• For the first time, for me the contest results updated instantly when the competition ended, and I got my second-place rewards instantly as well. Encouraged by that, I played my first game in the new Arena competition, but sadly the same problem continued – I was matched up against someone with much higher stars and bird point values, and…[Read more]

  • For the first time, for me the contest results updated instantly when the competition ended, and I got my second-place rewards instantly as well. Encouraged by that, I played my first game in the new Arena competition, but sadly the same problem continued – I was matched up against someone with much higher stars and bird point values, and…[Read more]

  • @hank, I’d really appreciate you input. After having won 12 Arena weekly contests out of my first 13, and being well in the lead early in the 14th, suddenly something changed a few days ago, and for the last 36 matches or so, I have been matched up against opponents with significantly greater advantages (much higher ranked birds, star ratings,…[Read more]

  • @hank, I’d really appreciate you input. After having won 12 Arena weekly contests out of my first 13, and being well in the lead early in the 14th, suddenly something changed a few days ago, and for the last 36 matches or so, I have been matched up against opponents with significantly greater advantages (much higher ranked birds, star ratings,…[Read more]

  • Now I’m really ticked. I’ve had four matches since my last post. My birds are all 6’s and 7’s (with one 8). In three of the matches the opponents’ birds were all 8’s, 9’s and 10’s, and in one match, 10’s and 11’s. I executed well, but, of course, won none of them. What’s going on, Rovio?

  • Now I’m really ticked. I’ve had four matches since my last post. My birds are all 6’s and 7’s (with one 8). In three of the matches the opponents’ birds ere all 8’s, 9’s and 10’s, and in one match, 10’s and 11’s. I executed well, but, of course, won none of them. What’s going on, Rovio?

  • In contrast to your experience, virtually every match I’ve had in the past 36 hours has been against an opponent with a much higher star rank, and birds at higher levels than mine, or in a few cases, at a slightly lower rank, but with all their spells, making the matches unwinnable for me even with perfect execution. I was in first place in my…[Read more]

  • In contrast to your experience, virtually every match I’ve had in the past 36 hours has been against an opponent with a much higher star rank, and birds at higher levels than mine, or in a few cases, at a slightly lower rank, but with all their spells, making the matches unwinnable for me even with perfect execution. I was in first place in my…[Read more]

  • I am getting fed up with my spells that I have been awarded disappearing just as fast before I can use them. Please, Rovio, find a fix!

  • @ddeck, perhaps you or @hank have knowledge on this. Starting early yesterday, I have been consistently outmatched by opponents with much higher star ratings, birds at much higher levels, and lots of spells, making it all but impossible to win a match. Since others do not seem to be having the same issue, I have a theory — I am 12-0-1 in the…[Read more]

  • @ddeck, perhaps you have knowledge on this. Starting early yesterday, I have been consistently outmatched by opponents with much higher star ratings, birds at much higher levels, and lots of spells, making it all but impossible to win a match. Since others do not seem to be having the same issue, I have a theory — I am 12-0-1 in the Arena…[Read more]

  • ddeck, perhaps you have knowledge on this. Starting early yesterday, I have been consistently outmatched by opponents with much higher star ratings, birds at much higher levels, and lots of spells, making it all but impossible to win a match. Since others do not seem to be having the same issue, I have a theory — I am 12-0-1 in the Arena (diamond…[Read more]

  • Something changed in the Arena today, and not for the better. Virtually every match now has me pitted against someone with much higher star rating, birds that are at levels way above mine, and usually spells. I’m having trouble winning even the first match. This is nether fair nor fun, and if it keeps up, my plan is to find more enjoyable ways to…[Read more]

  • Can anyone tell me the difference in effect between the “crown” and the “street hat”? Do they differ in any way regarding their impact?

  • @djangosum, thanks very much for the explanation. I had no clue about the process, and so I have just bought party hats for my birds and claimed my daily feathers. Now I understand better why I have had so many opponents with star ranks lower than mine but with birds that were ranked higher. I’m bummed I didn’t figure this out sooner, but better…[Read more]

  • @kelshe, thanks for the reply, but I’m really confused now. I am star rank 49, but I have never been offered daily feathers in the manner you described. There is a nest with 3 eggs in the upper right hand corner of the screen with an exclamation point which I click on to enter the arena, but it does not offer me daily feathers. And while the upper…[Read more]

  • @djangosum, I must be missing something, because I’ve never seen an invitation to buy hats with the pearls. I’m not even sure what you mean by claiming feathers in the daily arena. I’m 12-0-0 in the Arena, having won gold in all 12 of my Arena competitions, so I’ve won feathers, and I get feathers or gems when I claim treasures periodically during…[Read more]

  • @deaftalk or anyone, I have earned pearls, but I can’t figure out how to use them to buy party hats. What is the procedure? Thanks

  • @hank, I’m going through “Groundhog Day”. For days now, each day my silver bird starts at level 4 (lagging all my other higher-level birds for quite a while now) at 915/950. After lots of activity, I get more feathers and each day I get it up to level 5. Then when I log on the next morning, it has reverted back to level 4 (915/950). Is there some…[Read more]

  • Can you explain what you mean by “I always go for the feathers”? Do mean the 80 gem prizes? I’ve been trying to figure how how so may opponents are ranked much lower than me, yet their birds have higher levels.So if there’s some other way to raise my bird levels, I’d love to know. I’m 8-0-0 (all gold) in the Arena, but the feather accumulation…[Read more]

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