eluros Active 9 years, 11 months ago

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  • eluros

    @adjuk84 Experiencing the same thing. Contacted support yesterday. They hoped it would be fixed by today’s update, but obviously it wasn’t. I responded and let them know. You may want to consider filing a support ticket, as well, so they see that numerous Users are experiencing this (and that it hampers gameplay).


    Hey, there,

    I have about 4 pages of Facebook friends who play Angry Birds Epic with me. I am unable to use their birds in battle or spin their Golden Pig wheels– it says that visiting friends is unavailable, and most names remain “Loading…”. How can I resolve this? I’ve tried different WiFi networks, no WiFi, and restarting my phone.

    On Android so I have to use Facebook. I’ve seen some other folks in this thread with this issue but I’m not sure if there’s a resolution.

    Any ideas? Thanks!


    Please disregard. Until the Facebook bug is fixed, can’t take any new requests. Sorry!

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