Upcoming Event – Bavarian Funfair (Elite Illusionist)

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Upcoming Event – Bavarian Funfair (Elite Illusionist)

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  • BF10

    Thanks. Got it 2 starred with Cleric, Berserker, and Rogues.


    @bf10 If u have problems, prepare enough Chili cakes and use them as much as needed to defeat the pigs :)


    Better 2 stars than none. :)
    (In fact, I only got 2 stars on Level 16 myself! First time in long that I didn’t 3-star an event level)

    The Dark Knight

    i have finishes without re play a stage all in 3 stars 1 more Candyfloss to go and i will have crafted the elite headgear!


    @kennymcc yes @suzyq saw this last week. Problem is the cheater is in her league again this week. So no bye bye cheater. Rovio do not punish them! Naming and shaming does nothing to people who have no shame.


    Yeah it seems that Rovio does not delete cheater’s account. But does it solve anything if the cheater’s account is deleted? He can create new account. Maybe it is better to let him to keep his account and everytime he cheats his score is reset. U can hardly create better anti-cheat system in this game, or?


    @kennymcc yes I agree the score should be reset every time. It isn’t however. I have 8 cheats in my league. Two have altered their scores while I was playing. They have not been reset to zero. What is ridiculous is that I will be lucky to stay out of the bottom 3 so I will be demoted. Yet 3 of the players in my league were reset to zero last week but were clearly not demoted since they are still playing in Diamond.

    Yet another spectacular failure by Rovio.


    Treasure Hunter seems to work pretty well on the Brute. Especially if you use Chuck’s rage since you get two chances to reduce the Brute’s charge bar. I switched out my Trickster for TH and these levels got a lot easier.


    @bubbley @kennymcc I’ve tried to make this point before. “Jumping” scores are not necessarily evidence of cheating. For example, if you are playing with no network connection your Arena score can increase but it won’t propagate through to the leaderboard until you connect back to the network. So let’s say you’re getting on a trans-Atlantic flight and set your device up to run ABE with no network connection before you take off. While in the air, without a network, you grind 5 hrs of Arena battles and accumulate maybe 12,000 points. When you touch down and reconnect to the network, ABE then updates your account and your leaderboard jumps up 12,000 points. It looks like you cheated (whether or not you consider playing while not logged into the network as cheating is a different topic), but in the case of network issues causing jumps, the battles still have to be fought and won. So as far as Rovio is concerned there was no cheating because maybe there is a log of each battle.

    Because some devices can be made to run ABE without a network connection, it is possible for someone to play an entire week in a league with their device not connected to the network, then connect on Sunday morning and have the highest score. It seems like a stupid way to approach the game to me, but if it’s possible and not too difficult to accomplish then I think it’s likely that someone out there is doing it. “Jumping” scores that are consistent with what people could get by grinding over an hour, day, or week are not prima facie evidence of cheating.


    I was able to beat Ringmaster Wizpig/Chef Pig easily using nearly the Wizpig’s Caslte strategy, alongside Capt’n Bomb.

    Wizpig has some errors though:
    His massive attack takes three turns to charge, not one (the stats say he attacks it instantly, and not 3 turns). Thus, he is not a Lawrence that attacks instantly.

    The Show Must Go On is called “Show must go on” if you read his stats with it active.

    “Show must go on” uses the heavy power effect instead of the critical one.


    @suzyq Congrats… I spent a full day off the grind… so, I will JUST get there LOL


    That DNINO guy will have nightmares for days.


    I my be demoted from diamond also. The battles have been so fierce since the update that I am having trouble meeting objectives. When I lost my third today I was tied for 11th Place And had only finished two sets of objectives. One day I completed none. This kinda puts the damper on success in the arena. Every other day I get “win 3 and beat all opponents in a single turn”. I used to enjoy that one but not any longer. Good luck.


    @jamairoqui I fail to understand how it can be possible to play with no network connection. What I do know is that Rovio have taken action against players that are now in my league. This action was to zero their scores. That means that these players should have been demoted. It doesn’t matter what league they were in. What matters is they should not possibly in Diamond league.

    I am playing in a league full of cheats who Rovio know of yet they have done nothing. I am about to be demoted. They have had their scores set to zero but they were not demoted.

    I am lost for words now.


    How do I tri-star the levels with the healing do 50% without Sweet?


    If you can defeat the enemies fast enough then healing won’t matter much.
    It’s also important to finish with all three birds alive! With two birds alive it’ll be difficult to get 3 stars. With one bird alive it’s impossible.


    I thought the health was important. But that can work. Thanks!

    Edit: I tried using classes of all kinds, but they don’t work. Is potions required?


    So how many of you have collected the upgrade?


    @datguygamer I collected him a couple of days ago. I have encountered a few in the Arena also. He remains a niche bird for me.



    I also got him a couple of days ago too. I haven’t seem him in the Arena yet, but sure I will very soon.


    @datguygamer a few days ago for me as well. I did use him the first day to complete the final level against the Ringmaster. Worked well (better than the regular Class, obviously), but I am in agreement with @bubbley , will be a Class seldom used unless forced.


    @bubbley @suzyq @pointless
    Nice to see three people having unlocked the class (there may be more).

    Well even though it may be a very situational class, at least your collections are growing ever more complete.


    I got Elite Illusionist a couple days ago too. Just trying to keep my top 3 position for the rewards now.


    I forgot my 3rd run of GPC!
    Now I am three minutes late for a 4th run… 10 LC’s missed. :'(

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Upcoming Event – Bavarian Funfair (Elite Illusionist)

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