Wow I don't even want to play arena anymore

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Wow I don't even want to play arena anymore

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  • Abaresaru

    Sorry am I missing something as well?

    Just started the silver league. The daily points max is 5500 so how can people after around 18hours have amassed 14000 points?


    The cheaters are tiresome. I faced 2 rage chilis in attack this morning red and blues. I keep thinking Rovio will fix it. A post from @cosmo2503 has made me keep going providing it costs nothing because he has observed that if you end in the bottom 3 you drop down a league.

    Rather 2 chilis in 1 attack.


    Ahh that’s explains it. Hacked accounts and exploits. Why bother when there’s no real gain. Just spoils the fun for everyone.


    So my banner had about 100 health the enemies had about 300 after two attacks…the enemey had the banner that offers bomb to take the damage, well their bomb was dead yet my final attacked was STILL blocked by bomb and I lost because of it


    Rage block is BS as well i guess. Just watched Chuck go off multiple times against me with the no chili sign above his head but still throwing down full rage chili multi attacks. What’s the point of that banner???


    @salnayil — Rage block doesn’t work. yet??? I use it since it is the highest health emblem I have but if you have an alternative with similar health that does work you should use that instead.


    @tigerussell @salnayil If Rage Block isn’t work then use one of the other 2 Rage emblems. Soothing and Rage Shield. I like the Shield the best and it does work.


    Rage soothing doesn’t work. I had that at 2 different levels and it took rage off me when any bird attacked me. Not my opponents.


    @abaresaru I had a fight against a Soothing emblem and I works fine. Never used my own though. Hmm.


    Whilst I am basically enjoying the arena, so many seemingly unexplainable things happen, I have all but given up trying to understand how.

    1)Today I had enemy birds with the “no chili” mark on them due to my banner, yet the were able to make chili rage attacks on me. How is that?
    2) I have seen some people (level 41) mastery 8 with Red having over 3000 points of vitality, yet my level 9 is only around 2300, even though my offhand set items were gotten quite recently, and my banner is at silver level. How can I get a higher vitality?
    3) Has anyone managed the daily objective not to heal any birds? Even when I don’t heal them, I don’t score for this. Does using the rage chili count as “healing”?
    4) Sometimes my Red enemy activates something that makes him untouchable (both directly and indirectly)for a few turns. How is this feature activated? Headgear? Banner? Offhand items??


    @partshade — When I fight a team with a rageblock emblem it works for the AI. Just doesn’t work for players. I’m not entirely sure the other rage emblems work either. I have the rage shield and soothing emblems as well but they aren’t as strong as my rage block. I just keep hoping that one day I will play and it will work.


    In order to achieve the objective not to heal any birds, don’t use these birds in your battles since they automatically heal your birds.

    Red with Paladin
    Chuck with the Reborn Set (Phoenix Egg & Phoenix Feather)
    Blues with the Save Me! Set (THE Sling & Angry Bird Plushies)


    Does this included Chuck’s Chronos Set item?

    “Heals by 15% of Dealt Damage”


    It includes any item with Hocus Pocus, also banners that may provide healing effects, and Cleric class for Matilda.


    This objective has been mentioned a few times before. Birds reviving after 3 turns is OK. Any type of healing is not so you can’t use the Paladin, Cleric or Priestess. You can’t use any item or set that heals which are some of Bomb and Chuck’s weapons. Bomb’s Candy Bomb weapon does not heal, but if you have the set it will heal so don’t use that set. The Reborn and Save Me sets also shouldn’t be used since those will count as healing if they get used to revive a bird.


    The daily objectives give 5500 points. Extra can be obtained simply by spinning the wheel when winning battles, but I agree not enough to get up to 14000. Even on my best day and spending coins to get extra lives, and have never managed more than a few thousand additional points. Clearly these people who are getting huge numbers are cheating by re-setting their objectives. I don’t know how to do this, but based on comments in this forum, there are many who do.


    My last 7 fights have been – lost the toss. Birds killed instantly in one shot hits. 7 losses. I really can’t be bothered to play anymore. My rage block isn’t working as chuck repeatedly attacks. My set weapon is doing 500 damage. But the opponents whose mastery and written damage is less than mine. Hits for 800-1500 damage.

    It’s messed up worse than a nun in a chocolate factory.


    So I am now 4:85 at the coin toss. Even in the long game. There is no f-ing way that the coin toss is 50-50

    Vogel Birdson

    Hi all,

    This is my first post on the Nest and I have to say, I’m completely confused about what I need to do in the Arena battles.

    I hardly ever win a coin toss and seem to be matched against teams that I have no hope of defeating. I’ve already logged a support ticket to Rovio to this effect as it’s just too frustrating to play. Today I lost my 3 attempts but won’t bother to play the arena again tomorrow. What’s the point?

    I’m a casual gamer and although I’m at level 41 I don’t pay too much attention to bird classes and using different headgear (which is a flaw I know!) but I just like to load up the game and have fun, so I’ve been doing that for some time now to get to where I am. Just a shame that a potentially enjoyable feature of the game is just a pain the backside and no fun at all.

    Now that I’m here, I think I better start reading more of the forums to find out what I should be doing :-)



    @stevey Hi Stevey I also play for fun but I play daily just not all day which is more or less what you have to do just to tread water in the Arena. You got it right first time “it’s a pain in the backside”. I’m still playing because I started I and I keep thinking, though I am beginning to wonder why, Rovio will fix it.


    @stevey Welcome to the nest. Have a look around at the forums and do go back a few pages to see what has been discussed over the past few months. You may find something of value to you.

    Regarding your dilemma, you do get some choice over who you face in the arena. You don’t have to battle every arena opponent you see. If you enter the arena and come across an opponent that you feel may be too difficult, you can exit the arena, go and fight another battle on the island or in the caves (or do something else) and come back. You should then have a new opponent.

    A faster way to change opponents is to force close EPIC on the device you are playing on. When you open the game again you will have a new opponent. You can go on changing opponents until you find someone suitable.


    When an opponent has the banner that takes a lot of your health when you defeat one of their birds, I find it to be impossible to win. I basically perform a hard restart on the app to get a new line up of birds from my opponents. You lose so much health.


    @victor — The Vengeful Crest and Apathy emblem are the two best rewards on the wheel at the end of the silver league. The rage block of the apathy emblem does not work so even though it is the stronger of the two no one uses it. The vengeful crest does work so everyone and their brother has it equipped. Not only does it make it hard to win but it is impossible to three star a match against it. And if you have it you can get to a point where a chain reaction kills all birds on both teams which can put you at a severe disadvantage as well. You can beat teams with it failry easily with Red – Paladin – Critical Hit Weapon, Blues – Tricksters – Critical, Bomb – Captain – critical, or Matilda – Druid – Any. Attack the banner not the birds. Just don’t expect to get more than two stars and prepare to single star a lot.


    My new favorite bugs (please note the dripping sarcasm):
    Matilda on the enemy side is able to give 90% health, instead of 30%. So when she (not using Rage Chili) heals, i’ve seen 2400 health increase. Note: DOESN’T HAPPEN WHEN I USE MATHILDA.

    My bird gets knocked out first, I knock out a bird on the opposing side. The opposing team’s bird is back in the game before my bird. Whaaaaaat?

    When I use the no rage flag emblem, the other team – though the bird obviously has a “No rage” icon above its head – can still use rage chili. When I use shroud? ONCE it blocked an attack. Reduce rage? They rage just as fast. The only emblem that works decently on the player’s side is vengeance.

    I knock down their flag first, and “vengeance” strikes and knocks down my flag, I lose the battle. Even though I knocked down their flag first.

    My old favorite bugs (still sarcastic):
    Still freezing when I’m playing with my birds, so I have to exit the game…and lose a battle.

    People hacking the game which makes it nearly impossible for people playing legitimately to move up. There is NO WAY someone can have over 150,000 points on day 3. I once spent 9 hours straight playing, just to see how far I could get – and I pay money, so I was able to re-roll plenty. I ended the entire 6-day streak with 60,000 points.


    I love Angry Birds, and I play this game every day. But this arena has me furious. I spend so many lucky coins because of these stupid bugs. And I do pay actual money to play this game. But I’m about to give up on the arena. It’s rigged against honest players. It shouldn’t have been released until these were worked out. I have probably spent over 300 LC just to get back in the game after my player freezes and I can’t do anything – and it happens time and time again. Sometimes 3x in a row.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Wow I don't even want to play arena anymore

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