Windblade Accessories

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Windblade Accessories

  • Metroplex +20% defense 2000 tokens

    Swords incendiary rounds 1000 tokens

    Trident +20% vehicle time 750 tokens

    Probably exclusive at least for now

    Crown and other basic accessories available for gems on windblade’s character page.

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  • Optimus_Pig

    Hm, I’d be interested to know which body part each of those accessories maps to.

    It would really suck if I bought more than one accessory that goes into the same slot.


    Metroplex looks like a puppet probably the head or shoulder

    swords – arms or back?

    Trident – other arm?


    Perhaps, although I wouldn’t be surprised if the swords and trident went on the same arm.

    For example, you can get the Dion and the Helmet for Ultra Magnus, but both of those go on his head, so it’s kind of a waste.



    Thanks for the info. Helps with my strategy.


    I’m thinking that Metroplex is a shoulder item. Right now I think the Trident is for the back(maybe shown on the side of her like grimlocks sword. And the swords will be on both hands. It’s just my guess. Personally the Trident is last on my list of Windblade accessories, vehicle time is not a major attraction to me. I’d still like to get it but who knows… I guess we’ll know everything soon enough in the next couple of days.


    @optimuspig always on point…

    It would really suck if I bought more than one accessory that goes into the same slot.

    Agreed, I say we call them out as we get them. I’m cool with buying whatever I can afford tomorrow… Hopefully the swords. Either way I’ll be posting prior to purchase to make sure others didn’t already do it or are about to.

    Mighty Red

    If I were to buy an accessory for Windblade, I’d spend my tokens on the Swords – Incendiary Rounds are the best perk of those 3, in my opinion.


    OK, so I guess it’s about that time… Is anyone buying accessories yet?? If so which ones???
    Anybody waiting for Metroplex tomorrow instead??


    I’m holding out until the end. I’ll decide based on the total amount of tokens I have to work with. Right now I’m thinking swords first and Metroplex second. Then helmet and reflector.

    Note: They should’ve thrown in sunglasses — she’s a little creepy.


    @pampeans that’s what I was thinking about King Pig… His sunglasses are more expensive than all of the others and his goofy eyes are hard to look at sometimes.

    Anybody else notice that hole on top of her chest? At first I thought something was missing. Then I thought it was part of the cockpit, now I don’t know what to think.


    @tripolar It is an Autobird symbol. But it is red on red so is hard to see.

    Anyone else find her dance while upgrading both creepy and hilarious?

    Francis Crawford

    The ones that sound most useful so far are helmet, swords, and reflector.

    But it’s hard to be sure based on the cryptic and unreliable descriptions.

    I presume that affording all three won’t be a problem for me, but that’s assuming the bugs and glitches we’ve seen so far don’t get too many new friends joining their hive.



    I know, right! King Pig did not always look like that. Many months ago, one of the upgrades changed his look — Ultra Megratron got the rawest part of that deal — and it was shocking to say the least.

    Windblade has a very faint red colored medallion like Epic’s more prominent one. I guess they upturned it like that to give her boobs? (I did not just write that…)



    Haha. Very funny.

    Francis Crawford

    How does she project in general once she’s leveled up? Strong? Weak? Middling?


    I can confirm that Windblade can wear all 3 exclusive accessories simultaneously. Swords are on the hip. I thought I got a better shot of it. I can’t speak to efficacy.

    Windblade Accessories



    Thanks! That’s good information that changes my strategy somewhat.


    Cool. Thanks for confirming that @aliaspbj.

    I’m still probably not going to buy all three of Windblade’s accessories, but it’s good to know that I have the option to do so.


    Here’s some more info. I took my kitted out L7 Windblade and she did Okay in Pig City.


    So it would appear that I am an idiot for getting the three accessories that all do exactly the same thing. LOL. I guess it could be additive.

    Francis Crawford

    I’m skeptical about the value of most expensive headgear. 25 gems for +5% damage headphones seems like one of the few accessory bargains in the game, and many TFs have those available.

    I’m not sure that many of the expensive headpieces are as useful.


    My bad. It’s just showing all three in each description. When I turn the others off, it doesn’t show up in the description.


    @aliaspbj Thanks for the pics & info…kinda sucks that she can’t wear the crown and Metroplex at the same time. I was really hoping he’d be on her shoulder…

    Thank You for saying what I was dancing around, trying not to say but it is true!!

    I just realized the Autobirds logo today, some crazy shot where it looked like the camera was trying to look down her top… I think I just took this conversation a bit lower than intended…


    @pampeans Oh and the sunglasses for ultimate Megatron, the second pair for 200 gems… Goofy or weirdo?? or both… I can’t believe someone came up with the design. Then again it does match his color scheme and is different from the other one that all of the King Pig characters have…also not sure how same that guy is, so maybe a perfect fit…


    On the subject of lowering the tone did anyone else with slightly poor eyesight think the reflector gave +20% cup size? .. I couldn’t understand how breast augmentation would help bludgeon.

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