Level Glitches & Bugs (Moved to the "New Forum"!) Page 12
  • Not sure what you mean about AB:Free. I can swipe on iPad.
  • Hmm, strange, now it does work normal.
  • Another glitch(not very sure but it does happen) found. On Angry Birds Seasons, Wreck The Halls. When the orange bird puffs up, it actually pass through the pig, or bricks, and not blowing it up or move it or harm it in any way. Even after the orange bird dissappear, the pig, or the bricks or the structure never even move.
  • Happens sometimes.
  • You're changing the subject, going tweet tweet tweet. It anoys me
  • @kingpiggy087 I have asked you many times now to only make relevant comments. My patience is growing thin.
  • But you're not paying attention to my glitch.
  • Like trojan horse viruses?
  • @PlayDBird -- couldn't resist.

    @kingpiggy087 -- what about the trojan horse virus? I'm pretty sure it is all covered on the very front page of this site.


  • @ChaosTsar lmao, you just made my day.
  • @kingpiggy087 You could always contact Rovio directly. I'm going to later regarding the crashing on the new ABFree update for iPhone - its driving me insane now! :)
  • When I play trick or treat 3-3 i wait for a while the struture was fallen and many pigs were killed .
    That happen to me once
  • There are self-destroying levels. They aren't bugs.
  • Sorry @hamsterboya but we are not a host to promote your own pages
  • I've had that happen too, @chaostsar. Also, is there a way to go to the last (or most recent) page of a post when you click on it - rather than to the first (or oldest) page, and then having to click down to the last page? I know this sounds whiney, but would save a moment...
  • @ChaosTsar unfortunately yes, Vanilla gets a bit confused from time to time.
    @PlayDBird unfortunately no, since each forum discussion is technically one thread, it is logical that it should open to the parent.

    The forum as we know it will be changing in the semi-near future, so many of these issues will be hopefully resolved.
  • Posted this over on the walkthrough page as well. Fry Me to the Moon level 10 on my Kinde Fire If I destroy the foundation of the Space Needle, the top part (the part made up of wood and ice mostly) remains suspended in air without any support. When compared with the same level in iOS, where that part of the tower falls by itself quite easily, this makes for a completely different game play between the two platforms. I took a photo of my screen showing the hovering tower top and emailed it to Rovio. Will post back here if I get a response.
  • In fry level 7, the pig whose bubble was popped just stayed in midair. I have a screenshot but don't know how to upload it.
  • There isn't much force here in terms of gravity. That's likely the issue.
  • No, but the pig would have been dragged toward the planet and been popped. It was in a gravitational field.
  • I saw it just happen once. Very strange, but very rare as well. Not an easy shot to just pop the bubble.
  • The "new comments" feature in the forum doesn't seem to be working today, but maybe it is related to the "deleted user"???
  • @mvnla2 Yep, since the deleted user's comments were deleted as well, the system still thinks that they should still be considered "new" if not viewed yet.
  • Sorry if this is faq but all my games have disappeared from my game centre. I can still call up achievements and scores from within each game but nothing comes up on the game centre. Is it them or is it me? Tried signing out & restarting and synched ipod but no change.
  • It's probably on their end.
  • Right now, when I try to go to my profile to edit, I keep getting the members' page, can't figure out how to get to where I want to go. Hasn't happened before. Is it possible that someone is hacking this site in the worst possible way?
  • Indeed, we'll have to notify BL.
  • I'm sure I'm in the wrong place, but don't know where to ask a question so if there's a special place for general questions please point me to the right place for the future. Thanks.

    I have just finished Space, and I noticed at the end there was one more section called Eggstroids. I noticed it had a 3/18 on the front of the "space egg" and when I clicked on it, I played the game, got 3 stars, but now what. There's nothing more. I looked at the leaderboard for the scores and there were about 8 levels maybe more, but I only have the one. How and where do I play the rest? I'm on a PC. Thanks

  • @Barbbjb That episode is like a bonus feature, you could find eggsteroids throughout levels in the game to access more Eggsteroid levels. Example: You have found 1 of the 6 available, finding the other 5 would give you more Eggsteroid levels.

    Here is the ABN guide to Eggsteroids:


    Happy flinging! :D
  • When I try to go to my second page of friends (sorted alphabetically), I get a list of all members, or something.
  • There's some issues with profiles that we know of.
  • Thanks so much Kartflyer! I'm on my way. Barbbjb
  • Still having problems with the second page of friends
  • Try clearing your Internet cache. A few fixes went through today.
  • Still having problems: Cleared cache; restarted computer; cleared cache; went directly to ABN.com; used pull-down under my name to get to friends; still get everyone on page 2
  • Can you send me a screenshot perchance?
  • @AMslimfordy -- I think I uploaded 3 pics to my album, which I hope you can see. I am still having problems with the 2nd page of friends. Thanks for your help, and Happy Birthday on Fri (if that is correct)/
  • I'll let BirdLeader know. Thanks.
  • @BirdLeader I keep getting complaints that ABN is hogging all the bandwidth in the house. I think it must be the ads, especially the ones that keep changing every few seconds. Not clear if bandwidth use decreases after they all load, but the complaints are fairly continuous.
  • danger zone 16
    the wooden plank next to the pig by the tnt "goes through" the stone block
  • I don't know if this is really a bug but I guess I would consider it a "glitch". On at least two of the FMttM levels (3-6, 3-9) you can get the lazer bird to go into a weird slow motion trajectory which eventually leads to him hitting something and going into full speed, launching off into space or into a planet or other object. The way to see it happen (I've had it happen 3-4 times in 3-9, and once in 3-6) clear most of the planet/pigs with the first birds, when you launch Terence try to be sure he stays on the planet (not bouncing) but keeps touching debris to keep him from popping. Lob the lazer bird above Terence and then put the target right where Terence and the planet meet. If you hit it right the LB will jet to the planet but then he sort of stops on impact, however his long purple trail is still there and then you will see him moving slowly in some direction (depending on how he hit etc...) almost as if he is suddenly in slow motion. Eventually if he contacts something else he will suddenly go into full speed. Not really useful or impeding to finishing a level (unless you're just trying to get three stars by using all the birds and clearing as much debris as possible) but sort of interesting.
  • By the way here is a screen shot of what happens with the glitch I described in my last post:


    As you can see the target is on the planet and LB is drifting off into space (ABS FMttM, 3-9)! You can see the green feathers left from the impact of LB with Terence on the planet surface. The level actually ended (since all pigs were popped) with LB still drifting out of the atmosphere very slowly. Anyway just interesting, not really useful or "bad" in any way.
  • just got menu popper after the utopia update. just popped 1 pig on the main screen and achievement banner appeared.
  • We marked it as fixed on the Bug Page, and noted the fixing in the release post.
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