ABN Avatar Contest 2013 (Moved to the "New Forum"!) Page 5
  • @team, the avatars I had in mind have already been nominated. Is there a list? Not all nominees are on page 1.
  • Bird Addict strikes again! *poof*
  • @Bird-addict are you asking to see a members list? If you are go to the gold bar marked community scroll down to members and it will show everyone in the nest, if your asking about the ones already nominated then they are indeed listed on the first page and the ones that aren't yet will be listed under the last update e-star made. Hope I've answered your question, if not maybe break it down and I'll try again! :)
  • @bird addict the list on page 1 should be up to date, so if I missed a nominee with the update, please tell me which one and who nominated him or her.
  • @bird_addict and @estar. I take a Short look and i think the List is up to date. Nobody is missing right now!!??

  • Alright due to @angermanagements computer issues with the forum, which BL is trying to fix, The ACTeam has decided that He is allowed to enter his Nominations for January as well as February Since it's due to no fault of his own, so saying his nomination for January is for @Dr Omega (main site) and for February @Werewolf69.
    Thanks @estar ;D
  • Both the nominations of @angermanagements are added :D
    Hope it gets fixed soon for you @angermanagements!
  • @kimmiecv and @estar

    32 nominations right now. Really great show right for the first 1 1/2 months in 2013 :-)
  • Here's my Feb nomination. Was going through some old levels & realised the the lovely pink face of Angry Advisor @lesleyg wasn't here! You always know help is near when you see her avatar :D enjoy your après ski @ccjolly!
  • Thanks a lot @jlz666

    I will enjoy it. I will start soon !!! Full details to follow :-)
  • @JLZ666 Thanks for dropping in again and the nomination! I have added hers to the wall of nominations :D

    And indeed CC it looks like a great wall already! Who know's how many we will have at the end of the year!
  • Yesssss :-)
  • @hinarei Good Choice !!!
  • @Kimmiecv i would like to nominate @loox for February very cool interesting avatar with the slingshot aimed at the moon at least that's how i see it:)
  • Two great choices @hinarei and @Kathy!! :D
  • @Hinarei and @Kathy, Sorry for the delay, I will update the nomination list tonight :)
  • Loox and antwan83 avatars are added to the nomination list!
  • Great Job @estar

    The contest runs !!!!
  • As I understand this thread I may nominate one avatar for each month. For February I'd like to nominate @jlz-666.
  • Thanks for you February Nomination @cosmo2503

    Nice to see you here :-)
  • Thank you for the nomination @cosmo2503 I love it! @estar did another amazing job :D!!
  • @cosmo2503, your nomination is added, thanks for visiting us!
    @JLZ, you look amazing up in the wall, do think the longer I look the more devil red is coming in the tail?? hahaha LOL
  • Yup indeedy @estar That's going to be one scarlet kitty by the end of the year ;D
  • @AvatarContestTeam -- I've already made nominations for Jan, and Feb, and have more than one lined up for future months. Would you consider it out of line if I made a list of suggestions for anyone whose favorites have already been nominated?
  • @mvnla2 it sounds interesting. Please write a PM to AvatarContestTeam. So we can discuss it there!!
  • @CC I think it isn't necessary to cover this in PM because although a PM would have been a better way to begin with, the idea is already brought in here. My opinion in the matter, is let people think on their own (which I think they want and will do) and if they want help with selecting an avatar, they now know, mvnla2 is willing to help out with a few suggestions.

    @mvnla2 thanks for wanting to help out, but as I stated above, I like people to come up with their own suggestions and don't want to flood the thread with lists of "could be" nominations. If they need or want help, they now know they can turn to you.
  • For what it's worth I agree with @e-star on this one. Already others are coming in not to nominate anyone but to try to get their avatars nominated, putting more posts like that here would just create more of the same and that's not what this avatar contest was meant to be about.

    @mvnla2 thanks for the idea, I hope you understand.
  • I'd like to nominate AngryBirdsSpaceMaster. His avatar always makes me smile :D
  • @all -- Yes I do understand. I hadn't considered all the ramifications.
  • @bird addict Thank you for the nomination, I have added it to the wall of nominations :D

    @mvnla2 thanks for understanding :)
  • @AvatarContestTeam -- I keep forgetting there is a way to PM you guys in the forum, right?
  • @mvnla2 the easiest way is if your friends with CC? Just PM all three of us together. The actual ACT profile is used more like an HQ for the avatar contest inner workings than it is as a way to contact us together. :)
  • So hard to chose one but my PC is back! I painted my new avatar but I can't put it in
    Gravatar. Well I will choose my Feb. Nomination and my new avatar later.

    My connection is very slow like a snail when I use my PC.
  • February Nomination:
    ncisgrabert (the picture of summer pignic)
  • I think i like @CCJolly and @Harrystar6 . wow! so many awesome avatars. my avatar can't really beat any of them :D
  • @lamia nice to hear you find it great !!!
  • @leggy you can't nominate your own avatar. Please read the rules on page1.
  • Ooh i missunderstand this. I personally see no probleme that you nominate a user which have your created Avatar.

    You get my ok !!
  • @leggy you are right, one can't nominated their own avatar and I guess I read the comment by justadoo as a plug for his own... It is not added to the nomination wall on page 1.

    As for nominating your own creation of an another Nesters avatar. I have no problem with that if you (or any other creator of avatars) want to do so.
  • That idea sounds very good. Estar is our great PC specialist. She will take a look i am sure. Thanks a lot for your request here @leggy

    Nice day !!!
  • @leggy sorry to dissapoint you, but I am not very fond of that idea. Cause at the end of the year people who want to nominate a person have to check all 11 sections to check if their nomination has all ready been nominated. Now everything is in aphabetical order, so if somenone is looking to see if their choose is already up there, they only need to check the order just once. Hope you understand.
  • Sorry, for not seeing the benefit of the system you suggested. I myself don't care when a avatar is nominated, just want to know if it is already up there. But I guess I missed those comments where people asked about when someone was nominated, need to read back for that... As for a trial, the change you are asking takes a bunch of time to reorganize and therefor I want to wait and see if there are more people in favor of your suggested system, before I make any changes.
  • @E-Star @leggy -- I like the current organization, and would prefer it to grouping by month. I don't really want to add more work for the avatar contest team, 'cause I know how much time they spend on this already. Well, I started to suggest something, but thought better of it. It's more than fine the way it is.
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