Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up 3-Star walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2016 Tournament 225-B, which started on Monday September 12th, 2016. To compete head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.
A big Shout Out to @rambleberry and @campingled for providing us with awesome strategies!
3-Star Walkthrough — Enter Your Scores
Level 1 – 256,726
Level 2 – 142,273
Level 3 – 225,216
Level 4 – 249,805
Level 5 – 288,789
Level 6 – 224,501
Power-up Walkthrough — Enter Your Scores
Level 1 – 313,300
Level 2 – 218,154
Level 3 – 292,103
Level 4 – 348,790
Level 5 – 334,909
Level 6 – 261,259
Top Flingers - Enter Your Scores
Level | Leader | Highscore | Avg | 3-Star |
Level #1 September 12th | petanque13Rank: Explosive with 2405 pts Platform: iPad Mini | 327,768 | 297,437 | n/a |
Level #2 September 12th | petanque13Rank: Explosive with 2405 pts Platform: iPad Mini | 231,564 | 190,076 | n/a |
Level #3 September 12th | petanque13Rank: Explosive with 2405 pts Platform: iPad Mini | 294,319 | 257,432 | n/a |
Level #4 September 12th | Makin BakinRank: Avian Overlord with 16240 pts Platform: iPad Mini* Certified Nester | 353,184 | 321,075 | n/a |
Level #5 September 12th | zeekRank: Master Slinger with 5535 pts Platform: Android* Certified Nester | 368,033 | 325,013 | n/a |
Level #6 September 12th | zeekRank: Master Slinger with 5535 pts Platform: Android* Certified Nester | 266,302 | 243,424 | n/a |
There’s a new reward on the spinning wheel. It’s a basket of power ups, you get one of each. I like this
The coins you get by spinning the wheel are more too, got the ‘small’ one en got 50 coins..
get the big pile and you get 500 coins
I dont have any changes in my lucky wheel…its the same like the last years without any new field!?
My wheel hasn’t changed either
Is it just me, or does it suddenly cost twice as much for 200 (+30 bonus) power-ups as it cost yesterday? I’m pretty sure it cost 6000 coins for that package yesterday and today it costs 12000 for 200 (+32 bonus).
Hey Makin- looking forward to hearing about your leading strategies :). Much appreciated as always-wally
@wallyboy thinking the same thing !!!! I know he has a great strategy for level 5 !!! Please share !!! Besides you and ” Soul ” it’s difficult to get through some of these levels :(
@wallysboy1 and @tessy Thanks. Makes me feel special :) Although my scores look rather high right now, I’m rather far back in the pack on my FB list of friends. Many haven’t posted here on Nest yet. I’ll post a couple of strats here shortly, but they’re not necessarily the best strats or scores. –MB :)
Also, send me a friend-request here on the Nest. Send a friend-request on Nest to Rakesh @rakeshagrawal and @campingled, too. They usually kick my butt :) Ask any us in PM for tips, strats, and other suggestions. There are many other veterans ABF players on Nest. Just ask :)
@ Makin Bacon thank you thank you !!! You’re so awesome !!! I never thought to make that move. I was struggling with a 332 + now after multiple tries I got it !!! 344.320 !!! You Rock :) gonna send request
Sorry it was level 5 and it was 354.320 !!! Also I tried sending request out and seriously I think I’m challenged lol. Never did that before. Is there anyway you can send me one ?
lol am i doing that well :D
Yes !!!!! :)
Level 5 – iPad with PUs for 367k:
1) FLW+Bouncy to middle of trampoline on “nose” of structure, the upper trampoline in center of field. WM will bounce back to get debris points in bottom-left center of field, then bounce into large cave-pit to get everything inside, then bounce back out and get remaining debris in bottom-left. Takes a lot of luck and patience. Maybe a few minutes. Use BQ if it seems WM may get stuck. Keep WM bouncing as long as possible. Take a break or a pit stop. Grab a lemonade :) Lucky shot only, no skill;
2) Chuck+Jingle on steep arc so that ornaments from Jingle take out both pigs in the sky. Accelerate Chuck so that he takes out the bottom of the center tower on top tier to clear a path for…;
3) Matilda+Diamond on medium-arc. Drop egg-bomb just left of rightmost tower on upper tier to get 10k+ points;
4) Big Red (still with Diamond) to mop up the upper tier.
Level 5 Screenshot
Thanks, Makin…but. Even though I’m a retired grandmother with both patience and time on my hands, the frustration of waiting for something to happen on this level is mind boggling. I managed a 319,150 and I’m not devoting any more time to this level. My PC and I are moving on ;) (Plus I have few friends who play and limited power ups. I’ll eventually look for entry into your league per your posts a few tournaments past.)
@elliesue Send me a friend-request here on Nest. We can then chat privately, k? –MB :)
Level 4 – iPad with PUs for 353k:
1) Blues+KS+Jingle on medium-arc, then immediate BQ to flatten the field;
2) Bubbles (+whatever sling) to center of wood stack underneath pig in the sky to wipe out as much wood as possible and further flatten the field. Manually inflate. Anticipate. Don’t wait;
3) Matilda+Jingle on medium-low arc to further flatten the field. Get rid of the lumber in the middle to clear a path for…;
4) Black (+whatever sling) to take out the middle and further flatten the field and clear a “single-story” path for…;
5) FLW+Jingle to mop up everything on the floor.
Tip: you’ll want all remaining debris to be flattened in a “single story” on the ground so FLW can wipe it all out.
Level 4 ScreenshotI
Another tip: be careful of Bubbles or Black. You don’t want debris to be thrown off-screen where it is wasted and uncounted in your overall points tally. Important! Keep the debris within the playing field for max points, if you can.
@petanque13 Please post screenshots and/or text strat of your excellent scores so the rest of us don’t think you’re a fake, k? Thanks! –MB :)
@ Makin Bakin, got a screenshot, but how do I post it?
I got the screenshot on my profile
Lvl1- 327.768: 1)JS and KSangel down 45 degrees, when hitting the post go PUFF. 2)Mathilda down angel 45 degrees, almost down, drop and let her fly to the tower. 3) BQ 4) Halloween Sling, get Red to the first little hill so it bounces over and take a lot of debriss. 5) WM with Poisson in high angel so when he lands, he lands on the edge of the last step on hill 2.
In level 1, there is NO Matilda nor Red.
In level 1, there is NO Matilda nor Red. Perhaps you are referring to a different level.