Yellow egg #184

Home Forums Angry Birds Blast Forum Yellow egg #184

  • Newbie here. Level #184 needs ten of what looks like a yellow balloon only more oblong to win. An egg? I think I’ve seen it on other levels which I won but maybe I thought they were yellow balloons and accidentally got rid of them. In this game I can’t and every time I think I know how to get rid of them, it doesn’t work. I’ve even looked at videos but still can’t figure out how to do this.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

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  • sushi

    I have 24 hours free lives. I think it has to do with breaking the blocks. It seems some have the green smiley thing, empty or the yellow egg/balloon in it.

    Alexandra Nicholson

    You need to break the wooden boxes with the question marks on them in order the collect 10 golden eggs which are hidden randomly on the board.  Hitting the boxes once with open them and release any golden eggs once you have got rid of the metal blockers surrounding the boxes.  Good luck!


Home Forums Angry Birds Blast Forum Yellow egg #184

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