The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2283
  • @mvnla2 just got the same experience with the picture turned upside down. Doing wrong anything? So I turned the picture on the Ipad and uploaded that one - also upside down, argh. Again, back to the original, now everything went fine. It's weird
  • @bernersenn Upside-down pix: Did you see my comment to @mvnla2 on previous page? That reference and a little Google research should be helpful :)
    Ah, lovely photo, can't wait to be back also. . .
  • Beautiful scenery in Switzerland @bernersenn. That should remove all the stress of daily strife. Good for the flinging too. Which do you prefer? The view in Godswil or out your window at home?
  • @rat thanks. What I prefer? The view on the picture. We in Holland don't have mountains, although I live in a part of Holland with very, very low hills. When I return at home I will post a picture of my view at home, then you may decide yourself.
  • @tompuss read your link about the upside-down pictures. Thanks for the link. The picture was taken with the Ipad, indeed. I hope to visit the mountains this week, then I will take my Canon with me.
  • Btw, flinging and rest. Anyone an idea about where to fling that flock thing in TT #1, no matter here I fling this thing - result is tearjerking
  • @bernersenn Directly into the marmoset or the space above him. Don't auto-trigger. Do that, and you should get a good score within a week. :) Wish there was a better shot, but I haven't found one.
  • @bernersenn, I recognize that magnificent view -- it's the same as in the picture of your dogs! Forgive me if you already told us this (actually I'm sure you did but I forgot) -- is that a family house or do you rent it for vacation?
  • His view looks kinda like mine, except all the lovely scenery is blocked by big old trees.
  • @fenikus your score is conspicuously absent on the challenge. Are you having trouble with it, or just decided not to play?
  • @SweetP Nice! If you get 390 more points, TT will be ruled by the BP Octet/Octopus/Octomom/G8 whatever. :P
  • @kelani, I gave it a few flings last night but then remembered that I hate that level. Very tough.
  • @fenikus Why does your HH-6 video have a black mouse cursor in the middle of the screen? (nice strat btw)

    edit: Same on MM. Getting that first shot collapse is damn hard.
  • I forgot to move my laptop's cursor off the mirrored iPad screen.
  • Hey @all @kelani, @SweetP

    @fenikus tee-hee, I'm so glad you gave in and watched it :) Liked yours a lot too, super quality - and I thought it was in black and white until I saw colour in the passing cars.
  • @kelani I will try that #1 as you said, although it didn't work. But persistance... :-)
    @fenikus good observation. It is the same location (it is the same house, picture with the dogs was taken last year)
  • I was like 'is that a bug? or secret PC version?'. lol.

    @bernersenn I somehow got 116k on my first runthrough, then spent a few hours on the second runthrough. Never got above 111k. Definitely persistence. OCD and lots of free time may also help. :)

    heya @TomPuss :) I'm watching the cutevid shortly, promise!
  • Hi @all
    Fabulous view @bernersenn just breathtaking
    @kelani the wabbit didn't even try to overtake you today, trying to annoy @fenikus in HH
    And did you mention #3 in HH? dreadful score their, Kel, dreadful.......
    I'm fairly happy with about eight of my HH scores, lots of work to be done before @fenni gets really worried ;-))))))))
  • Hello @hunnybunny, @all
    @kelani I just know you'll enjoy that vid!

    PMs soon . . . had such a mega weekend, I'm still reeling :)
    Nighty night, all xoxo
  • @hunnybunny Thank you for letting me have the big chair for another day. I'm also attempting to mine some points from good 'ol Puerto Oculto. Or as @funikus wants to name it: Cabo San Feniky

    Arg, don't mention #3 to me. That level's a day-spoiler. :(
  • Woo hoo looks like we all got some new badges (other than @kathy, she's got them all already lol)
  • @Kelani, I notice byepad didn't say bye last night?

    Mrs. Bunny, thanks for leadearboard guardian nomination :-)
  • lol. So we did. Thanks for the nommies, @hunnybunny.

    @fenikus byepad was in effect last night. It came home at lunch, along w/ 5.5k thanks to your most-helpful #6 strat :)
  • @bernersenn that is a beautiful view .I don't have mountains here I have to travel about 3 hours north to see mount Washington inn the white mountains in New Hampshire.
    Very nice:)
  • congratulations everyone on the new badges :) I'll have to pop over to B &R to properly see what goodies you all got:) uhmm @hunnybunny i don't have them all lol..actually I'm missing a spot where one could go but i don't think I'm eligible for anything that's left:(
    Ob I'll have a Marmoset killer please. .I'm off to hit the HH boards..wellll I gotta hit the HH Marmoset first lol..
  • Ha ha @kathy I know what you mean, your little rectangle is just one badge short. OB Kathy's drink on me please....
  • Lol yep @hunnybunny thanks for the drink :)
  • I see at least one badge @Kathy is eligible for but doesn't have. :)
  • @fenikus after a great start in HH I've hit wall, about 100 metres high! Hoping I'll buck up a bit tomorrow. Look at my leaderboard, if you need cheering up. Good start, awful finish (although I've yet to try #15 yet) .........
  • Go on @kelani please tell
  • Hmmm..idk @kelani ?
  • Same one Mrs. Bunny and I just got. Leaderboard Guardian
  • Bunny hangs head in shame, did I miss @kathy out when I nominated?

    Goodnight all, might just have a little fling.....
  • Dont worry about it @hunnybunny:)
    Sweet Dreams happy flinging. .
    Night night. .
  • S'not like it was the final nominating opportunity :)
  • How do you see which badges another member has?
  • @Kathy look at their profile or leaderboards. Same as how you see yours.
  • How do i get to their profile? When i click on the name it doesn't bring me there? @kelani lol youd think i should know this after 3 years lol..
  • I just got a strange friendship request. .user name was all symbols:/
  • @Kathy If it's a friend, I go to my profile, then friends list. If not, or when I want to do it faster, I go to my profile, then change the link to their username, so
  • I cannot type the user name so i copied it @☆ςÏέήςÏέψ☆
  • Yeah, it's hax0r ascii for science something. I saw that name earlier.
  • thanks @kelani..this new member was seeking help. .but i don't know how to idk can't type that.
  • I tried to reply and suggested a change in user name @admin ?

  • @Kathy ☆ςÏέήςÏέψ☆ @mention name is different and easy. it's @lolkitty
  • can't believe that wasn't already taken.
  • Yeah, I also got a strange friend request few minutes ago. Someone named "Kathy" ;-)
  • Lol thanks @kelani I didn't see that?
    My phone just made you a famous football player lol..but i changed it. I'm trying not to use the aliases my phone assigns you haha!
  • @Kelani, how would "Kathy" be spelled in hax0r symbols, and what the hell is hax0r?
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