• Rank: Sling God with 28125 points
Squawk! The Angry Birds Friends Leaderboard is open to Power-Up scores. Scores obtained with the aid of third party plugins or glitches are NOT ALLOWED. We can tell the difference! Be prepared to post a screenshot or video as proof of your Top Score(s). It's a tough competition!
Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 3,453,000: Ranked 6 out of 7 w/ 8 scores entered
Level #1, March 8th373,0006-80,391422,959-49,959n/a
Level #2, March 8th373,0007-208,855519,978-146,978n/a
Level #3, March 8th393,0006-253,588563,131-170,131n/a
Level #4, March 8th450,0006-229,624583,692-133,692n/a
Level #5, March 8th432,0006-110,042501,891-69,891n/a
Level #6, March 8th486,0007-240,331652,760-166,760n/a
Level #7, March 8th418,0006-294,651607,852-189,852n/a
Level #8, March 8th528,0007-200,598669,540-141,540n/a