• sunshine posted an update in the group Badges & Ranking – Nominate & Congratulate 11 years, 3 months ago

    Bring out the champagne, flowers, and balloons!!!!!! Cheers!!!! Bravo!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!! @e-star Master congrats on Master Slinger!!!!!!!! Yahoooo!!!!!!!! ;D

    • As fast as lightning @Sunshine and Master Thanks for the party, I feel like it’s my birthday :D
      [[[hugggsss]]]] my friend!

    • Yes Congrats E-Star! If it were up to me, you’d get 2 points (at least) for every video you post.

    • Whoo Hooo! Congrats @e-star!! Very nice and with all the help you give us around here I’m surprised as always you haven’t topped the list of ranks!! ;D

    • Aww Thanks for the cheers my friends! I love being in here and a life without the nest is just not thinkable anymore :D LOVE it!!

    • @e-star you’ve always been a Master Slinger to me with all your awesome comtributions to the Nest. Congrats! :)

    • Mega-Congrats on Master Slinger @E-star! :D (((((hugs)))))

    • Great job @e-star. Thanks for all you do for us nesters. :)

    • What a nice party to wake up to :D thanks @karen68, @HarryStar6, @brave1966, @AngerManagement and @Scooter feels great to be such a part of this community! drinks are on me in the Bloated Pig (forum section) today! Cheers!!

    • Congrats @e-star ,You are to cool for school ,its a good thing the Nest attracts the best ,:) which is U in an Egg-Shell ,.Thanks so much for all your help xx—MasterEeeeeee

      • Tee hee, thanks xebic88 you make me blush! And LOL on the Egg-Shell :D Hope I can hold up my reputation for a long time to come! [[huggs]]] haven’t seen you in a while, you off in Space or on vacation in Rio hahahah anyway, nice to see you again!

    • Congrats again @E-star! The again is because I could swear I already congratulated you yesterday. It amazes me that you aren’t at a higher rank. Of course, I would give you 2 points for each video, if it were up to me.

    • Well done, @E-Star!!!!!

    • Mega Congrats @E-star! It would be an “empty nest” with out you! :D Thanks a sling-full! xoxoxoxo

    • Mega Congrats @E-star! This would be an “Empty Nest” with out you! Thanks for all you do and all your help – as well as all you vids! xoxoxoxo

      • Tee hee thanks Bird addict and hahahah Luckily I am just about the right age to understand the “empty nest” and they aired that show overhere too… awwww the good old days :D

    • @E-star
      This one is special. Now the “Master” is truly the Master Slinger. Congrats to you Estar for your great accomplishment to obtain this rank. You did it the hard way by posting videos along with words to assist all of use to become better flingers. That I will always be thankful to you.
      Nice work at play and you did it in an outstanding manner.
      Sorry for being late but I have been on the road for the last 4 weeks with a major project.
      Best wishes, your student, “Grasshopper”.

      • @wrw01 heyyy Pops!!! Nice to see Grasshopper (who has become a Master him self… no doubt about that!!) pop in. Thanks for all the kind words and a friend is never to late! Nice to get congratz at a least expected moment :D And I know my Pops is the most hardest working man in the world, just hope you take enough rest to get the some what aging body some rest tee hee! hahaha LOL