PigBuster Active 8 years, 3 months ago

Forum Replies Created

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  • Replies
  • PigBuster

    Hello there,

    Glad to have your playing Transformers, and thanks for contacting us. Unfortunately the amount of tokens rewarded is linked to the time you entered the event. Thus if you started the event later, you will not sadly receive the full reward. The event entry point/time is directly reflected in the rate of the reward granted.The time zone the game and events are based on is that of London, Great Britain (we issue a disclaimer of the time zone during the event). We hope you keep up the good gaming and wish you lots of luck in upcoming events. Apologies for any inconvenience experienced.

    Best regards,

    Rovio Support Team


    Is EOP exclusive? Or can I get it later?


    I sent request to the Support: 1239869
    As a customer that pay real money for the game I am entitled to know the rules.


    Hi Guys,

    Any idea how the leader board is created? I played my first stage right after midnight GMT. I got 12 tokens but first place was already 300+?

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