Here is our strategy for Angry Birds BirdDay 5 Level 30-11. The score in the video below yields a score of 146,020.
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Red bird high arc to top of structure causing right side to collapse. Blue bird into vertical glass planks. Yellow bird to TNT. 152K
Pure brute force. 158140 w/3. Red bird straight ahead, hitting just below where the two middle vertical glass pieces meet. Hopefully, the bird goes and breaks all three sets of glass. Second bird again straight to weaken the boards so the third bird makes it to the TNT. It’s all about debris damage on the third shot.
@dmsral, thanks again. This is the only way I could get above 150K. Less than intuitive, but it works!!
This is the best!! Just scored a two birder. That must be how the other top scores were made.
@dmsral, exactly the strategy that I used. i had my best success with the first bord hitting just near the top of the vertical glass second from the bottom, i. e., just below the junction at the middle of the glass pillar. The grid lines in the background made it easy to repeat the strategy as I launched all birds from the same spot on the same trajectory.
@dmsral , I may have to try a different platform. still stuck around 150K but I do think this is the best strat.
thx to @dmsral for the strat.
here my video:
141,070 is also 3* but I can’t seem to get any lower than that and still have 3 stars. Anyone else who can help?
… too tired, what I meant was of course “still get all the pigs…”
@steely59, I tho thought we had this one
3* minimum is 140k
139980 was 2*
140220 was 3*
@e-star, ask & ye shall receive my dear, I thought I posted this last night …. whoops, guess I forgot … In case you’re off ABN for the night, @admins
@steely59 and @justpast40 Thank you both for the quick fix! You both just showed how together-we-are-strong the Nest can be! Makes me smile and proud to be here and a part of such an amazing community filled with all the wonderful people across the world :-)))))
@e-star the Nest is really great. Look how in todays Challenge (SW Hoth #31) @comex666 helped a lot of us to get a puppy
second shot
I was just keep trying nonstop and suddenly thats happened. I didnt do any special thing and finished in second bird, hit to top score, lucky me:)
Was this with the video method. Thanks.
@genkik @steviep147 I had a similar experience using the method described by @dmsral – little red broke through all 3 glass panes, and falling debris cleared out all of the wood in front of the hollow wooden square at the bottom. A straight shot splitting late to hit the hollow square with all 3 birds caused the tnt to explode – with wonderfully destructive results!
Thank you for sharing that. Despite a lot of attempts no luck yet. I’ll keep at it.
Again after much flinging still no joy. :-( I have no problem executing the first shot where red breaks the glass, goes under the plank and the the left falls down but it seems that in my versions (ipad and iphone) red will always fail to break the wood sufficiently to even have a chance with the blue bird shot to the TNT. Driving me nuts!
As much as I want to achieve the 2 birder here, this one is more than a doozy. I haven’t even come close to thinking I had a shot at it. Congrats to the 160k+ scores
Same here @hallieginsb! I didn’t think this shot would work for me and I was pursuing other second shot options. However, the one time the debris fell in such a way as to make the shot feasible (rare event!), I went for it and ka-BOOM! The aforementioned wonderfully destructive results! Got me the #6 score for now, but I think I will drop steadily as other folks manage to get this.
The 2-birder takes some luck, but it worked even when I didn’t have a really clear shot to the TNT. There was another cracked wood block in the way but the blues went through it. So maybe it’s worth trying the shot even if it doesn’t look ideal.
The glass planks on the right side fell with the first shot too, I don’t know if that helps at all as that happens so rarely.
I had a clear shot to the cement over the TNT. The path directly to the TNT didn’t look promising, so I went for a late activation right at the cement. It worked!!!! I would have had 164K except there was one pig with a black eye left smirking at me.
Arghhhhh!!! Need to whine or something as nothing is working for me on this level! So frustrating!
Top score looks dodgy to me. Think it appeared quite recently. Would imply an incredible one-birder.
Thanks, @desperate-Dan. Score has been removed.
cc: @bernersenn