Where is the Mighty Eagle Boot Camp?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Where is the Mighty Eagle Boot Camp?

  • I can’t find the Mighty Eagle Bootcamp, even though I checked the wiki refreshed the app. Here is an image below.

    The image refused to load so I will give you a description. Where the Mighty Eagle Button should be, there is a sales and offers button with things like special packs and stuff.

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  • Vogel Birdson

    You’re right, it should appear on the right-hand side.

    I assume you have progressed far enough to have unlocked it?

    I suggest a support ticket into Rovio if this isn’t appearing when it should.


    Please have a look at the image below.


    As you can see, the Mighty Eagle Button is replaced by the arena button.


    Have you recently reinstalled the app? It will take 4 or 5 days for the MEBC to show up.


    either you have reinstalled the app recently which stop you playing the mebc for a few days or you have no internet which used to be a reason for it not appearing but i’m not sure if thats the case now. it says in the help on the app that “for safety reasons, if you uninstalled angry birds 2 you will need to wait 3 days to access mighty eagle bootcamp”

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Where is the Mighty Eagle Boot Camp?

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