dmccros903 Active 8 years, 10 months ago

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  • dmccros903

    I sent you FB invite. I’m currently lvl 22 with 10 masters, 17 elites and the rest are veterans.


    I sent you a FB friends request so I can acquire some friends who actually play Epic. Hopefully I did it correctly since I don’t really use FB very often (too busy).


    I’ll happily add any fellow AB Epic fans to FB friends if you’ll return the favor please. I have none at the moment since none of my friends play Angry Birds. Thanks.

    FB info in profile since that’s how everyone else is doing it. I assume it’s “safer” that way? Thanks for any friending.

    I’m playing Epic at Level 15 and have some decent birds and weapons, so feel free to use them in your battles if just starting out too.

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