• Rank: Gold Flinger with 9535 points
  • Seasons Greedings 1-16 FeatherSeasons Greedings 1-16 Feather
  • UncagedUncaged
Squawk! The Angry Birds Friends Leaderboard is open to Power-Up scores. Scores obtained with the aid of third party plugins or glitches are NOT ALLOWED. We can tell the difference! Be prepared to post a screenshot or video as proof of your Top Score(s). It's a tough competition!
Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 1,096,137: Ranked 65 out of 76 w/ 6 scores entered
Level #1 September 22nd153,58265-60,270178,729-25,147n/a
Level #2 September 22nd148,92166-79,981185,626-36,705n/a
Level #3 September 22nd159,48162-70,836189,635-30,154n/a
Level #4 September 22nd193,95865-54,832218,822-24,864n/a
Level #5 September 22nd203,55247-25,394206,581-3,029n/a
Level #6 September 22nd236,64362-40,419254,341-17,698n/a