Angry Birds Ham ‘Em High 3 Star Walkthrough Level 13-5

Ham ’em High level 13-5 can be cleared with one or two Big Brothers. One strategy is to lob one or both Brothers high in the air, crashing through the middle of the structure. Destroying the interior of the level and detonating the TNT is not too difficult. Managing to pop the far-left pig requires a bit more luck. The score in the video below is 104,450.

Version 2022:

Category: 05. Ham 'Em High, Angry Birds, Walkthroughs
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Comments (49)

By iseeucoco

I got the score 111.680 on this level. I used this method as in the video.

By Honeywar

It is possible to do this with one bird – go for a high trajectory and land it to the right of the grey brick. I’ve only managed to do it once and it yielded 109,310. Two birds is more easily achievable and will get you around 105,000 – same procedure as above and use the second bird to mop up any remnants.


I did the same thing and it was purely by chance. I was trying to do the method in the walkthrough. High Score was 114,410!

By David Pearson

One bird. 116,230. I feel proud of myself.


i just beat it with the two big brothers and got 108,530 which is three stars…i took the advice with the first bird from the video..then i used the second bird and aimed for the tnt…

By Alan E.

I just got 116,090. I did it with one bird and hit to the right if where the video showed.

By Boondocker

I had an amazingly difficult time with the above methods, trying again and again and again. I found an alternate, lower-scoring method, though. Fire the first bird straight in, striking just over the left-most corner of the structure. With luck, the bird with fall down and get the left-most pig. Then fire the second-bird way up as in the video. I finished with 103,480 and three stars. (Still a lot of luck involved.)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7215 points
By pjdambra (@pjdambra)Score: 116,470

I have a 116,470 with a one bird shot… (-:

Rank: Shooter with 880 points
By scorpion61 (@scorpion61)Score: 120,240

120,240 in 1 shot. Fired it low, just above the top of the cliff.

By roflninja95

116,670 using the same method as scorpian61

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 109,780

I just can’t seem to get the magic shot everybody is talking about. With the same strat, I got my score by using the second big red.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)Score: 109,380

Yeah, I agree with you kart. I got it in two birds with one hundred thousand, but I would sure like to see it in one shot on my phone!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1960 points
By z0z0 (@z0z0)Score: 112,340

Did almost get it for 118k in 1 bird. The low method, which is a path trough the top of the closest diagonal plank, where the 3 planks come together.

The lowest bird had a crack, but just didn’t die…

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 115,300

I think the fat red birds look like Newt Gingrich. I don’t seem to have my AB mojo tonight. I should get a negative score for my efforts on this
level tonight. Maybe it’s because I’m out here in the desert with no one to talk to, altho I did run into one player several levels back. Also heard from Sunshine & that’s always nice. Guess I’ll climb into my tent & call it a night. The sky is huge out here & the stars look like crystals dangling up there. Maybe tomorrow will be a better AB day.

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 115,300

I finally got my one birder for 115040 on a beautiful day here in the desert. A big thank you to Alan E. whose strategy I followed.
I got 112,000 using 2 birds but the 3 pt. difference is psychologically satisfying, especially after about 3,000 tries (slight exaggeration, I hope!).

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 116,550

LOL @duffy!!! I had to Laugh Out Loud when I red your post about the “fat red birds looking like Newt Gingrich”, LOL ;-)))

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 115,300

@angry advisor – that’s what happens when you are out in the desert by yourself too long. Actually, I still think Terence does look like Newt. I am always happy when I can make someone laugh.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12150 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 113,360

@duffy I’m glad I could brighten your day out on the desert!!! I hope you enjoyed your camping trip!!
I’m still trying to fine that sweet spot everyone is talking about! :)

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 115,300

@sunshine – I never found it! The desert was hot. I was out there during that heat wave. I was delusional much of the time. For example, I thought I had a decent score and then suddenly this level became the Challenge. I barely qualified with a 60 pt. improvement.

Rank: Sling God with 69570 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 112,810

One bird shot high arc right down the middle to the big bottom pig. Seems to be a sweet spot where everything just collasped quickly as Big Brother went down. Hit the top almost horizontal wood plank to the right of the stone block on top.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 116,550

I just improved my score to 114350 with a one birdie this way as well. It’s not the highest one birdie but here’s a screenshot that I hope helps some of you:

Basically just as @wrw01 describes, I aimed with a high arch and Big “T” landed slightly right of the center on that “almost” horizontal plank in the middle of the structure. It’s a pretty quick collapse so you should know pretty much right away if it’s gonna be a one birdie. Atleast knowing this allows you to be able to reset the level quicker if you miss the “Sweet Spot” verses the agony of a slow crumble which results in remaining pigs ;-)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14685 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 120,690

hiya @lesleyg …u have me by a few hundred points at the moment :) ..I went from the side as Doc describes below ,but used 2birds ,not much at all left ..just can’t find my 1 birds yet …..Happy hunting

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 116,550

Hello @xebic88 ;-) I see you must have got the one birdie! Good for you!!! I’m assuming you got it like doctonynyc did? That seems to be the way to get the higher one birdies, Nice job ;-)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14685 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 120,690

Wow that was a long night @lesleyg ,yesterday I took my nana of 99 and 3quarter years and my mum of ,(if u tell any 1my age u will be talking in a squeaky voice years ) out for lunch ,lol ,and stayed at mums AKA (Windwalker ) ,who is now well and truly a AngryBirdsNest lover ,.we settled in put the fire on and tackled the challenge till just after 4am I got my 114+ and went back to Rio until mum went and got 121630 with 1bird from the left side ,so I spent another few hours trying to better that and finally got the120k lol,left side again ,and I am very content with that ,so the house challenge goes to Windwalker ,well done mum .,thankfully she is not Lording it over me ,lol.(heads up to my friends ,I have encouraged Mum to befriend u ,although I am biast , u couldn’t ask for a better 1,(I’m hoping she reads this and I get fed well today ,lol:) …… happy hunting

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 118,010

I don’t see this exact method described above, so I wanted to share (although the first shot is basically what Boondocker describes). I was able to get 118,010 with one bird to the left side. Specifically, I was aiming toward the top of the first diagonal piece of word. There is a sweet spot there and, when you hit it, it’s possible to clear the level with very little debris left. It is a TINY sweet spot, though–maybe one pixel in size! Lots of “rinse and repeat” on this level.

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 118,600

@doctonynyc, I think I found your “sweet spot”, but you’re right it is tiny. It’s a nice shot, I can see how it should play out but haven’t quite got it to work, just come oh-so-close. Nice score!
If you follow the video I found landing a bit to the right compared to the video more reliable for destruction.
For those flingers who detest lobbing birds as I do, there is another more straight-forward approach. Aim for the left stone block on top, you want to hit the edge of the plank it sits on before hitting the block, both it & Terence get propelled forward down into the centre.
I’ve had a few 1-bird clears with these methods, but have yet to too my existing score of 115k.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18700 points
By waimea (@waimea)Score: 120,850

@DocTonyNYC Thanks for the clarification. Yes, there is a sweet spot there, but this is a level that just takes persistence.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15315 points
By windwalker (@windwalker)Score: 121,630

I got my score using the same method, aimed at the top of the diagonal
and got it with a one birder – really chuffed lol

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 116,550

Nice shooting @doctonynyc!!! This one birdie method seems to be the way to go for higher scores. I guess I’m gonna have to give it a try because my one birdie with the high arch only got me 114350. Here goes…let’s see if I can find that pixel of a “Sweet Spot” ;-)

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 116,550

Also nice job to @karen68, @waimea and @windwalker ;-)…I’ve got some catching up to do!

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 116,550

Well it didn’t take me long to find the one birdie “Sweet Spot” but I wasn’t very lucky on the “debris” points…116550. I guess I have some more work to do ;-)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 118,010

Glad I was able to help so many people today!

There is no question that this is a tough shot. I’ve only been able to get the one birder twice, and I’ve thrown hundreds of birds. I’ve come very close, though, many times. It seems like the toughest pigs are the far left and the bottom right (I assume this is what @bikkit means by the 7-10 split–gotta love a bowling metaphor!).

Happy shooting!

Rank: Boss Hog with 14685 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 120,690

Thanks @doctonynyc ,these challenges are great ,they pull my head out of Rio and invariably I find I am getting great improvement as they draw in a pretty sharp group of shooters and strats ….Good to see u Doc ,well I will catch u on the morrow ( The time has come the Walrus said to speak of many things ,of sailing ships ………:)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 112,190

Thanks @DocTonyNYC and everyone for tips..
got just above average …but I’m greedy LOL
and a glutton for punishment I guess..or maybe its the hot desert sun getting to me..gonna go back for more:)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 112,190

Well iI got up to 11k using 2birds..still can’t find that sweet spot..oh well maybe another day! Thanks for all:)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16895 points
By bikkit (@bikkit)Score: 109,360

Aaargh. I’m sure I’ll find that sweet spot soon but for now all I seem to be able to do is leave a “7-10 split” of the left pig and the TNT. Still, it happens all the time when I’m bowling, so why should AB be any different?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 109,650

@anonymousomeone would you care to submit proof and a strategy with your score? Otherwise, it will be removed.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 118,010

Just so you know, @amslimfordy, I don’t think it’s even possible on this level to score above 130K. I think the top scores are right at the very max. With my 118K, there were only about 4-5 pieces of debris left. I don’t know what was posted, but anything above 123-124K should raise eyebrows.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 109,650


Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 115,300

@waimea – you are in violation of Angry Birds Rule #501 which states that “No member who has been registered less than 25 years may refer to an undisclosed “sweet spot” in any comment. Further such member may not consistently score higher in the Challenge than more unfortunate members of greater longevity as this shows an unseemly lack of humility. It is also possibly dangerous to outscore @thetoddman63 & @rocklands. @slim, as chief administrator of the Walkthroughs, should have brought this to your attention, but in his dereliction of duty, I have assumed this responsibility myself.

Congratulations on your score and a belated welcome to the Nest.

Fashion Note: For fall of 2012, all trousers, men’s & women’s, will be 17 pixels below the knee.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18700 points
By waimea (@waimea)Score: 120,850

@duffy – my apologies for my egregiousness lack of deference to my (AB) elders…lol. Seriously, didn’t discover these lovely frustating birds till June, finshed all levels, all PC games, went searching for help to 3 star all levels – which I did recently when I discovered the wonderful help here. Since I never really spent much time on any level after 3-staring, that left TONS of improvement to be had, and the daily challenge has given me the impetus to work on individual levels harder. So please forgive this upstart newbie for not knowing the rules!
And thanks for the welcome. You guys are great and this is becoming my new favorite place to be.(:

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 115,300

Glad to have you on board. My apologies to @thetoddman23 for getting the number in his name wrong. But, Waimea, you should heed the warning about those lovely, high scores. This, of course, has nothing to do with the fact that I just minutes ago increased my score by a whopping 60 pts. to make the Leaderboard at all. I wouldn’t want you to think I’m jealous or anything.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14685 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 120,690

@waimea exactly what Duffy said lol welcome ….thanks for the chuckle @duffy

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 115,300

You are so welcome @xebic88. Glad you liked it.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10395 points
By Kayreen (@kareen)Score: 123,890

Wish I had a video of one bird shot that destroyed every bit of debris except a board on the far right cliff. Truth be told, I had to figure out how to take a screen shot on my iPad once I noticed that I achieved the top score (my first!). I used the one bird to the left side method, aiming at the triangular piece of wood, and had pretty much perfected an elegant pulling away of the structure and a significant amount of destruction but never this much and I was in awe as I watched it unfold.

Rank: Sling God with 45665 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 120,680

like @kareen and @doctonynyc ? many thx
i hit the top of the first wood
here a one-birder with 120k:

By Airport Engineer

Launch the first bird into the side of the structure. That takes out almost everything. Then lob the second bird to fall vertically on the rubble. Score 106610.

Rank: Deputized with 230 points
By Flingy McBeak (@lucius11)Score: 117,740

I One Birded this Level and I Combined Skill and Pure Luck to get this a score of 117,740 points! First I Used Terrence and Shot him to the Small Long Wooden block. And he was a Pure Blockbuster! It detonated the TNT 🧨 and it K.Od Every Pig! What a Fling!

Rank: Sling God with 36925 points
By HallieGinSB (@hallieginsb)Score: 124,170

One bird in Classics. Medium arc through the top of the leftmost vertical wood plank like comex666’s video.

Score proof:

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