• wrw01 posted an update in the group Badges & Ranking – Nominate & Congratulate 2 years ago

    Hi sweetp,
    Just following up. About 4 months ago I made sereral nominations for various flingers who i found very helpful in Rio and was wonder about the status of their badges.
    @liontooth Alumni
    @steviep147 for HighIQ and Secret Santa
    @anton249 for Pleasant Company and Share the Wealth
    @abeggertoofor Pleasant Company and Alumni
    @catsnbirds for Secret Santa
    @sparty83 for Secret Santa
    I cc @bernersenn and @birdleader just in case you are away or out of pocket. I understand the badges are not as popular as they were but I still like to recognize those who have earned them. It makes me feel like I have done something nice for a fellow flinger.

    • wrw01 replied 2 years ago
    • Thank you very much. An honour.

    • Thank-you @wrw01 for thinking of me 😀. Your Michigan neighbor sends greetings down to Indiana!

    • @wrw01 – thanks for the nomination but since its been many months, i think the @admins have given up on much of this site. I have not seen much activity except the usual AB-Friends posts. With no new levels from the orig slingshot versions (original, seasons, rio, space, star wars and star wars2), for several years, sadly, this site no longer serves its original purpose

      • The admins are doing a great job considering how big the nest has grown. They have normal lives like everyone else and trying to keep on top of spamming would be a full time role alone