Time travel issue?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Time travel issue?

  • Hi! I’m new to the forums. I received the new Halloween update. It was pretty great and I was at the top of the leader board for the most pumpkins. However, a few hours ago I opened my app and I had a strange message about time travel and I went from a 220-something level to 172. My crystals went to only 3, I loss major coins and all of my characters are back to level 5 or 6. I had most of my guys anywhere between level 8-15. I checked to see if something had happened to the date and time on my iPad, and apparently something happened. I’ve adjusted the date and I still can’t get back to where I left off originally. I also had to start over in the Halloween competition. I went from first place to nothing! I’m pretty bummed because I put in a lot of time to build up my characters and coins. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is it just a glitch and will resume to normal?

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  • Mighty Red

    @dr-doom Setting your time settings back to normal will NOT restore your character levels. However, you can try sending Rovio a support request asking to restore your progress from a time before your characters were reduced, e.g. if your characters were reduced on October 27, ask them to restore your progress from October 26. I once had Rovio restore my progress this way (although it was done to fix some glitches), so there’s a good chance they’ll do the same for you.
    P.S., always keep your time settings on auto, because there’s always a chance any time adjustments will trigger the anti-cheat system and your characters will be reduced, especially if you have the game running in the background.


    do you have a screenshot of the time travel message


    Thank you. I will try contacting Rovio! I usually have my date & time set to auto, but I have no clue what happened. The date was off and even the clock was ahead by several hours. I appreciate the feedback!


    No, I didn’t think to take a screen shot. It was only up for a few seconds, enough time for me to read what it said.


    It goes something like

    “Time Travel Weirdness has been detected. Some or all of your xxxxxxxxxx have been affected/ badly affected”


    Yes, it says something like that.

    I’ve reset the date and time. Last night I was level 172, jumped to 174. Then this morning I was at 142 and now my level is at 200. I haven’t changed any of my settings. I’m not sure what is going on now. Each time my level changes my coins and crystals are effected. Grr!


    Uh, what’s going to happen when the time actually changes this Saturday night?



    I don’t recall anything bad happening back in the spring, or last fall either.



    That’s true, I don’t recall any problems back then either, however I don’t recall anyone getting the time travel bug that who had not adjusted the time/date.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Time travel issue?

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