Let’s Play Angry Birds Transformers | Part 70 | Drag Strip

In Part 70 of our Angry Birds Transformers gameplay walkthrough series we take a first look at victory-thriving Drag Strip. We got him in the Drag Strip event.

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Category: Angry Birds Transformers, Walkthroughs

Comments (2)

Rank: Sling God with 69580 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

What a great looking Transformer. Appears to have great destruction ability and a fast vehicle mode.

By John Kampsen

Also got him in the Drag Strip event and played him throughout. He’s very fast. His shot is unpredictable. Sometimes he’s very powerful in that he can take out a walking mortar tower with one or two shots. Not good with missiles, usually getting whacked regardless of timing. Some shots cause a ricochet effect and others only take out 1 block. However, he defeated Unicron twice at Level 8 which was quite impressive.

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