within an hour of the levels being released that are 60,000 points higher on one level than anybody on this website can get for two days, I call foul.
what better way for Rovio to try to earn money then to have a carefully planned or even random rotational strategy whereby in each release of levels, one platform is favored over the other? those individuals can actually say “look, we got the scores, they’re real”, and the next week another platform can get 60,000 more per level, which means the previous platforms keep spending money trying to match those scores because they have to be legit right? unfortunately it’s backfired on them and I can see from posts on this website and multiple other websites in the last two weeks, that income for rovio is going to continue to decline as people get tired of being treated like they are morons . I’m done spending money I’ll play the games without using power ups for entertainment but I may just go back to PC games, first person shooters. Talk about Angry Birds , what about angry players??

Rank: Deputized with 235 points
By RyszardZ (@ryszardz)

“Angry Players”, that is a good way to describe it. I think that Jkhab69 has a good observation and probably is correct. Rovio’s programmers are there to make them money. This follows them salting the scores with high numbers to sell more P/U’s. I never paid real $ for any of these games but I know people who spent $100s. I am also losing interest in the leagues as they are obviously staged and manipulated. I just play against one friend who doesn’t cheat either and that is enough for me.

Rank: Deputized with 235 points
By RyszardZ (@ryszardz)

One more thing I have noticed. The longer you play on a level. the less effective the birds are. All my best scores happen with the 1st, 2nd or 3rd try. After that it is just wasted time. I log off and come back in and always get better action from the birds.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 260,160

@ryszardz , i made a similar observation about the effectiveness of the birds, however I believe there is a cycle of effectiveness not just that they work best when you start immediately and then continue to decline. that being said, there have been many levels where my first bird as I was experimenting gave me a one Bird score which afterwards I couldn’t beat for quite a while.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8175 points
By muffer (@muffer)Score: 262,800

Most definitely irritating to say the least! All platforms should have the same scoring capabilities or Rovio should have individual leagues linked to the particular platform played on.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 273,420

@jkhab69 I understand your frustration, trust me :) There is a difference from week to week between platforms: mobile vs. PC. It goes much deeper. For example, what browser are you using? IE, Safari, Chrome, Sea Monkey, etc? Then it may depend upon your hardware itself… How much RAM? How much memory is devoted to gaming graphics? How are the dynamics of your mouse set? What is the graphic resolution or aspect of your monitor? How big is your monitor? When was the last time you did a speed or virus check? Etc. All, and more, could be hindrances of your experience on AB Friends. While Rovio could be–and often is–blamed for an unsatisfactory experience, it’s usually not their fault. If you don’t like what’s on TV, then change the channel :)

There is another option, however. Please befriend me here on the Nest so we can chat in private, k? Your comments, strats, pics, or videos are welcomed. A better place to discuss your general concerns are either in private or in any one of the AB Friends forums here on the Nest. Click on the Nest under Forums/AB Friends and choose your topic, There’s an excellent discussion regarding ABF platforms and browsers that you may opt to join,

In the meantime, keep slapping those bacon behinds! –MB :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 260,160

@dseufert , I’ve been gaming for more than 30 years on many different platforms. I have to object to part of your reply. while platform performance (hardware capability), does impact the experience of gameplay it should not impact the actual mechanics of gameplay. A bird launched on a certain trajectory should perform the same regardless of platform, just as the destruction caused by tnt should be the same regardless of hardware specs. The one thing that might actually make a difference is display size and resolution, but that again wouldnt be mechanics or effectiveness of the birds, just the ability to discern the makeup of the map, select consistent aiming points, and observe the effects of the impact.
I have a feeling I’m treading on dangerous ground and at risk of being banned for voicing controversial opinions. However, i really cant just sit and not share my concerns. When i was in the military, seeing an issue and not doing anything made one part of the problem. As you can see by many other comments over the last two weeks from other players, there’s general trend toward suspicion of league scores.g.?
At any rate, thanks for the response. I’m going back to On Finn Ice. i havent Finn-ished it yet. (ok, that was a terrible pun. most abject apologies).

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 273,420

@jkhab69 LOL! :) Nice pun. Of course your comments are welcomed. And, trust me, your concerns are not new regarding the difference in platforms. Many of us who have played AB Friends since it first launched a couple of years ago(?) have been round and round on this and many other issues. The best place to share in the discussions is in the AB Friends Forum on the Nest. I’m not sure if I posted a strat on this level yet (a lot of posts this week and I haven’t read them all in detail.) I don’t have the best score on this level, but will check with my FB friends to see if I can share a video or at least a descriptive strat. BBL –MB :)

Also, besides the moderators for ABF on the Nest, @sal9 and @amslimfordy , you might also want to get to know some top-scoring Nesters including @dmitri @bobafett @xpogi @congo and @terribletom among many others. Check the leaderboards for their “@” info. Tom (terribletom) usually posts only non-power up strats, but he plays regularly using power ups, too, and he (and the others) almost always beat me each week! :) All are trusted friends and “certified” Nesters. They have all been a great resource for me from time to time whenever I get stuck on a level, and vice versa. Lastly, to get around the platform issue, many of us play on both platforms: mobile and PC.

By angry player(disillusioned)

also,on level 2, where cheating don’t give effect, i’m on 5th place

Rank: Pig Leader with 11440 points
By Gigee (@gwenemark)Score: 248,350

I like AB. I play it when I wake up..which Isn’t the best time this week. I got 233k on my 1st level. Then I see the winner of my friends has 245k (he’s a legitimate player so no cheating by him). Then, sadly I click on my league, whose winner is 259k. I think a small part of me just died! I am being dramatic ofc :P but hopefully I will wake up more and try it on my mobile :) thanks though to the ones who post helpful hints. I can sure use them first thing in the AM’s!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 260,160

@gwenemark , i was having a rough time too, until i watched the video and read a few hints. as you can see, i managed 159k. try this:
1. jingle sling, king sling., zoom all the way out. draw back so that the dotted line from the jingle sling aiming point is slightly to the left of the top thick horizontal bar in the tower with the two circles on top. when you release, tap immediately to accelerate. that should take down the top center and top right, and the falling debris should clear the bottom center
2. draw back so the star on the tree is about level with the top of the fence. the aiming point from the jingle sling should be at the top of the second horizontal bar from the bottom in the same tower that you used as aiming reference of the first shot. after you release, activate the bird when youre at about a 45° angle from the suspended structure in the right corner, so the bird goes up and hits the side not the bottom of that structure. that should take it down and cause a lot of damage on the bottom right. you should have upwards of 200k damage at this point.
3. you may or may not have everything on the bottom right cleared out so you want to adjust your strategy accordingly, but keep in mind the balls from the jingle sling can carry over that far. if you have anything on the bottom right aim at a flat but slightly up angle so that your trajectory for the balls will go over to the bottom right and then activate the bird immediately after launch to go up and get the frame that’s halfway down the right angle the top if it’s still left there. This should damage The stones on the bottom with the bomb from the bird, bring down part or all of the three bars left on the suspended frame, and hopefully the balls will damage anything you may have left over in the far right.
4. same trajectory if you have anything left over on the right so that the balls can carry over there, if not aim slightly down so the balls will hit the stone structure you bombed with the previous bird, but slightly more towards the center. drop the bomb almost immediately after launch, hopefully the left third of the stone structure in the middle bottom will be taken out by then and you’ll have 235k or so.
5. Quickly switch to the stone sling and power potion so the level doesnt end, aim slightly down at the stone row, hopefully clearing all or most of the remaining stone by the sling.
Your aiming points may differ. I’m using an iPad but the general concept is the same. dont just stop after all the pigs are gone and try to use everything (ornaments, bird, and bomb) for maximizing the damage of each shot after the yellow bird.
hope this helps!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 260,160

typo, lol, i meant i managed 259k.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11440 points
By Gigee (@gwenemark)Score: 248,350

wow, thanks @jkhab69 sooo much! I tried this on mobile and increased my score. But now I can’t wait to go home and try the method you described :)!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 260,160

@gwenemark , you’re welcome. glad I could help.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5545 points
By tntbomb (@ghazal1)

no power : 237.690 k

1 _ Send a bird chuck to pigs at the top
2 _ Send a bird matilda to pigs on the shelf
3 _ Send a bird matilda another building
4 _ Send to a bird matilda debris

power up 259.000 k

1 _ using the unique tree slingshot and king sling
2 _ Send a bird chuck to pigs at the top
3 _ Send to a bird matilda debris
4 _ Send a bird matilda to pigs on the shelf
5 _ Send a bird matilda to first debris
6 _ using wingman andand power potion
7 _ Send to a bird wingman amid the rubble

Rank: Master Slinger with 5400 points
By Greilich (@greilich)Score: 258,740

That’s pretty much the strat I’ve been using, but I’m completely stumped as to how the heck anyone can possibly get greater than 280k…?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 273,420

iPad – all birds plus loaded WM for 267k
1) JS+Chuck (no PUs) on steep arc and accelerate to take out top pigs and all debris in the upper structure. Ornaments from JS will help take out more pigs and debris in center and far right:

2) Matilda (no PUs) on medium arc. Drop egg-bomb on stones so that she ricochets up into remaining debris on upper right side (with strawberries). Ornaments from JS will help take out more debris in center and far right:

3) Next Matilda (no PUs) on shallow arc toward lower right corner. Drop egg-bomb at the last second over little stone balls, very important for mega-points. Spent Matilda will rebound off of back wall and take out more debris in center for added points:

4) Last Matilda (still no PUs) almost straight down. Drop egg-bomb quickly so she takes out lower stone debris and ricochets up into remaining debris on upper right side:

5) Lastly, switch to SC (Stone Crusher) sling + loaded WM down into stone-filled pit and hope for the best rebound :)

Proof of score:

Note: my strat is not the best. Current unverified score is 284k. (“Unverified” means no pictures, video, or descriptive strat–yet. Current verified Nester is 275k by @congo who hasn’t posted his strat just yet on Nest. Friendly competition is fierce :)

{Admin Edit}

–MB :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8175 points
By muffer (@muffer)Score: 262,800

working on very similar strategy MB but only at 263k top score so far, top of the league i’m in is 285’070????

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 252,130

Even with as much PUs as you want, how 285k is possible?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 273,420

@thevs and @muffer
UPDATE: Top score for this level on FB is about 278k. Since my previous posts inspired by your posts and those of many others, several cheaters using an illegal plug-in have been discovered. Any score over 278k on this level is suspect. On your personal list of AB Friends on FB, delete them. Ignore the league scores. Who cares? :) In my opinion, Rovio’s new league score system only benefits cheaters by “rewarding” fake top scores with a few hundred or a couple thousand bird coins. Cheaters who use the illegal plug-in have unlimited power ups anyway, so why would they need bonus bird coins? Unless I’m missing something re: league play, it’s useless. Veteran friends, now is your chance to chime in re: league play. :)

There is a way to collect bird coins and power ups for free, legitimately and fully sanctioned by Rovio. In a nutshell, the more friends you have, then the more coins and power ups you can send/receive daily. To learn more, check out the discussion thread on the Nest under Forums/AB Friends. Also, @tienshenlong has an excellent post on this level with plenty of tips in general. Check out his post above or below this one.

Happy Flinging! –MB :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8175 points
By muffer (@muffer)Score: 262,800

Thanks for the update MB

Rank: Master Slinger with 5700 points
By anasx (@anasx)Score: 271,160

Hi all angry birders simply i scored 271,160 with power ups @amslimfordy @sal9 @jornvd @terribletom @thevs >>>

this is my video

Rank: Master Slinger with 5400 points
By Greilich (@greilich)Score: 258,740

Nicely done! Those were some GREAT shots! Thanks for sharing!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9295 points
By georgerxtx (@georgerxtx)Score: 260,140

Thanks @anasx I lifted my score to 260k using this. Topping my league at the moment.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By TienShenLong (@)Score: 273,720

RAMDOM comments about/from comments above:

– YES! Is frustrating the changing IN the game’sscript altering the physics and/or scoring capabilities (3 x week-updates-bassis)… render useless too many well-developed strats BUT is equal for all of us, so we can complain, swear and remember the ancesters of Rovi’s staff… BUT not affects all equally IF you didn’t play every day/hour and you missed it. Resume: I’ve said CRAP! each time and re-adapt accordingly.

– I was and still wondering: WHO was/is REALLY interested on Leagues’ “not-playing-with-people” or Leagues at all? Me not and completly sure most around the same. If you are, let me a little advice: Mind what you can do/where/when/etc with anyone that could interact with you. That’s why ABF IS asocial game… Now, with Leagues, ABF is expanded to Virtual/Holo/Image/grouping… I wiill no suffer for some pics on the yellow column of ABF as that ARE only pics and nothing more. And can get some coins free from that even without look that pics.
Developer are negelting us IF that pics are so un-even… FAIR PLAY is not putting all world’s ABF player in one big sack then picking in groups of 30 x week… as there is no play at all… But they should be more … well, “MORE” and make 3 Leagues: No-PUed; PU&Re-Pued AND “Anything goes” (Leethax) then give you the option to choose wich one you will join on your profile options.
That’s too hard to figure it out? NO… And any of us will said that for sure…
They are that way… we know that… and keep playing… grunting but compulsive way too. Dont complain with others in same situation like you but to the responsibles…. No remorse, no regret… or we could be afraid of… what , if Rov’s never do something but give us NEW problems every week?

– 2 years ago while playing among other addicts like myself, “we” noticed, tracked, find, analize, determine, replicate and therefore “know” there was a cycling-based-algorithmic tampering from developer to get game’s “output” each time lower and lower up to “lock” the level to a fixed value youo will get again and again without care what you do… 12 hrs penalty for NOT USING PU’s every 3 replay’s and/or to redo the same more than 5 times and/or reload level more than 10 times… etc. (SOUNDS FAMILIAR TO ANY OF YOU???) Also… birds “get exhausted/fatigued…” unless you PU-nch them of course. HUlk smashers League experienced almost none of the described issues bit the ones on the No-PU’s League tried to cut their veins with a billiard ball even for so much frustration.. For HulkSmasher: Same plan, different application… How many times someting ruined a “just-full-loaded” bird that: get flinged someway just because you try to grab it (SAID TRY!) if you grab it: how many times it escaped and flinged itself
just for puling the fling?; if you succed pulling… etc up to sucessfull shoting perfectly on the precise angle/vector, go all the way… THEN 2 options:
A) Nothing happens. (I’ve remember my best/worse case: Ful WM to a pig without defense, no debris very close but helmed. fullWM bounced on the helmet out-of-game; failed to move the pig even… and obviously didnt kill him) well, you get the idea.
B) If you sucess and get the world’s top score… THE PIGS ARE MESSING WITH OUR SERVERS. PLEASE RELOAD THE PAGE
I’ve mention all this NOW because when 2 years ago “we did it” they stopped doing that claiming that was fault of a rogue programmer obsesioned with PROFIT acting by orders of a mid’lvl rank marketing supervisor equally obsesioned but on their own. Yeah, yeah… whatever… stop doing that or we will get this public.. ok? And they stopped. About 6 months ago it seems that 2 guys are back or they heirs grab the post they’ve left.

BUT @jkhab69 and/or any others :
ANY little/tiny rounded or squared piece of metal (some cases stone) WILL STOP A FULL WM RIGHT THE WAY… depending on the incomming angle and considering if the WM hitted anything before contact that “token”… and in some cases, a full-wm at full speed/power that didnt hit anything before COULD be stopped right and there if you do not hit it “correctly”. THAT IS NO tampering at all but a well-knowed WM’s weakness. When different slings came to be, that fact became a bad-luck-issue for newcommers… but the fact still remains.

– BTW: WHEN we here on the Nest could stop dreamming with seperated leaderboards for PU’s/No-Pus gamers’ scores to show developer how to difference their own “clients”? lol ;)

AND FINALLY, considering his is the walk-page for Lvl-1:
ANY SCORE OF 279K OR MORE IS BY MEANS OF CHEATTING… confirmed. There is no soft-spot; altered vector, script error or glitch on this level to any good-faith player to get such score by any means.

PD: I think it will be fair to include a extra “branch” on the Nest to include Leethax players as well. They ALSO are playing ABs. All complains and problems will end if we put some order on our house to avoid “mixing” wich is almost impossible if all we are in the same pack/backpack… so I say: Why not solve that annoying mixing’s issues by grouping accordingly?

I’ve become a HulkSmasher’s League member few months ago but also continue playing on the No-PU’s League account at the same time… but no room for both entries and pretty un-polite for all no-pu-ed players that bacome disapointed/frustrated and left the Nest and the game.

This long post should be my Xmas gift for the Nest and my fellow nesters.
Back to my cave again.

“Fling long and prosper”

Rank: Master Slinger with 5400 points
By Greilich (@greilich)Score: 258,740

Great post – that’s a keeper for sure! Thank you so much for your insights! :-)

By dacnova

269,300 with powerups, but it took multiple tries and worked best on my iPad. Jingle Sling. Chuck to the top, taking out both sides and everything underneath. 2nd bird to the far, right, trigger to hit the top. IF it takes out everything, 3rd bird drop an egg on the far-right rock debris. 4th bird, drop an egg at the very start of the rock floor. If you can get it to mid-upper 130K range, change to the rock sling and fully loaded Wingman to take out as much of the rest of the rock floor as possible. Near total destruction, so I have no idea how folks in my league are getting 285K or higher.

Rank: Flinger with 70 points
By Romain Schott (@schottromain)

Hello here a link to a screenshot got today from rovio

Click on ceaht on the opened windows ans you can read the result.

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