Angry Birds Friends 2015 Tournament Level 5 Week 166 Walkthrough

Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2015 Princess Tournament Level #5 Week 166. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.

Note: — Due to performance issues, this week’s Tournament was recorded on iPad. We apologize for any inconvenience. —

3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 275,280

Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 313,310

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

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Comments (46)

Rank: Sling God with 57170 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 309,340

Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Green bird to TNT. Yellow bird o upper left structure. Yellow to lower right. Orange to lower right side. 296k

Rank: Out of this World with 2885 points
By campogirl (@campogirl)

308,850 – jingle sling no power ups – green bird backwards to the truck, truck rolls down & hits TNT taking all of bottom left structure. Yellow bird to top structure, yellow bird to bottom right and orange to clean up – I think there’s more potential to be had ;)

Rank: Out of this World with 2885 points
By campogirl (@campogirl)

ps – truck has to be intact when it rolls to be strong enough to detonate TNT – not easy to do, I’ve only managed it twice out of about 50 tries so far……….

Rank: Pig Leader with 12275 points
By dysted (@dysted)Score: 331,540

If aimed properly it’s fairly easy on PC. So far 311k this way – thanks :) And it could be possible to take both of the bottom structures in the first shot – with A LOT of luck…

Rank: Out of this World with 2900 points
By jack-ryan (@jack-ryan)Score: 342,270

Just like @campogirl plus FLW for more cleaning

Rank: Out of this World with 2885 points
By campogirl (@campogirl)

Thank you @jack-ryan – it works much better with the bubble sling and I’m up to 321,960 now :)

Rank: Explosive with 2060 points
By Vitaly (@vitaly)

In my Diamond Leaque 2 players have 385000. It’s realy? My question to ROVIO.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1725 points
By nyGus (@tomasz-tegoniemasz)Score: 340,740

in my league one guy has 384,760 , this is not possible , I reported it on page Rovio.

Rank: Explosive with 2060 points
By Vitaly (@vitaly)

2 ROVIO – Thanks for the cleaning of cheaters in my leaque.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1725 points
By nyGus (@tomasz-tegoniemasz)Score: 340,740

score in my league pfff haha!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1725 points
By nyGus (@tomasz-tegoniemasz)Score: 340,740

OMG how!?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

@tomasz-tegoniemasz Nobody real cares about the leagues in the community. So repeating the same whining every Monday isn’t going to solve anything.

By Flex

I care about my league and I think it is a way to vent one’s anger a bit. Cheaters are spoiling the fun week by week and I think there are a lot of people out there who are fed up with them.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

Flex, I have no problem with players venting, it’s part of any game. The walkthrough pages are designed to share strategies, tips and help each other. Cheaters must be reported to Rovio so that they can be removed from the leagues.

There is a forum section to discuss cheaters:

By Flex

OK, I see. You are absolutely right. Thx for the link and your prompt answer, sal. May the force be with you. ;-)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1725 points
By nyGus (@tomasz-tegoniemasz)Score: 340,740

I just got a return email from Rovio , cheat caught and removed from my league hihi ;-) like someone is cheating you have to report , you will see that you guys do not cares only things operate and remove cheaters ;-)

Rank: Out of this World with 2885 points
By campogirl (@campogirl)

I’ve been promoted to Diamond League today – will be more than happy to go back to gold league next week :(

Rank: Deputized with 245 points
By sniecik (@sniecik)
Rank: DaBomb with 265 points
By jariolio (@jariolio)Score: 341,710

333,340 JS all birds to right, then FLW to left. Plenty of debris left.

Rank: Out of this World with 2885 points
By campogirl (@campogirl)

Thanks for that @jariolio I just got 333,440 with that using the king sling from the beginning :)

Rank: DaBomb with 265 points
By jariolio (@jariolio)Score: 341,710

Now why didn’t I think of that? With king sling I got 341,710 pts. so thanks to you too, @campogirl. There were stone blocks left from the wagon + the “railroad”. Maybe a stone sling could work…

Rank: Master Slinger with 5545 points
By tntbomb (@ghazal1)Score: 339,410

no power 297.400 k

use 4 birds
Send a bird to Car stone , Send a bird to the tower at the top , Send a bird to the last tower , Send a bird to the same place

power up 339.410 k

use 5 birds
using the unique tree slingshot , Send a bird from behind to Car , king sling , Send a bird to the tower at the top , Send a bird to the last tower , Send a bird to rubble at the top
, Send a bird to rubble

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

@bangry-ird Could you please check your score on this level? 369K seems unreasonably high.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 330,750

@sal9 I haven’t checked FB thoroughly yet, but according to my list of trusted friends, this level seems to favor PC with top “verified” scores approaching 360k. Two “friends” have posted scores of 366k but are unverified. Top score on my list is 417k, which is an obvious cheat with no pics, video, or explanation of strat. So, I would kindly question any posted score on Nest in excess of 360k and ask for pic or video, even a text-post of strat. Just sayin’. –MB :)

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 342,110

@sal9 @dseufert I feel the same way. I know no one likes to talk leagues but in mine they removed 4 with 369k and over. If the score was real , pretty sure they would be back in already and pushing me out of 1st.

Until I see proof from @davelbarker and @darryl-mikota I’d actually like to see their scores removed until posted proof.

Until then I will only continue to believe @dcp77 as the true top score so far,
He was the only one who posted a very nice detailed strat with pic. For which someone reported that they followed and got a very nice score and posted proof as well.

There were already 2 other players with questionable score. One of them completely removes it, the other adjusts it lower and now I don’t even believe the rest of his scores either..

I came to this site because I wanted to have good honest competition outside of the leagues along with others and as much as I hate admitting my scores are’nt all that great. i gotta stick up for the ones that do have good skills and for the ones who have no probs in posting proof without questions.

And that’s all

Thank you for your support
Bartles And Jaymes

Rank: Master Slinger with 5535 points
By zeek (@dcp77)Score: 362,460

@cricketluv thanks for the support and recollection of how the past scores were removed! @dseufert this level does favor PC and I got a 100% legit 362K with proof and a detailed strategy (see it below this commentary)…mind you it did take about 75-100 tries as fred @ibmatmcd who also has a real nice score using the strategy…as u say I think it is mathematically improbable to get a score over about 370K without the aid of some type of cheating software.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 330,750

Zeek, @dcp77 Nice score! I somehow missed your strat-post before posting here. Sorry ’bout that :)
@sal9 Spent some time on FB today. General consensus seems that this week favors PC overall. As of this morning, here are top verified scores (with qualified screenshots) for all levels:
1) 235810
2) 244670
3) 288580
4) 216310
5) 366750
6) 443050

–MB :)

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

@dseufert @dcp77 @angrychicken Scores were cleared. I was hoping we would get some type of response.

Angrychicken I will look into that tomorrow, send me a pm.

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 342,110

Thank you very much @sal9 greatly appreciated

Rank: Master Slinger with 5535 points
By zeek (@dcp77)Score: 362,460

@cricketluv @sal9 @desufert @angrychicken @ibmatmcdmcd…. glad to see the integrity of the nest is 99.9% honest and cheat free…the right decisions were made!!!

Rank: Sling God with 20685 points
By Angrychicken (@angrychicken)Score: 343,340

@sal9 There are now 3 scores on this level that appear unreasonably high. Have they been verified by the players that posted them? There are only a few hours left for this week’s tournament so if any of them wants to take a screenshot of their score they would have to do it quick.

A while back I also asked for proof on @birdpig‘s top scores in ABS (ACB 1-8, Pig Days 2-1 and Pig Days 3-12) but have not received a response yet from him or an admin. He showed some highly suspicious leaderboard activity when he posted them so that’s why I ask.

I understand the admins must be busy and I truly can appreciate that but these scores have been up for quite a while now. Can you please take a look? Thank you.

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 342,110

And they need to take a screenshot showing their name on the right so that everyone can see they are not in a cheater arena because for me honestly, that’s the only way i will ever believe these scores.

I to also asked for proof in last weeks tourney, week 165 level 1 Score posted by @dennis-meijer-942 with a score of 234,550 and his score still stands along with now a 2nd questionable scorer (seems like he sneaked it in at the last minute ) i don’t believe either of them to be able to have such scores.

What I do believe is that Zeek seemed to work very hard at his score in this level. For him to get thrown under the Bus and allowing those other 3 scores to stand , totally not fair to him and the others just under him and disappointed

And yes I know admins can be busy, that’s why i said before, it would be easier to just remove those scores, send an email for proof. If no proof comes, no more worries.
If they can’t cooperate and post proof when asked, then they should not post scores.simple as that.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 330,750

Hi @cricketluv ! IMO, one reason why Rovio implemented the “league play” may be to weed out the cheaters who may use hack software to “rob” Rovio of their copyright and ability to profit on the same copyright. A cheater (or two or three) may slip through on Rovio’s league play, but they’ll eventually be caught and blocked. Same on the Nest. Cheaters will eventually be caught and blocked.

Report suspects directly to or simply flag them anonymously on the Nest’s leaderboards. It’s an ongoing problem because cheaters know how to hack the system(s). For what gain? They ain’t gonna get a new car or a new toaster oven anytime soon :) And they’ll eventually be caught and blocked anyway either by Rovio or by the Nest. Both Rovio and Nest depend upon us honest players to report or flag suspects.

If you would like to be nominated on the Nest as a Leaderboard Guardian, I’ll gladly nominate you. Lemme know.

–MB :)

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By jodelson (@)Score: 312,610

312K NoPu, NoSpecial Sling, PC ->

Rank: Master Slinger with 5535 points
By zeek (@dcp77)Score: 362,460

Just got a 362K on Facebook/PC using the following strategy (takes A LOT A LOT of tries but you can conserve on PUs by restarting). Here it is:

1.) JS all birds plus wingman at last step! Fling boomerang hal such that it releases cart into bottom structure. Note cart should remain intact with both wheels. if not restart.

2.) Still using JS fling chuck to bottom of second structure and if your lucky you will also take out upper left diamond and all TNT’s as the structure falls. if not use the second yellow chuck bird to trigger TNT’s or clean up some debri in the back.

3.) Here is the trickier part. Fling orange bird under cart and manually inflate so the little boulders go flying and hopefully one will strike the red upper middle jewel under the house and a few boulders will collect in the middle “glass” valley under the hanging TNT which may have already detonated. Now if you want a score in the mid to upper 340’s you should have 285K+ at this point if not you can restart to conserve PUs (I had 304K)

4.) Final step…Still using JS fling FLW and aim to middle of house such that it goes through hole on other side and lands right on top of the “glass” valley destroying boulders and other debri that may have collected there.

Keep trying as this seems to be a nice strategy to achieve a good score.

Rank: Hardened with 740 points
By vapsi69 (@vagnmadsen)

Hi. What do you mean when you write that its impossible to get a score like 385.000. After reading this, I tried to see how many point I could make, if I installed LETHAX, and I made a score on 424.240, so it is possible to make 385.00 and over. What I mean is that there is point enogh in the level to make so big a score, and when one can do it whit help (2 extra birds) from LETHAX, one realy luckey/good player on a good day, maybe – just maybe – it will be possible to make a score in this sice, or what do you think ????
I, havent used my big score, and I dont use LETHAX because I think its cheating, nomather what many others says, so I have registrered a score on 355.350, made whitout cheating or other magic stuff. Maybee I used a litle mirackel or to, but thats not cheating….
Sorry for my poor english.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5535 points
By zeek (@dcp77)Score: 362,460

@davelbarker and @dale47 …scores SEEM way too great… care to share your strategy or proof of score?

Rank: Well Traveled with 1500 points
By ann.bauer.35 (@ann-bauer-35)

I agree. Please show proof.

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 342,110

Same here. Please and Thank you

Rank: Master Slinger with 5535 points
By zeek (@dcp77)Score: 362,460

hmmm…the 396K score disappeared already but still a 390K score still exists without proof.

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 342,110

@dcp77 Yeah, i noticed that too, and when you click on his profile @dale47 he has no leaderboard to see other scores. He never even entered scores for the other levels this week.

Give it a day for the other score, I clicked on his profile and he hasn’t checked back in 21 hrs.

I’d like to believe the score is real so I can believe in Santa Claus again.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5535 points
By zeek (@dcp77)Score: 362,460


Rank: Master Slinger with 7190 points
By Fred (@ibmatmcd)Score: 355,390

I followed Zeek’s strategy and got a score of 355,390. It took me about 75 try’s and only used power ups when I thought I was close. I did this on PC.×400-100×100.jpg

Rank: Hardened with 740 points
By vapsi69 (@vagnmadsen)

Hi again.
I only got screendumps og level 1,2,6 and level 5, when I used LETHAX. I have not until now recorde films of my playing, simply because I cant get it working, but thats somthing that I will work on the next days, so I in the future can put my film on YouTube, what I never have tryed before, but I have to try it. If my score in the future looks good, I wil tri to desribe my way to do it, and put it here in this forum. I realy wont to help others if I can. I would very much love to tried to make a new score in level 5, that maybe can confirm my score on 355.350.
In the highscore list for this week (the top 5) dbarker have notice the score 390.980 (high score when I made my 355.350 was 362.460)and I suppose that alle the scores that is noticed in Top 5 is REAL score, whitout help from any illegal thing, or am I totaly wrong in that?? If the scores in Top 5 can be trustet, I dont se the problem whit my score in same level, or what??
I only once notice a score in Top 5, just to see how its was done, and because I had a score thats was on that time (thursday) was the biggest, but it lasted in 30 minutes.
The first post I submitted here in this forum, was just a question conserning what this forum means when you say that a score not is possible. Every level have a max score – at least thats what I think – and when that score not is broken, one could say that alle score bellow max score in a way must be possible, and thats why I tried how high a score I could make in that level, using a cheating mode, and when I got a score way over what this forum wrote was possible, I did´t understand how you came to this conclusion, and I stll not do, so if anyone will take 5 min to explain it to me, I will be very happy.
And please also write what you expect from me to do now in this specific case.
Best regards and thanks for a marveles forum.
P.S – once again, sorry for my poor english

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 330,750

@vagnmadsen What is your preferred language? I think Swedish, Norwegian, or Danish. There are many of us on the Angry Bird’s Nest who speak many different languages, and we would be glad to talk with you in your language. Please let me know. Thanks! –MB :)

Rank: Hardened with 740 points
By vapsi69 (@vagnmadsen)

Hi@dseufert. I´m from Denmark, and therefore I speek and write Danish best, but I havent anything against writing in english, as long as you folks here in this forum understand my poor english.But if most of you people understand danish writing, it ofcorse will be easyer for me.
Hvad tror du er bedst. At jeg skriver på engelsk eller dansk ??
Mvh Vagn

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