Angry Birds Seasons Trick or Treat Level 3-9 Walkthrough

One strategy for Trick or Treat level 3-9 is to fire the Yellow bird through the slanted slab of wood, just above the first stone block. Bomb the rubble with the White bird, causing the bird to ricochet into the topmost stone block. Bomb rubble again, making sure the pumpkin pig at the top of the level has popped by now. One more White bird to clear the level. The score in the video below is 81,190.

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Comments (81)

By Hunter MacLean

Hardest level ever?

Rank: Debriefed with 1255 points
By FrithaB (@frithab)Score: 77,290


By Bradondo

I agree. I’ve gotten very good at AB and have 3 stars on everything except this. I don’t know why but I just can’t seem to kick this one. I still sometimes don’t even complete it.

By IanB

No way does that third white bird break through those boards AND the pumpkin to kill the last pig. This level is ridiculous

By Larry

Since this walkthrough is less than repeatable, can anyone suggest one that’s actually doable?

By mebsy

This method does work. Takes a lot of luck though. I got 74490 after about 40 attempts. It’s the only time I actually completed it. My last white bird just happened to fall straight down onto the bottom pumpkin at the end. Keep trying…

By Larry

Finally beat this level with a 77150; thanks for the encouragement! Not sure that any “method” “takes a lot of luck” though.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By dazkool (@dazkool)

Yep, just done it similar to the video. 74,150 with 1 bird left.

By Bamf7

Wow! Totally by accident I just beat it with TWO birds left. After launching the first yellow bird, it hit just right and a LOT of the boards shifted. I finished this level with two birds, and 86,910 points. It can be done!

By Gabrielle

I got 3 stars a slightly different way…. Instead of launching the first yellow bird straight to the bottom pig, I shot it up high in the hair and made it crash down in the middle of the wood planks…. It might have just been a fluke but it got a lot of the wood planks out of the way. And then for the rest of the birds I just followed the video… I completed the level with 1 bird left :)


you guys had me scared to death after reading these comments! i launched the yellow bird up high & removed a lot of the wood in the middle, then just used the white birds to clear out the rest. I ended up with 1 bird left & a score of 80640…. on my 3rd attempt. thanks for the info though!

By linda

help I am going nuts! have done this about 100 times! every which way and nothing works!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)Score: 89,180

Be sure to read the above comments for other ways of doing it. Sometimes other people will have solutions that will work better for you.

By linda

OMG. it’s very frustrating. makes me want to stop playing. When there is no ‘resolution’ it takes the ‘fun’ away. Many times have the bottom pumpkin left. Impossible to get to. I’ll wait for Rio. Thanks FujiToast!

By linda

FINALLY I got it. don’t even know what score. who cares! now onto another bizarro level 3-10

Rank: Deputized with 130 points
By BirdPhysics (@sunnicook)

76,350.. Done FINALLY!!!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Ianavak (@ianavak)

Go to YouTube & closely study the tutorial from sizeuk. You will see that the bombs are strategically dropped right next to the bricks making them drop breaking up the wood. The bird does not break thru down to the bottom pig without the brick preceding it. His video is more realistic. I’ve gotten close studying his video, but still haven’t got 3 stars. Just a matter of time now that I see his method.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Ianavak (@ianavak)

Finally got it 76600. After spending four scattered hours, I really don’t care about my score. The key really is to not break this bricks and drop your hen bombs right next to them.

By Brewhaaa

Wow! This level killed me. I gave the Halloween levels up a while ago and now retried them. Using something close to this method I got SUPER lucky- 92140 with 2 birds.

By Pete

Just did it, and quite easily at that. 83,000 with two birds left. Intended to follow the video, but messed it up. Pure luck.

By Yelena

I hate this level, I have tried every known position and cannot get above 70,720. Can anyone help?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)Score: 89,180

Don’t forget to read the above comments for other ways of doing it. Sometime other people make suggestions describing other methods.

By kev

Keep trying and you’ll get there I hate this one but have just got 72990 which is good enough for me

Rank: DaBomb with 450 points
By Mustang (@mustang)Score: 70,980

I hate this level!!

By Divaliciousone!

Me Too!

By Clark

:( I hate this level, i need more than a walkthrough to finish it, it needs a mirecale or something like that

By dan

I just started this level. I bet ill figure it out in less than ten min…

By dan

K its done…easy…just hit with yellow bird right above first brick…..should create a lil hole for the egg to shoot in…then the rest is easy…shoot bird hi and don’t land the egg til it gets in the hole..

By Wild

Amazing! This strategy worked, thanks!! 82,340 My last one needed for 3 stars on every level.

By Jen


By Swiss

This level is giving me a case of tourettes! I have tried every which way described here and I still can’t get 3 stars. This website is great and the walk-throughs usually really help me, but this one is going to drive me to drink (more). HELP!!!!!

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 66,530

I presume you’ve read through the comments above. There are a couple other strategies. This is one of the hardest levels in all of Angry Birds (all versions) to 3 star. It took me many many tries to get it. Just keep at it and it’ll happen. That bottom pig in the pumpkin really makes you want to punch the wall. :)

By Swiss

FINALLY!! VICTORY after 3 days of feeling like an Angry Bird myself!! I thought I was never going to see the end of that level. Now it’s time for me to go wash my potty-mouth out with soap. Thanks to all for your help! :)

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 66,530

Woohoo! Congrats!

By Swiss

OMG! You are so not kidding! It’s a miracle that I haven’t thrown my iPhone against the wall (the fact that I can’t afford a replacement helps to restrain me). I did read through the comments and I have tried a variety of methods, but I just can’t seem to get it. I have 3 stars in just about every other level, but I just can’t get past this one. I’m not giving up! I’ll get it with a whole lot of luck (and frustration…and foul language…). :) Thanks for the words of encouragement, Bird Leader!

By a554qwe

I am very lucky,got it in the second time without watching video

Rank: Flinger with 45 points
By srduck (@srduck)

I hate this level. After an hour finally solved it, but only 2 stars. Seems completely luck as nothing is repeatable.

Rank: Flinger with 45 points
By srduck (@srduck)

After spending probably a total of 3 hours devoted to this level, I finally got 3 stars at 80,680. That’s 3 hours of my life I’ll never get back.

By Seymour Butz

If you launch the yellow bird directly at the middle cement block sometimes it’s enough to topple most of the structure, it shifts out slowly so just wait a few seconds.

By AngryChris

71970 UGH… 30points give me a break Hitting first bird above break bringing structure down, then rest to clear the way until you use last one to take out pumpkin on bottom…

By Damian

First time commenting. I HAD to say something… I just spent the last 45 minutes trying to get 3 stars, only to realize the last time I played AB (about 6 months ago), I scored (without any help), 74,060, so I had 3 stars all along. Def. one of the hardest boards. Thanx ABN for all the help!!!

By chaotix

I agree this is one of the hardest levels to get three stars. 1 birds left at 78000+

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