Meet the Angry Birds Star Wars Characters

Angry Birds Star Wars Character Page Screenshot Numbered
Welcome to our complete Angry Birds Star Wars characters guide and reference. Star Wars is a very unique addition to the Angry Birds franchise, as it includes a mix of our classic characters with the copyrighted characters from George Lucas’ double-trilogy. Another unique aspect of this app is the inclusion of a character page, which you can see above. To access this page within your app, click on the “bird face” icon on the main home screen (where the play icon appears). Use our numbered image above and our listing below to figure out which icons you are missing, or if you are simply interested in learning more about these characters’ abilities within the app.

Disclaimer: The above image is taken from iPad, which is the comprehensive list. Depending on your platform, your character page may appear different. (For example, if your platform does not include the Mighty Millennium Falcon, it will not include those icons.)

To the best of our knowledge, we have noted when certain icons are NOT available on all platforms — typically Mac and PC. In these cases, please adjust the location of icons logically.

  1. Red Bird Unlocked in Tatooine 1–1
    In this app, the Red Bird assumes the character of Luke Skywalker, the protagonist of the original Star Wars trilogy, native son of Tatooine, and Jedi-to-be. To begin with, Luke has no special ability. However, more will be said about Luke in #5.
  2. Pig, Type I Unlocked in Tatooine 1–1
    Our first encounter shows our pudgy green foes as Sand People, aka Tusken Raiders. Sand People are natives of Tatooine, though often hostile toward settlers.
  3. Black Bird Unlocked in Tatooine 1–5
    The formerly-explosive Black Bird now assumes the character of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master and mentor to Luke Skywalker and his father Anakin. Obi-Wan uses the Force to throw nearby blocks. Note that use of the Force will be in the direction of where the player taps/clicks the screen. More will be said about Obi-Wan in #16.
  4. Pig, Type II Unlocked in Tatooine 1–6
    As more heroes are introduced, so are the villains. Now the pigs appear as Storm Troopers, the soldiers of the Galactic Empire and minions of the antagonists.
  5. Red Bird, Upgrade I Unlocked in Tatooine 1–9
    As Luke continues in his training to become a Jedi, he obtains a blue lightsaber. Luke now has a triggerable ability: Tap the screen and Luke will spin the lightsaber, causing damage to nearby items. It may also be used to redirect laser beams. More will be said about the lightsaber in #21.
  6. Yellow Bird Unlocked in Tatooine 1–17
    Our formerly-speedy Yellow Bird now appears as Han Solo, a member of the Rebel Alliance with Luke and Obi-Wan. Han’s ability is to shoot three quick blasts from his laser gun. Note that, like Obi-Wan, Han fires his gun in the direction of where the user taps/clicks the screen.
  7. Mighty Falcon Unlocked in Tatooine 1–25
    The Millennium Falcon is the starship owned by Han Solo, most famous for making the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs. In the app, it replaces our beloved Mighty Eagle, though behaves quite differently. The Mighty Falcon travels in a circular motion, from 9 o’clock to 3 o’clock, either clockwise or counter, firing nine blasts from its laser as it traverses the semi-circle. The first blast is also perfectly horizontal.
  8. Pig, Type III Unlocked in Tatooine 1–40
    More pigs appear as TIE Fighters, the primary starship used by Galatic Empire. When popped, each wing will remain as debris until exploding upon forceful contact with another object.
  9. Tatooine Unlocked by defeating all levels of Tatooine
    As said above, Tatooine is the home planet of Luke Skywalker and the namesake of the first episode in Angry Birds Star Wars.
  10. Blue Bird Unlocked in Death Star 2–1
    Our splitting friend returns, here as a Rebel pilot. These pilots serve for the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire. The Rebel pilots have the same ability as always, splitting into three pilots upon user tap.
  11. Pig, Type IV Unlocked in Death Star 2–3
    Starting in the second episode, we are introduced to Death Star troopers. These individuals are part of a specialized force to protect the (first) Death Star. Read more about the Death Star in #18.
  12. Big Brother Bird Unlocked in Death Star 2–11
    Our bulky friend appears as Chewbacca. Chewie is a Wookie, co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon, and friend of Han Solo. Chewie has no special ability besides his impressive size and momentum, which can cause significant destruction in its own.
  13. Pig, Type V Unlocked in Death Star 2–13
    Pigs now appear as Imperial officers. In terms of military ranks, an Imperial officer would have command over a typical Imperial Trooper.
  14. Moustache Pig Unlocked in Death Star 2–13
    The stronger, bulkier pig assumes to roll of a Death Star Officer. Individuals promoted to this rank are part of an elite class within the Imperial military.
  15. Pig Boss, Type I Unlocked in Death Star 2–25
    While not necessarily the app-ification of the King Pig, this boss pig assumes the role of Sith Lord Darth Vader. We intentionally avoid a plethora of spoilers here (and strongly request that you avoid this as well). Instead say that Vader is a powerful Jedi and right-hand-man to Emperor Palpatine of the Galactic Empire. Vader has the ability hold blocks using the dark side of the Force. These blocks will have an aura about them, until Vader’s concentration is broken by withstanding damage and the blocks are released.
  16. Black Bird, Upgrade I Unlocked in Death Star 2–26
    After battling with Vader, Obi-Wan becomes even more one with the Force. As such, Obi-Wan’s use of the Force as an attack becomes more powerful and affects a larger radius.
  17. Pig Boss, Type II Unlocked in Death Star 2–40
    The boss is a variation of a TIE Fighter. At this time, they appear to have no special ability besides being slightly stronger than a normal TIE fighter.
  18. Death Star Unlocked by defeating all levels of Death Star
    The (first) Death Star is both a battle station and a weapon used by the Galactic Empire, capable of destroying entire planets. It is also the namesake of the second episode of the app.
  19. Pig, Type A Unlocked in Path of the Jedi J–1
    These pigs appear as Dagobah villain. These imitate real pigs, which Luke battles during his training to become a Jedi Master. (Not available for Mac.)
  20. Yoda Unlocked in Path of the Jedi J–1
    Yoda is Jedi Grand Master, likely the most powerful, most wise, and most “one with the Force” among all Jedi in history. He agrees to train Luke on the planet of Dagobah. (Not available for Mac.)
  21. Red Bird, Upgrade II Unlocked by defeating all levels of Path of the Jedi
    Upon completing his training with Yoda, Luke gains a green lightsaber. This lightsaber is stronger than the blue one and has a larger attack radius. At this time, we do not know whether this upgrade will have additional means of obtainment. (Not available for Mac.)
  22. Dagobah Unlocked by defeating all levels of Path of the Jedi
    Dagobah an otherwise-uninhabited planet where Yoda lives in exile. Luke travels to Dagobah to be trained by Yoda, thus it is the setting for this non-sequential episode. (Not available for Mac.)
  23. White Bird Unlocked by opening an applicable Bonus level
    We believe that the White Bird now assumes the role of C–3PO, a humanoid protocol droid who has served the Skywalker family for many years. His ability is self-destruction where, upon tap, he will break into several pieces of jagged metal. These pieces can cause damage to blocks and enemies, and are exceptionally useful to detonate TNT.
  24. Egg Unlocked by opening an applicable Bonus level
    The Angry Birds’ precious Egg continues to make appearances as a playable character, assuming the role of R2-D2. R2 is an astromech droid and counterpart of C-3PO. His ability is use of his shock arm, which delivers a jolt of electricity to nearby villains.
  25. Unlocked by obtaining 3 stars on all levels of Tatooine.
  26. Unlocked by obtaining “Mighty Falcon” medals on all levels of Tatooine. (Not available for Mac or PC.)
  27. Unlocked by obtaining 3 stars on all levels of Death Star.
  28. Unlocked by obtaining “Mighty Falcon” medals on all levels of Death Star. (Not available for Mac or PC.)
  29. Unlocked by obtaining 3 stars on all levels of Path of the Jedi. (Not available for Mac.)
  30. Unlocked by obtaining “Mighty Falcon” medals on all levels of Path of the Jedi. (Not available for Mac or PC.)
  31. Pink Bird Unlocked in Hoth 3-3
    On the ice planet of Hoth, we are introduced to the Pink Bird playing the role of Princess Leia. We won’t get into the spoilers here, but Leia is the typical damsel in distress, with Luke, Han, and the crew coming to her rescue. She sports a “Gravitational Field Disruptor” (GFD for short), which pulls targeted objects towards her like a tractor beam.
  32. Pig, Type VI Unlocked in Hoth 3-2
    This pig appears to be Maximilian Veers, a Major General in the Empire’s Imperial Army and leader in the Hoth attack.
  33. Pig, Type VII Unlocked in Hoth 3-6
    These pigs are AT-AT Walker Commanders. (To learn more about AT-ATs, see below.)
  34. Pig, Type VIII Unlocked in Hoth 3-1
    More pigs! These ones are Snowtroopers.
  35. Pig, Type IX Unlocked in Hoth 3-2
    These floating pigs (which sort of look like squids, or sentinels from The Matrix) are Imperial Probe Droids.
  36. All Terrain Armored Transport Unlocked in Hoth 3-6
    More commonly known as “AT-ATs” or “Imperial Walkers”, these giant vehicles were used by the Empire and are extremely difficult to defeat. In the app, some shoot lasers and some do not. Look for weak spots to bring them crashing to the ground.
  37. Big Brother Bird, Upgrade I Unlocked in Hoth 3–21
    After leaving Hoth and entering the asteroid field surrounding it, Chewbacca gains power. Upon initial impact with another object, a small shockwave radiates outward, rendering flimsy nearby structures unstable. The ability cannot be activated manually.
  38. Pig, Type X Unlocked in Hoth 3-28
    Pigs now appear as mynocks, which are parasitical organisms that seem to enjoy eating the power cables of starships, like the Millennium Falcon. They have the ability to fly, but if they are knocked off of their perch, they will typically fall and pop.
  39. Pig Boss, Type III Unlocked in Hoth 3-40
    The boss to defeat at the end of Hoth is an engorged mynock. The piggy head uses the Fat Pig from Angry Birds Space, instead of normal sized pigs. He can withstand approximately three times as much damage as normal pigs, but he is still no match against Luke yielding his green lightsaber.
  40. Hoth Unlocked by defeating all levels of Hoth
    Hoth is a planet covered with ice and snow, and was used by the Rebel Alliance as a base during the Galactic Civil War. Hoth is the farthest planet in its solar system and borders the Anoat Asteroid Belt, where the final 13 levels of the episode are based.
  41. Unlocked by obtaining 3 stars on all levels of Hoth.
  42. Unlocked by obtaining “Mighty Falcon” medals on all levels of Hoth. (Not available for Mac or PC.)
  43. Pig, Type XI Unlocked in Cloud City 4-17 or Boba Fett Missions B-1
    Boba Fett is a Mandalorian warrior, bounty hunter, and assassin for the Galactic Empire. Boba Fett eventually captures Han Solo, resulting in him being frozen in carbonite!
  44. Pink Bird, Upgrade I Unlocked in Cloud City 4-3
    After escaping from Hoth and arriving in Bespin, Princess Leia’s tractor beam has been upgraded. It is now much stronger and typically has more anchor points than before.
  45. Lando Calrissian Unlocked in Cloud City 4-21
    Lando Calrissian is a smuggler, gambler, and con man who ended up losing his prized ship, the Millennium Falcon, to Han Solo at Bespin. Calrissian would eventually become the Baron Administrator of Cloud City, a post gained via gambling. Calrissian wields a laser blaster, like Han Solo; but instead of three linear bursts, Lando’s fires three lasers simultaneously with a slight angle between them.
  46. Pig Boss, Type IV Unlocked in Cloud City 4–40
    Darth Vader returns, this time with his very own lightsaber which seems to make him giddy enough to hop all over the level! Mwahahaha, try to defeat him, if you dare!
  47. Bespin Unlocked by defeating all levels of Cloud City
    Cloud City is a colony on the gas planet Bespin, used primarily for mining the planet’s gases. The city is completely self-contained, almost appearing like a large hotel in its own right. Cloud City was run by Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian, who was known to frequent the casinos on the upper levels of the city.
  48. Unlocked by obtaining 3 stars on all levels of Cloud City.
  49. Unlocked by obtaining “Mighty Falcon” medals on all levels of Cloud City. (Not available for Mac or PC.)
  50. Yellow Bird, Upgrade I Unlocked in Moon of Endor 5-1
    After being frozen in carbonite by Jabba the Hutt, Han returns stronger than ever. His laser blaster has been upgraded so that each blast is stronger, nearly capable of destroying metallic blocks on its own.
  51. All Terrain Scout Transport Unlocked in Moon of Endor 5-4
    More commonly known as “AT-STs” or “Chicken Walkers”, these vehicles are commonly confused with AT-ATs. The primary difference is that AT-STs are bipedal, while AT-ATs are quadrupedal. Chicken Walkers were also employed by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War.
  52. Pig, Type XII Unlocked in Moon of Endor 5-10
    Pigs now appear as speeder bike pilots. Speeder bikes, also called hover bikes, will come crashing down to the ground if you disrupt the “repulsorlift” technology.
  53. Endor Unlocked by defeating all levels of Moon of Endor
    Things get a bit confusing here: Endor is the largest moon of the planet Endor. You would think that someone would be more creative and name the moon something different than the planet, right? Anyways, the forest moon of Endor is well-known for its inhabitants, the Ewoks, and for hosting a major battle toward the end of the Galactic Civil War.
  54. Unlocked by obtaining 3 stars on all levels of Moon of Endor.
  55. Unlocked by obtaining “Mighty Falcon” medals on all levels of Moon of Endor. (Not available for Mac or PC.)
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Category: Angry Birds News & Updates, Guides, News

Comments (109)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7655 points
By Chicadee (@chicadee)

Hi Slim, (@amslimfordy), Could you please tell me if I have to 3 star all levels of Path of the Jedi to get the green lightsaber? The above info says (for No. 21) “…by defeating all levels of Path of the Jedi.”

I ask because ‘defeating’ could just mean 1 starring a level.

I’m trying to save time because I’m going to have replay the levels I’ve played so far when I finally receive the green lightsaber. Having to replay levels (because of the upgrade in weapons), is a pain and it’s my only criticism of this Star Wars game. Everything else about it is excellent.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

1-starring is sufficient.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7655 points
By Chicadee (@chicadee)

This is good news – thank you :).

Rank: Pig Leader with 10980 points
By leggy (@leggy)

@AMslimfordy – I’m missing character #42 on my game, so just wondering if/when you will be adding the 6 new characters from Hoth update (levels 3-21 to 3-40, S8, D7) please?
Thanks in advance! :)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Sorry, today was a super hectic day for me. I plan to have the “text” updated by EOD. The image may be a little longer.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

@leggy Text has been updated. Hopefully the descriptions are sufficient — the image will be updated at a later time (I’m not a PhotoShopper).

Rank: Pig Leader with 10980 points
By leggy (@leggy)

@AMslimfordy – many thanks!
PS. Character #37, you state ability cannot be activated manually, are you sure? ;)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I believe so. From what I’ve seen, tapping the screen does nothing. The shockwave only occurs on impact. Am I mistaken?

Rank: Master Slinger with 7255 points
By AngerManagement (@angermanagement)

Yeah, @amslimfordy, I can confirm that tapping on the screen does nothing for Chewie. The blue shockwaves only appear once he has made contact with anything on the level:)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10980 points
By leggy (@leggy)

@AMslimfordy – I noticed that you can activate the ability upon contact of an obstacle by touching manually, maybe it just works differently for android though ? ;)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

The ability occurs automatically I think.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10980 points
By leggy (@leggy)

@AMslimfordy – I just revisited level 3-21, and it would seem that I was touching the screen at the same point at which the automatic ability occurs, assuming that I was activating said ability. So you are in fact correct with what you had stated because the ability does in fact occur without touching the screen, so please accept my apologies.
On the good side, I did manage to increase my high score whilst experimenting with this level :) – perhaps I should question things more often, lol ;)

By Golldd

I do not want to be picky but it would have looked more organised if Rovio had arranged the characters in one page and the planets in the other.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Would get pretty confusing with the numbering, I think.

By Sid

does “obtaining Mighty Falcon” medals on all levels” mean just a medal or gold medals

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

All gold medals.

Rank: Flinger with 80 points
By ms.sarcastic (@ms-sarcastic)

I have an extra line of characters on the iPhone character page.. there is the helmeted pig, a second pink bird and a shaded character with a question mark. What is this shaded character that I’m missing???? I have all the ones displayed from the iPad, as well as that extra line of 3

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

The text in the post is up-to-date, we just haven’t had a chance to update the image.

Rank: Sling God with 24455 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)

I haven’t been playing ABSW very long & just noticed that even though I’m only thru Tatooine 1-27, on my phone’s Character page #8, #11 & #13 appear even though I’m obviously not to any of these points.

Any insight? Thnaks

Rank: Shooter with 765 points
By Kwanda (@timothy7427)

You must have unlocked and played s-1, d-1 and d-2.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

If there are any Star Wars fans out there, I’d greatly appreciate you checking what I wrote for #50 thru 53. Don’t need super exhaustive, just accurate.

Thanks guys!

Rank: Sling God with 31895 points
By SnTrooper (@sntrooper)

Looks acceptable to me. But looking at the old ones #33 Pig Type VII should be “drivers” not “commanders”. The Veers type are the commanders.

Rank: Debriefed with 1415 points
By King Bird (@anurav-garg)

can you please show the photos of the rest of the characters also? (51,52,54 and 55).I have the game in PC and other characters are not available in my app.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

This page will be updated very soon. Thanks for your patience @anurav-garg

Rank: Debriefed with 1415 points
By King Bird (@anurav-garg)


Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Sandeep (@sandeep-kamath)

Path Of The Jedi level should not be opened only by 3 staring all other levels or by paying.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

It’s actually a very good system. The alternative would be: PotJ can only be unlocked by paying.

Rank: Slinger with 1075 points
By TetrisMaster (@sonic36321)

@amslimfordy, does it count for XBOX 360?

By Tori

My son just got me to buy extra yodas and now he doesn’t know what to do with them! Help!

By Diego

That is not the full list you forgot the characters from death star 2!

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By WyGuyAgain

What are the last six achievements that are not listed here? (I’m using an iPhone 15 Pro Max on version 1.5.12 of the App Store bought version of the game if that helps)

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