What's your favourite AB game?

Home Forums General Discussions Forum What's your favourite AB game?

  • Oh well, we all love AB. But which one do you love best? Of course there’s @nacho18 and his team of Racers, and @les-torators and the Pigineers, but other than that we don’t know much. Feel free to comment below!


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  • Mighty Red

    At first I favored Space, but then Transformers appeared and IT became my favorite. But who knows, maybe Under Pigstruction will become my new favorite, since it’s the only AB game I haven’t played yet (waiting for its launch on Android). I love all the Angry Birds games though, regardless of the genre.


    Years ago when 1st playing & joining the Nest Seasons was my favorite.

    Despite the fact it seems to have fallen out of favor with many here after the addition of & continued inclusion of LCS (Rovio are you listening or reading ???) I really like Star Wars 2.

    Not only do I find the idea of Telepods fascinating (I’m from the BC or “before computer” generation,) I think the ability to swap characters gives us/the players so many different ways of achieving great scores or bettering previous our scores on those levels requiring more than 1 bird.

    With the addition of the 12 new characters in the last (Rebels) Release, new higher scoring strategies were developed for many of the earliest or 1st levels. The options are certainly finite, but compared to the traditional ABO, ABS, ABR, etc. where we are given birds in a specific order, ingenuity & “genius” prevail here & it seems like the options to develop new strategies are almost limitless.

    Bad piggies

    First my favorite was space, but than I started to like Bad Piggies more (if that counts as an AB game). But when the mirror words update came there were to many new levels to play and I started liking some of the newer games more like Transformers and Epic and Under Pigstruction. So Bad Piggies and Under Pigstruction are probably my favorite games.


    Go!- you get to do crazy stuff and fight the sinister Matilda and her gang of baddies: Moustache Pig, Bubbles (he’s a pilot- always attacking us that go into the air (excluding Air), Terence and Minion Pig(s) across Piggy Island for I-dont-know-what- cake? fame? who cares- it’s fun!

    Sir Falcon

    Mine is… ANGRY BIRDS EPIC!!!

    It’s addictive, and also has some “events” which are REAL nice!!


    My favorite games in order:

    1. Transformers
    2. Space
    3. Seasons
    4. Original
    5. Epic
    6. Bad Piggies
    7. GO!
    8. Star wars 1 & 2
    9. Stella
    10. Stella POP!
    11. Rio
    12. Fight!

    Dont know about under pigstruction, but i think it will be my new number 2 game


    I like them all, but Epic, Stella POP!, Under Pigstruction, Fight! and Space rank the highest.

    Of the lowest, it is Rio.


    1. Space
    2. Seasons
    3. Bad Piggies
    4. Star Wars 2
    5. Transformers
    6. Original
    7. Go!
    8. Epic
    9. Stella
    10. Rio
    11. Stella Pop
    12. Star Wars 1
    13. Fight!
    14. Friends

    Probably Under Pigstruction will be my new favourite game.

    Bad piggies

    1. Bad Piggies
    2. Under Pigstruction
    3. Star Wars
    4. Star Wars 2
    5. Transformers
    6. Epic
    7. Space
    8. Seasons
    9. Original
    10. Rio
    11. Friends
    12. Go
    13. Stella
    14. Stella Pop

    Power Pork

    2.Bad Piggies
    3.Under Pigstruction
    6.Star wars II
    8.Star wars
    14.Stella Pop!


    I changed my opinion:

    1. Angry Birds 2
    2. Space
    3. Seasons
    4. Bad Piggies
    5. Star Wars 2
    6. Transformers
    7. Original
    8. Epic
    9. Go!
    10. Stella
    11. Rio
    12. Star Wars 1
    13. Pop Bubble Shooter
    14. Friends

    … Any Angry Birds game (Sponsored Games, Chrome…)

    ?. Fight! (I really don’t like him)


    AB2 is my favorite!


    I must say, Star wars is the one that got me into AB and fromt here, ive enjoyed olaying Seaons, AB 2 and RIO.

    only problem is i have short attention span and cant stick with a game for more than a few months.

    Sir Falcon

    Woah… now my fav is AB2 and Fight!


    1. fight
    2. original
    3. angry birds 2
    4. bad piggies
    5. transformers
    6. epic
    7. star wars 2
    8. seasons
    9. space
    10. go
    11. stella pop
    12. stella
    13. friends
    14. rio

    I have no idea about star wars 1 it’s the only game I’ve never played

    Orange Bubbles

    Humm… it’s tough, but here goes:

    1 – Angry Birds 2
    2 – Angry Birds Space
    3 – Angry Birs Seasons
    4 – Angry Birds
    5 – Angry Birds Rio

    There are so MANY Angry Birds games and I don’t have time to play them all, so I try to focus on the main games.

    Even that way I never been to complete all the levels of any of the games (Rovio is always making more and I started playing a few years after the launch). But now with AB2 I’m almost doing that, with 3 starts in all the levels (I wish the other games were as easy as this one).


    My favorite:
    1. Epic (strategic)
    2. Bad Piggies (thinking)
    3. Space
    4. Go
    5. Season

    I think Angry Birds Star Wars become favorite for some people because the movie is famous. Without a good movie, it wouldn’t become some people’s favorite.
    I love Angry Birds Epic and Bad Piggies because it’s contain strategic and thinking challenge. I love strategic and thinking game.
    Im not/never play AB Fight yet.


    I find it impossible to put the AB games in order, actually. They’re all enjoyable! Especially the Original, Bad Piggies and Epic, though. I had or have a lot of fun with Stella, Space, Star Wars 1+2, Rio and Angry Birds 2, too. Games I’d regard not so good are POP! and Action!. (although Action! is barely out, but it doesn’t make me wanna jump with joy and giggle like Stella did)
    I never played Go!, Friends, Transformers, Seasons or Fight!.

    Mighty Chuck

    1.ab 2
    2.ab pop
    3.ab space
    4.ab epic
    5.ab friends
    6.bad piggies


    From favorite to least favorite:

    1. Star Wars 2
    2. Bad Piggies
    3. Space
    4. Original
    5. Seasons
    6. Star Wars 1
    7. Rio
    8. Epic
    9. Go
    10. Slingshot Stella
    11. Fight
    12. Action
    13. Transformers
    14. 2
    15. Pop

    I didn’t put Friends and Goal because Friends is the same as Original and Goal isn’t out yet for me.


    It’s a hard task to put all games into the order, but my list looks like it:

    1.AB Original – legend, most addictive and still brings most fun from them all, even with lack of updates except Birddays.
    2.AB Star Wars 2 – lots of strategies, cool characters and backgrounds + it’s Star Wars. Sad that Rovio discontinue it, still most funny game with non-classic sprites.
    3.AB Seasons – awesome game with many different chapters, very hard (in good meaning of this word), still alive but much wounded by IAPs.
    4.AB Stella – different, easier, more girly, but it had potential for really good game. On plus interesting characters with cool abilities. Could be much better, but it won’t be known.
    5.Bad Piggies – only game with some kind of sandbox, guaranting lots of hours to making cool machines. Imo game with biggest undeveloped potential.
    6.AB Epic – nice RPG with lot of levels, strategies, but after lvl 30 start to be a bit too grind-based. Monotonous last times.
    7.AB Star Wars – complete game, very playable if you hunt records, probably nothing to complain. Also, it’s Star Wars.
    8.AB Space – simillar to ABSW, only with a bit worser gameplay. Good ‘new’ abilities, Solar System and Mirror Worlds make this game only better.
    9.AB Transformers – lot of characters, much fun even though lack of bigger updates, but IAPs, bugs, boring events…
    10.AB Rio – nothing to offer except harder enemies, boss levels and some insane levels. Rio 2 part is one of my favourites in whole franchise.
    11.AB Go! – has some kind of McGuffin story, but is much unplayable. Unless that, it’s a nice game.
    12.AB Friends – Pretty nice game, but with many bugs, cheaters and cash grabs.
    13.AB 2 – as Under Pigstruction it looked promising, but since some months this game it destroying. I like Silver, idea of boss levels, choosing birds, but lots of faceless levels, minimal ways to upgrade flock etc.
    14.AB Action! – this game was even likeable after all. I don’t know how it’s going after worldwide release.
    15.AB Pop! – once called continuation of AB Stella, it become very long game with random birds. Even it isn’t called Stella now.
    16.AB Fight! – I liked idea of the game at start, but every new event was worser than previous. Heavy load of bugs.
    17/18.AB Sky Fighters and Goal! – I wasn’t to play any of them yet, but I don’t predict high places.

    BTW, I’ve written a bit too much, but I don’t like to put lists alone without any explanation.


    1. Starwars 2
    2. Seasons
    3. Original
    4. Rio
    5. Starwars
    6. Space
    7. Friends
    8. Stella
    9. AB 2

    Pigineer Mec

    1. Space
    2. AB2
    3. AB Action
    4. Stella
    5. Seasons
    6. Rio
    7. Star Wars 1 and 2
    8. AB Chrome (RIP) :(
    9. Friends
    10. The Original AB


    Angry bird space
    Angry bird halloween
    Angry bird birf ninja

    Sir Falcon

    Nice, finally saw what everyone thinks. I feel Goal is just plain crap, so..yeah. My list hasn’t changed much.

Home Forums General Discussions Forum What's your favourite AB game?

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