Update today

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Update today

  • I used to have full lives at 5, but now I can only have 3 lives at a time. Also, it used to take 30 minutes to earn a new life, and now it takes an hour.

    Wow. $$$.

    At least now there is a replay button.

    Edited to clarify.

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  • Bad piggies

    @magsy79 I have 5 lives now (before the update I had 10)


    Before the update, I was “full” at 5 lives.


    How interesting, that I had 3 lives before the update, and now I have 5!

    Also in this update, the spinning “wheel” in the bottom right corner has been replaced by three gears that spin while waiting for the next scene to load.


    I have the same six hearts as I did prior to the update. Thank You Rovio for the replay button!!!

    Bird Leader

    Replay! Woohoo!


    I also have (and have always had) 5 lives when “FULL”. @magsy79 I would suggest you contact Rovio directly about this.


    I also now have only three lives; I had five before. I missed the replay button, though – when my lives refresh I’ll have to look for it.


    @amslimfordy – Thanks for the idea. I submitted a request with Rovio. In googling for the page, though I also see Rovio is firing a lot of people. No wonder they want to suck all the money out of this game that they can.


    3 lives now first 5…. i payed about 7 a 8 euro for lives ; i think the work rovio done must payed . its not very difficult without to pay finish the levels. But i must waiting to long every time for new lives .Nobody looks (i am also)at the extra life you can get if i see a reclame ( i look tv at that moment) i think on the long time angry birds 2 aslow death if you can play every time only for 25 minutes. I have a angry birds addict ? but other players played angry birds one or other games i think. Why some players more lives than other players?


    If there is Replay button, then how do you lose lives now?


    @gulgor0 – Same way you always did. By failing to complete a level. Resetting midway still costs a heart. Level complete screen now has the option of replaying the level.

    Old Man Bird

    @amslimfordy @burbman Is there supposed to be 3 lives now instead of 5? Google Play has tons of comments saying we only get 3 lives now. Also, if I understand what the replay button does is allows you to replay completed levels without losing lives, so they can be 3-starred. Is that correct?

    Finally, in general if they have reduced the number of lives that is a terrible move from a public relations standpoint. If they needed money that bad then they should have charged $10 for the game initially and did away with the lives concept. I had considered paying for spells if needed, but now if we have less lives, it’s a matter of principal that I won’t. I already noticed that they went up substantially on Angry Birds Friends, before I had spent money on it, but now if I can just earn the coins, I will be less likely to spend a cent.

    Does greed have to ruin everything eventually?


    @oldmanbird – I have not seen any change in the number of lives, or in the way that they are lost. What the replay button allows is for you to replay the same level you just completed without having to load the next level, exit out of that, and then reload the level you just completed. Really just a time saving feature when playing to improve a score, or gain additional stars.

    In my experience, there are sufficient ways within the game to gain gems without paying cash. In fact I have yet to spend one penny on this game, and am doing quite well.


    We will inquire about what the proper number of lives is supposed to be.


    I cleared the data and login with FB again.


    On iOS only 3 lives since update. Dislike this update so much, I’m yet considering to stop playing AB2 ?


    Something more ridiculous is life timer is one hour now.


    Read on twitter it said is a part of test group, what meaning?

    Mine one still same, nothing change, 5 live, 30 minutes to refill (but it not exact 30, it’s 28 minutes).


    I posted a new thread in which rovio responded to my complaint.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Update today

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