The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2434
  • Wow! I was just joking around @Kelani, @Annifrid. But you were right. I've already got multiple offers. We gonna have us an auction.
  • Hey @Burpie. if you're willing to throw in your two first places in Space, they're willing to go as high as $15,000. How's a quick five grand sound to ya?
  • @rat9 5 grand? Make the deal ;-)
  • @Burpie Not 1k. 10k at a *minimum*. The developers and some players had that same question. One of the devs contacted him personally and verified his purchases were legit. Apparently he's a former antitrust lawyer living in Canada. :)

    edit: You play chess also ? :) I used to play in tournaments all over the US. There's a lot of money to be made at those, too.

    @Rat People will most definitely spend their money (or their parents') on things which do not exist in the real world. I mentioned it here before, but there's a game called Diablo II. It had extremely powerful and cool weapons/armor that were pretty much impossible to get. The game also allowed players to trade items. This led to a multi-million dollar industry of ebay auctions and websites where thousands of people sold these items (most were hacked duplicates of an original one). From 1999-2002, I traded and sold legitimate versions of these items. I made enough money each month to pay my rent and car payments. Combined with my day job salary, it put me in a higher tax bracket. (yes, I listed the income on my return).

    A friend of mine who ran a web store selling these hacked items in bulk was making over $100k/month during the first few years. In 2008, NINE years after the game came out, he was still making $40k/month. Unfortunately, he forgot to pay his taxes, so his store is as closed as his cell door. :)
  • @kelani -- Is it possible the people you think spent that much utilized an exploit in the game, like many did in AB Epic until Rovio blocked it? Used to be if you kept setting your device clock ahead 24 hrs, each time you did you got to battle the golden pig for gold coins. Some people apparently got more than a year ahead! Then there was the early release (beta) version, where you could keep replaying the golden pig battle as many times as you wanted as long as you kept immediately replaying and didn't exit to the island map.
    But I do agree that there are a lot (several?) people in Epic who have admitted to spending at least a few hundred on IAPs.
    The difficulty of making progress without spending money and without Facebook friends drove me to set up a FB account for gaming "friends" only. So far haven't spent real money, at least not more than $10, which turned out to be useless, and was my last attempt to avoid FB.
  • Once, I got lucky and found a highly-coveted longbow with perfect stats, easily the rarest and most desired item in the game. It also had a glitch which gave something silly like 1% more damage than normal. Because it was a legit item, it was worth even more. I naively sold it on ebay for $500. The guy who I sold it to promptly relisted it, and explained a bit more about how special it was. He set a Reserve of $800. 200 bidders later, some German bought it for over $1200.
  • @mvnla2 The developers verified his purchases through the app store. They won't say how much he spent, but "all purchases were verified and his town level is consistent with that amount".

    This game doesn't have some of the features which allow exploits like the Epic ones. There is no automatic payout. You can get gems randomly for exploring, but even if you automated exploring and did it 24x7, you'd get at most 100/day (about $1 worth) Plus, since you can only be attacked when you're offline, they monitor how long you're online. Anyone playing inhuman amounts of time is going to be caught.

    btw, $10k would buy about 1M gems. I think I've had about 5k total.
  • BL and I have a guild with 50 members, and I've informally polled the ones that chat. About 15 of them have already spent between $20-50 on the game.
  • What I like about this game is, you can realistically do anything the big spenders can do without spending a dime. it just takes weeks instead of days. For example, one important building upgrade takes 8 days to complete. You can bypass that by buying about $12 worth of gems. I'm opting to wait. There's plenty of other things to do during that time.
  • No puppies today. Puppies can't live in Space anyway.
  • @Burpie This is the restart of a beautiful relationship. Your move.
  • @kelani -- What do you mean by "BL and I have a guild with 50 members"? What is a guild? Is this about Plunder Pirates?
  • @mvnla2 Yeah. That's the game I'm talking about. You can create guilds and work together. When the game came out, I think Sal made an ABN guild called Tortuga Nest. BL joined, then Sal defected to a stronger guild. We all know how busy BL is, so when I showed up, being the only active ABN member there, I guess I took over running the day-to-day stuff.
  • Weird. One of the guys in the guild is in Kurdistan. I'm amazed they have time to play games over there.
  • Woot-woot! It works, my new Garfield Halloween avy. Heehee!
  • OB Give me whatever your serving @Mumsie. It must be good stuff considering her offer. lol
  • @fenikus just told me the price of the original AIR just went down by $100. Do I have great timing, or what?
  • Wow. I just told a member she could probably expect the Stella update on Jan 11, 2014. Where's my coffee?
  • Well, look like I'm probably going to exchange ipad tomorrow. Walmart dropped their price by $50, so I can get a 32GB for what I paid for the 16GB. Just gonna be a pain to set everything up again.
  • @all I've saved soooo much money not buying all that stuff described above! Unbelievable!

    @kelani New iPad WTG!

    Spectacular military plane display (Sukhoi):

  • @tompuss - now that's the way to look at it - I think I'll tell HWDNF that I've saved £1000 by not buying IAPs so I'm going shopping!!
    @kelani - will they let you swap it just because the price went down? Wouldn't be able to here.
  • Hello comrades. I new improved @Rat9. Some names of you not remember. I learn quick. Now I'm #1.
  • @Mumsie At this chain, If the price drops within 7 days, they will refund the difference. I'm not sure exactly when their price dropped after Apple's announcement, but it could've been 6-8 days after i bought it. If they give me any trouble, I'll just return it and buy the better one. I can do that for any reason, up to 30 days from sale.
  • @Tompuss Deja vu, huh? :) We'll see how it goes. I normally wouldn't bother with it, except I've only installed 5 AB games, and 4 small utilities, and I only have 3.7GB free space left.

    edit: found out why I had 3.7GB free. It downloaded the 4.1GB iOS 8.1, even though I told it not to. That's now gone, thankfully.
  • @TomPuss @mumsie -- Great minds think alike. I could never convince my father that was how savings worked. Hubby, on the other hand is overjoyed if I go shopping and actually buy something! Turns out I am now shopping challenged when it comes to buying clothes for me.
  • Sorry I haven't been around :(
    Night night catch up over theiweekend just wanted to say I'm alive ;)

  • Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • @rat - Go Dawgs!! - I'm all ready - dressed in my new t-shirt waiting with bated breath for the result!!
  • You got a new shirt for the game @Mumsie? You're a bigger fan than I am. The game starts at 3:30 EST. Weathers good. Fingers crossed. Cowbell's on the coffee table. I'm ready too. Go Dawgs!!

    Score prediction: MSU 31 Kentucky 17
    Yea!! MSU Wins, stays ranked #!
  • Where was the party last night? I obviously missed it.
    Realized that Cave 11 is lots worse than the gold / orange portal in the Epic Event. I've used up most of my potions between the 2, and am only through cave 2!
    There are 8 days left in the Event. Was it really only 11, or maybe it was 12, and on the first day said you had 11 left?. This is way too long IMO, the 3 or 4 days of the first one were more than enough. The hardest level on this one is also a lot harder than the first
  • @mvnla2 even though I've played games like Epic for 29 years, that is the most confusing game I've ever seen in my life. :)
  • @mvnla2 I totally agree on that one, the Epic event's too long. For some reason I play against fifteen random guys, some of who are 10 levels above me. I just hope I'll manage to stay among the top three till the end.
  • @Annifrid -- Everyone plays against 15 random people. What level are you at? Do you have a facebook account for playing games? Sounds like some FB friends with powerful birds would help.
    @Kelani -- Frustrating, yes, but confusing? Well OK, maybe. It seems like a lot of the game is determined by random chance, like how many medal points you get for a given battle.
  • With that much experience @Kelani, we expect great things.
  • @mvnla2 Level 26 ATM, but the event battles give so many points I can usually level up in less than a day. No facebook over here. I know it'd allow me to pass more than two chronicle cave levels a day, but I hate that website way too much.
  • @rat - Go Dawgs!! (At least I think they're winning at the moment but, boy, is that live scoring confusing!!! Have absolutely no idea what's going on!)
  • @mvnla2 I mean just figuring out what to do. I played a dozen levels or so, until I got to a point where the pig always kills me.

    @Rat Nah. It's just time, not experience. They're all different.
  • Well, Operation ipad Upgrade was a bust. I called walmart and got the approval to return mine (on the last possible day), and the website said the 32GB was in stock, so I reset mine and took it back. Naturally, they had no 32GB, and neither does any store within 100 miles of me. So, I had to settle for getting a refund of the price drop. They couldn't figure out how to do that on their computer, so I had to return mine, and buy a new one exactly like it. What a day.

    Although, I can now say I've seen a senior citizen destroy a computer. An elderly lady ahead of me learned her dead refurb laptop also had a 15-day return policy, which she missed by 40 days. She didn't like that, so she said a few feisty things, knocked it off the counter, kicked it across the room and went stomping off towards the manager's office(!)
  • @JLZ your Ham Dunk #54 forgotten screenshot post is fixed.
  • @rat ! We're still winning (I think!!) but I'm sorry to say that hubby, infuriated by 'that damn noise' has confiscated my cowbell and hurled it down the garden!
  • @Mumsie did you solve your laptop problem? I never heard back from you about it.
  • Haven't been back into the office yet @kelani - will let you know once I've been in
  • @Annifrid -- Yeah, I also hate facebook, but decided it was that or quit playing Epic. Is there no FB in CZ, or is it just that you don't want it?
    I find it really weird that I seem to be advising people to set up a facebook account, given my feeling towards them.
    @Kelani -- Part of the Epic strategy is that you have to keep repeating levels until you get enough experience and now mastery to level up.
  • @mvnla2 I don't want it! I might set up a fake account someday if my sister stops letting me play AB Friends on hers, but I hope I won't ever have to.

    In Epic, I have 3* in every level on the surface of the island, including the levels behind friendship gates. The chronicle caves (entered them last week) will take a LONG time with only three "friends" who can only be used one or two times a day, but I can put up with that.
  • @Annifrid is that epic "friend" option only Facebook? I may be out of luck there. :(
  • Hmmmm it's been pretty quiet in here so not a lot of catch up to play.
    Why thank you for fixing my mistake @kelani Are you spying on me? When did you get healing powers? ;) I'm loving that old lady's attitude! Now that's how you do it!
    So I'm now sporting a "Danger" sign around my neck. 2 days after hurting my neck I sliced one index finger with a knife,then ripped the nail off to the quick on my other index finger! I looked like a walking disaster with strange twisted head and two bandaged hands! Dressings are off now and head is pointing in the right direction so I'm looking a bit better but hubby is keeping a safe distance away from me ;)
    Well Mother Nature is playing nasty ATM. She's hitting Scotland hard with a predicted 3 days of torrential rain and high winds. Our (UK) clocks changed today so with this already crappy, dismal day it's looking like it'll be dark by 4pm :( Perfect baking day,so I'm just about to make some choc chip and hazelnut cookies. Hubby's birthday is on Tuesday so that's his request but I'll bake him a birthday cake tomorrow.
    Hope everyone is well and has a lovely Sunday X
  • Let's make it less quiet. Good afternoon guys, found some time for social talk. Have a nice sunday.
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