Angry Birds Art: Angry Voters US National Debt

This just in! The pigs haven’t squandered trillions of dollars of borrowed money building elaborate structures just of the sake of building elaborate structures. The resident birds are demanding change. We will stay on top of this story as it develops.

(click to enlarge)

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Comments (35)

Rank: Flinger with 70 points
By 411connor (@411connor)

Awesome dude!

By DaveL

Now that IS funny…I’m thinking that I want some politicos to launch my birds at!!!

Rank: Flinger with 80 points
By rmac (@rmac)

That is so funny

By AngryBirdSpot


Rank: Deputized with 120 points
By Eddie (@angrybirdiscool)


Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)

What kind of program do you use to make these pictures? When I try to do things, it turn out fuzzy

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

This was done mostly in Photoshop.

Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)

I like how everything is like cleaned cut. No background from the pictures you took them from. It looks like Rovio made this. Great job! Btw, whats behind the bomb bird and the big red bird?

Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)

Also, how do you get the letters? What is the name of it?

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Thanks for the kind words. Behind the birds is a suitcase. Not sure, but they may leave on vacation. The font is called Feast of Flesh, though it’s not perfect.

Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)


Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)


Are you thinking of converting that graphic into a sign for a TEA Party rally?

You’re not one of those people that Kerry foolishly called a terrorist, are you?

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

No, absolutely not. This really isn’t meant to be a partisan political statement in anyway. I just thought the subject matter needed to be addressed, as the birds are furious.

Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)

How did you know that the suitcase in the back was going to look like that? It looks like the one in the rio update! And the update just came in this week

Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)

Hey Birdleader
I would love to use that font, but it is not in my photoshop. Is there any way to somehow download the font?

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

The font is Feast of Flesh. Just to a Google search for it.

By Hawaiian Bird

Is this an app?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

No, just art.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)

Any elements from Seasons in that art? I’ve been staring myself cross-eyed looking for some, and couldn’t find any.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

No, just AB, Rio and some custom stuff I did.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)

OK, that means I can stop staring at it then, thanks. :-) :-)

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Haha, I wish.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By ben lim (@ben-lim)

Are you sure they have such a high debt. I thought only 5 trillion and below?
1,000,000=1 million
1,000,000,000=1 billion
1,000,000,000,000=1 trillion–>1 followed by 12 zeros
There are 14 digits you know!

I would also like to know why is it always the yellow bird that makes the “!?” and not any other bird?

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yes, the number is right. Just do Google search for “us national debt”. In this case the yellow bird is speaking on behalf of all the birds.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)

ben lim: You’re confusing the annual deficit (1.65 trillion) vs. the total national debt (14.5 trillion).

It can be confusing, I know, but think of it this way: the deficit drives the debt.

Rank: Deputized with 125 points
By Birdman565 (@birdman565)

Funny stuff Bird leader! :D

By alden

which app is this gonna be in?

Rank: Flinger with 15 points
By Ns (@ns)

it is just an art
not a app

By Hawaiian Bird

Are all the birds in it?

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

No, I left a few out.

Rank: Debriefed with 1255 points
By FrithaB (@frithab)

Well done, Bird Leader. Great!

By triggercut2

You better make more of these. :)

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Haha, thanks. I would be happy to if it gets picked up. I honestly expected it to garner a little more interest. I just love it, but then again, I am biased because I made it.

Rank: DaBomb with 410 points
By dGhost (@dghost)

Thats actually quite good BirdLeader – make more! Already set as my desktop background ^_^

Rank: Sling God with 68770 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

Very well presented to make the serious point that the debt situation will ruin this country for our children’s children if some actions are not done to stop the overspending by our government.
Subtle but effective.

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