99 Red Balloons (Bad Piggies Weekend Challenge June 1 ’14!)

Somewhere in the corner of my rusty old hard disk there lay a song “99 Red Balloons” that always cheered me up through years of depression from having strived my maximum utmost to steal eggs and failing at every turn! For years on end! What’s a pig gotta do to get some fresh omelette these days?

Porcine reality aside, that song “99 Red Balloons” definitely is a good match for this weekend’s Official Bad Piggies challenge to build the pigs some Hot Air Balloons!

Bad Piggies Official Weekend Challenge 1 June 2014 - Hot Air Balloons

Bad Piggies Official Weekend Challenge 1 June 2014 – Hot Air Balloons

There have already been Angry Birds hot air balloons floating around in the tranquil skies of Earth, but a pig balloon? That’s got to be new.

Without further ado, check out the following video to see what we made for the Weekend Challenge. You may then check out the rather boring (as usual!) writeup below to see the self enforced ‘construction guidelines’ that Pigineering used for this weekend’s build.

Pigineering Construction Guidelines:

For the purpose of this exercise, care was taken to keep the contraption as simple and slow as possible in the interest of realism. It’s really easy to construct some sort of high performance dirigible-aircraft hybrid in the game so some discipline was warranted.

For controllability purposes, we felt the vehicle should have a slight negative buoyancy so that thrust from a single lift fan or bellows is sufficient to maintain cruise flight. Likewise, to impart some sort of forward motion to the balloon in lieu of actual wind, some low-powered propulsion was utilized.

Finally, due to the limitations on component design, some creative liberties were taken in a fashion appropriate to the size of the various vehicles.

Bad Piggies Hot Air Balloon

The sailing’s smooth as silk and the pigs are sleeping on the flight!

We hope you enjoyed this short report on the Hot Air Balloons Weekend Challenge and hope to see you participate in the community contests on Twitter and Facebook soon!

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Category: Bad Piggies, Pigineering

Comments (14)

Rank: Sling God with 35930 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

So from now on we should see new contraptions every week based on a theme, “Balloons” being the theme’s now.. :)

Rank: Explosive with 2470 points
By Les Toreadors (@les-toreadors)

Yes the Weekend Challenges were being actively run by Rovio and I thought to bring some attention to the WCs here on the Nest. They’re quite easy to participate in!

Caveat – the WCs are run on Twitter and Facebook only.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Sandeep (@sandeep-kamath)

@les-toreadors , I made a swing and posted it on bad piggies’ facebook page.

Rank: Explosive with 2470 points
By Les Toreadors (@les-toreadors)

I’ll go take a look shortly! I need ideas for the next Weekend Challenge and the swing might be a worthwhile thing :)

Rank: Explosive with 2470 points
By Les Toreadors (@les-toreadors)

@sandeep-kamath – Based on what I heard, we might be able to get Swings into a Weekend Challenge coming soon :)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Sandeep (@sandeep-kamath)

Thanks and PIGineering also told me that they would post the weekend article on my swing. :)

Rank: Explosive with 2470 points
By Les Toreadors (@les-toreadors)

Yeah I thought to inform you via Facebook as well. It all depends if Rovio Socmed can do the swing challenge this coming weekend, otherwise I need to divide my attention two ways.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Sandeep (@sandeep-kamath)

That challenge is TODAY!=D

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)

OMG @les-toreadors 99 Luftballons must be older song then you.
I hope that Bad Piggies would be updated in near future, until it comes challenges will keep interest in game. It is sad that we, BP fans didn’t get update for months.

Rank: Explosive with 2470 points
By Les Toreadors (@les-toreadors)

Yeah Rovio SocMed is doing a good job engaging existing fans on Facebook and Twitter, but only new features can bring in new players to the pork side.

I also had a passing thought that if there were an Angry Birds themed physics game, it might be more popular that anything named after the Pigs. Just a thought on how the Angry Birds franchise works :)

Rank: Sling God with 68935 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

Interesting guidelines for the builds. Takes some ingenuity and creativity construct these Bad Piggie machines. Nice work at play.

Rank: Explosive with 2470 points
By Les Toreadors (@les-toreadors)

Bad Piggies is addictive for this reason! Never really stopped playing it since 2012. It’s good for simple stress release exercises (Crash those pigs!)

Rank: Sling God with 26000 points
By Uncle B (@uncle-b)

Gotta love it when the PIGineers create flying Hot Air Balloons ~ PIGineering ROCKS !!!

By MinionPig


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