Upcoming Stella Arena

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Upcoming Stella Arena

  • Prepare your arena tickets for the Stella arena is coming after the Aqua Pig event ended. This time, I noticed the prize isn’t any weapons used for the laboratory levels but a trophy (gold, silver, bronze) just like the old arena days.

    I also saw Stella’s new set items(?) that looks like a maid outfit. Wonder what powers it will have.

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  • Anonymous

    Wondering what powers it will have? Like all the new and limited released during arena cup, the skills are streak atk, streak def, and streak hp. Isn’t any exciting set.


    The item is a Fever item. Definitely getting a lot of draws this arena.


    @donewithpigs What I meant is Stella’s new set items, the maid outfit including the maid bell, not the trophy you win from the arena (Sorry if my sentence confused you :P)


    So does the mean that Stella’s trophy from 1 or 2 cups ago has been brought back (Assuming she had one)? Or is this a completely different trophy?

    Also, has Stella ever had a rainbow weapon variant? If so I’ve never seen it.


    @partshade It is the trophy plate (I believe that is what you call it?)

    Also, Stella does have a rainbow weapon and it’s a crossbow. If you watch ABN’s video about Fight! (the current videos), MightyRed does have that weapon for Stella.


    @kogurazul Ok thanks. I’ll watch the video right now actually.

    Can’t believe I haven’t seen even a wooden version of the crossbow though…


    Am I crazy or is this Event ending 2 hrs early? It’s 9:56pm here on East Coast USA & despite the fact this Arena started at just after Midnight on 2/29 & ending in 4 days would be just after midnight 3/4, Stella Arena is ending in 3 min.



    Yes, I’m just as surprised.

    Did the tournament end earlier this time? I’d bet someone from Rovio F-ed up, which would not be surprising.

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Upcoming Stella Arena

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