• Uncle B posted an update 10 years, 3 months ago

    @dawn-nelson ~ Hello o o Dawn !!!

    In answer to your question “No” ~ The pretty kitty featured in my avatar is not mine but is a photo taken from the web that has the caption ”Today is the day! Today is the day that I’m going to catch that little red laser dot!” I liked the look of determination which seemed appropriate for this often frustrated Angry Birds flinger ~ LOL !!!

    But I do “work for cats”……… My Sweet ~ Sweet Janet and I have three B&W Tuxedo cats and a beautifully marked Ring-Tail Tabby so there’s rarely a dull moment around the house.

    All the Best ~ Uncle B

    • @uncle-b that photo so looks like my Brenda Lee (human case rescue) what a gem, purrrrrrrrrrfet, gift!!!! I’m so lucky she is part of my life.

      • @sunshine isn’t it just amazing how much joy and laughter these little rascals can bring into our lives! Your Brenda Lee must be a very pretty kitty ~ please give her a friendly scratch behind the ear from Uncle B !!!