Lending birds to battle.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Lending birds to battle.

  • Hi, how is it with bird support from friend (when you can borrow bird from friend to battle) in what cases you can get bird from friend? Beacouse i cant borrow a bird to maelstrom(or its maelstorm)? its one. Cant be posibble that the lending birds from friends is limited (for example 2 times per day)?

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  • Mighty Red

    @simon184 You can borrow a friend’s bird only for the Friendship Gate levels, daily Dungeons and the Chronicle Caves. Maelstrom is none of those.
    After borrowing a friend’s bird, you’ll have to wait 12 hours to borrow a bird from that friend again, or you can spend Lucky Coins to borrow without waiting.


    Thanks Mighty Red. :D :)

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Lending birds to battle.

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