Active 5 years ago
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- Certified NesterCertified Nester
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- Share the WealthShare the Wealth
- Pleasant CompanyPleasant Company
- Jedi AddictJedi Addict
- Certified NesterCertified Nester
- UncagedUncaged
SeasonsKing ( iPad ) - "Sonic Dash now has Angry Birds Epic characters in it?? O.O http://www.angrybirdsnest.com/members/theangrybird/album/picture/14820/"
Makin Bakin ( iPad Mini ) - "With apologies to so many fellow Nesters, especially those ABFs… I’ve been inactive on Nest for over a year, maybe two. I think I’m back :)"
Lucy56 - "cannot open Arena. Anybody else?"
[STEVE]P ( iPhone ) - "@shiggy I just put in a request to join your clan. I’m very active, play multiple times per day. Thanks."