Version 2.1 is here

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Version 2.1 is here

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  • KennyMcC

    Howmuch health has that normal set item with level 5 Enchantment? This number can be compared with ancient set item with level 5 Enchantment.


    @kennymcc I can’t post a screen shot right now because I forgot to bring my phone cord to the office with me, but I currently use a L72 E5 Bird of Just and it has 18047 health. When I get home later I can edit the post and add a screen shot.


    Here is the screen shot.


    Has anyone seen a golden pig since the upgrade? I can’t tell if I am missing them or they are not there anymore.



    I had a golden pig this afternoon.


    @suzyq How was it?


    @metztli013 Sorry I dont understand that :) U wrote that Ancient Bird of Just L72 E5 has 18047 health. @dallasreds showed us a picture where it has only 17016 health. And @dallasreds wrote that it has 21454 health in the next post. So what is the truth :)?




    @kennymcc My Bird of Just is not an ancient. It is a regular L72 enchanted to E5.



    It was delicious ?


    @metztli013 @dallasreds
    So the ancient version of it (L72,E5) has 17016 or 21454 health :)?


    @kennymcc I’m not sure on that one lol I am a little confused as well


    So, let me get this straight, I get to pay 35/50 LCs to trash *3* set items I already spent at least 100/120 LCs to acquire to get *1* new set item (that has a 1:5 chance of being “special”) but I have no control over which set item I receive and I am out a minimum of two 2 shards in the process.

    That is *such* a screaming deal, I don’t see how anyone in their right mind wouldn’t jump on it like a starving man on a Christmas ham.



    Like I said/smelled: money grab, pure and simple. A second layer of enhancement beyond shards (three, if you count rolling for epics in the first place as Level 1) that offers nothing more than a chance at slightly higher specs — all of which will be useless once more when they raise levels to 90 and then 100.

    And this level of enhancement costs exponentially more when you consider the three-to-one nature of the conversion, the relatively small chance at getting an ancient, and the fact that re-rolls cost 50 LC.

    Rovio’s true colors, shining through, just like Cyndi Lauper sang about.



    @sutekh137 Remember the good old days where you paid like $20 for a game, played the hell out of it, and then bought a new game for another $20? That seemed so expensive at the time …



    You know, on devices this whole IAP thing has been around so long I can barely recall what you are talking about… Were Android games every more than fifteen bucks or so? I guess this is the market now.

    Though, if Rovio had said two years ago I could pay $4.99 for Epic to stop ads (and knock off all the artificial IAP crap like simply raising attribute caps) or the whole thing could become soaked in IAP, I would have paid $4.99. Maybe more. I actually WILL pay for games that give me a good experience and don’t overwhelm with ads. And yes, I know I can buy LC and make ads go away. Now it is the principle of the thing — I despise all the IAP stuff and don’t want to encourage it by buying into it in that way.

    Now, though, especially with these dang ads that have to play all the way through (that Marvel fight game ad must have played hundreds of times for me by now — I can assure you I will never download that game based on principle alone)…I will never buy anything from Rovio again. Heck, I haven’t even rated Epic even when they show the nag screen for it. Birds annoy me. *smile*



    Ads are annoying, there is a mute bug after that Angry Bird Friends Ad pops up and that is often
    Rovio should fix it and to stop constantly showing that rate the game ad


    It’s not the Birds that are annoying, it’s the ads


    I checked the Ancient health again. It is 17016 E5.
    The plain top E0 is 14438 so it’s 2578 less than the Ancient.


    I got a good set (idk if it’s ancient) from it
    It was a Yin for Matilda and I got a Yang on her now
    So now the chilli goes faster and my levels are easier :)


    I hope that soon the ancient thing will get a free roll every once in a while (48 hours) because at this rate I may never roll on it again


    Also remember when ABE had the 0.99 and 2.99 options for LUCKY coins but now it’s 4.99 for the cheapest purchase :/
    I don’t want Angry Bird Epic to go on a downfall in quality like AB GO! (Its decent enough to play but I like the older version more)


    @dallasreds So… My regular L72 E5 top has 18047, and your ancient L72 E5 has 17016?

    … Wtf, Rovio?


    @jamairoqui I agree with everything you wrote. A 20% chance at ancient items costs 3 set items and 30 lcs(50 in the arena). The re rolls are also way expensive. And the weapons would be useless in 6 months. If the ancient set items are going to cost that much, they should at least level up with you when they raise the level cap. It sucks that it is also random what set you get.

    They could have created something that we would all find useful instead of this garbage. They could have let us merge set items to transfer enchantments on identical items. They could have let us level up our current sets. The could have let us change a set item into the other half of its set. Instead we got this “improvement”.


    This 2.1 releaae with ancient feature let us spent 0 LC but still continue abusing the game with an only slightly worst version of our good weapons’ sets.




    @metztli013 @dallasreds
    It seems that ancient version has lower health than normal version, right :)? Can anyone confirm that?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Version 2.1 is here

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