Arena set items vs birds set items

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Arena set items vs birds set items

  • So I have noticed as my birds get higher mastery or maybe depending on which league I am in the banner sets and mythic items get stronger, example: I recently rolled a mythic Resurrection emblem and enchanted to level 2, it is stronger by 188 points than my mythic thorn wall enchanted to level 3, they are both level 72. I have every set item for my birds all level 72 and I notice when I get a set item rolled it is the exact same power as my previous level 72. I am just trying to wrap my head around this and make sure I have it correct.

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  • burbman

    @ckd1 – used to be that arena set items were tied to both the player level, and the current arena league. That then changed to player level and highest arena league achieved to date. Later, items no longer identified what arena level they were associated with, but perhaps the characteristics are still dependent on league.


    As you, I obtained during Gold tournament a L72 emblem with higher life point value than another L72 twin gained fighting Rock tournament.

    Actually, I’m freerolling shits anytime so I should not fear additional “Twin set” ??????

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Arena set items vs birds set items

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